WB_BPSK_AnalySis.rar:BPSK modulation and link AnalySis of UWB monocycle and doublet waveforms.Revised 1/2/05-JC.This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for BPSK 1st and 2nd derivative equations used in UWB system AnalySis.
标签: WB_BPSK_AnalySis modulation and monocycle
上传时间: 2016-11-12
翻译的Soft core processors and embedded processing: a survey and AnalySis论文,可供大家参考,
标签: processors processing and AnalySis
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Semantic AnalySis of multimedia content is an on going research area that has gained a lot of attention over the last few years. Additionally, machine learning techniques are widely used for multimedia AnalySis with great success. This work presents a combined approach to semantic adaptation of neural network classifiers in multimedia framework. It is based on a fuzzy reasoning engine which is able to evaluate the outputs and the confidence levels of the neural network classifier, using a knowledge base. Improved image segmentation results are obtained, which are used for adaptation of the network classifier, further increasing its ability to provide accurate classification of the specific content.
标签: multimedia Semantic AnalySis research
上传时间: 2016-11-24
对应分析correspondence AnalySis(ANACOR) [G,F,A]=ANACOR(X),X为原始数据 p X n维 即有n个样本,每个样本由p个变量来描述。返回F为R型因子分析后的结果,Q为最后的结果,A=ZZ 。
标签: ANACOR correspondence AnalySis 分
上传时间: 2016-11-26
BP neural network for time series AnalySis predicted that by entering the corresponding time-series data to predict the future, suitable for beginners on the BP neural network learning
标签: corresponding time-series predicted AnalySis
上传时间: 2016-11-27
wireless telephone circuit and AnalySis
标签: telephone wireless AnalySis circuit
上传时间: 2014-10-30
in this document, i make a compartion between two algorithms, computational cost, algorithm AnalySis, on c. excuse my english
标签: computational compartion algorithms algorithm
上传时间: 2013-12-20
MFA: Marginal Fisher AnalySis
标签: AnalySis Marginal Fisher MFA
上传时间: 2014-08-02
Chan T. and Shen J., Image Processing and AnalySis (2005,400pp)一本图像处理的书~很有意思,台湾的人写的
标签: T. Processing and AnalySis
上传时间: 2013-12-22
編譯器設計 AnalySis-Synthesis Model 分析AnalySis: 原始程式轉換成階層結構稱為樹(tree),語法樹(syntax tree) 合成Synthesis: 產生目標碼
标签: AnalySis-Synthesis AnalySis Model tree
上传时间: 2016-12-01