Matlab environment based on the independent component AnalySis (ICA) is the imagie mixed with the separation of simulation program
标签: the environment independent component
上传时间: 2014-08-10
usb protocol deep AnalySis, development
标签: development protocol AnalySis deep
上传时间: 2016-06-11
独立分量分析(Independent Component AnalySis,简称ICA)是近二十年来逐渐发展起来的一种盲信号分离方法。它是一种统计方法,其目的是从由传感器收集到的混合信号中分离出相互独立的源信号,使得这些分离出来的源信号之间尽可能独立。它在语音识别、电信和医学信号处理等信号处理方面有着广泛的应用,目前已成为盲信号处理,人工神经网络等研究领域中的一个研究热点。 本文简要的阐述了ICA的发展、应用和现状,详细地论述了ICA的原理及实现过程,系统地介绍了目前几种主要ICA算法以及它们之间的内在联系,在此基础上重点分析了一种快速ICA实现算法一FastICA。 物质的非线性荧光谱信号可以看成是由多个相互独立的源信号组合成的混合信号,而这些独立的源信号可以看成是光谱的特征信号。为了更好的了解光谱信号的特征,本文利用独立分量分析的思想和方法,提出了利用FastICA算法提取光谱信号的特征的方案,并进行了仿真实验。
标签: Independent Component AnalySis 分
上传时间: 2013-12-20
FEAPpv A Finite Element AnalySis Program: Personal Version
标签: AnalySis Personal Element Program
上传时间: 2013-12-11
pca人脸识别This package implements basic Principal Component AnalySis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Principal Component AnalySis
上传时间: 2014-01-03
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component AnalySis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal AnalySis
上传时间: 2016-06-25
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component AnalySis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal AnalySis
上传时间: 2016-06-25
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component AnalySis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal AnalySis
上传时间: 2016-06-25
PCA人脸识别 This package implements basic Principal Component AnalySis in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames
标签: implements Component Principal AnalySis
上传时间: 2013-12-16
matlab principal component AnalySis, PCA算法.
标签: component principal AnalySis matlab
上传时间: 2013-12-31