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  • PAM2862 1A LED Driver with Int

    The PAM2862 is a continuous mode inductivestep-down converter, designed for driving singleor multiple series connected LEDs efficientlyfrom a voltage source higher than the LEDvoltage. The device operates from an inputupply between 6V and 30V and provides anexternally adjustable output current of up to 1A.Depending upon supply voltage and externalcomponents, this can provide up to 24 watts ofoutput power.

    标签: Driver 2862 with PAM

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • Replacement of NXP PCA9518 wit

    The outputs of the PCA9518 are immediately available as soon as there is a voltage present on thesupply >~1V and behave as described above. The power-on reset of the PCA9518A keeps the outputsturned off during power-up and maintains the high impedance of the outputs throughout the power-upcycle. There is an additional built-in delay after power-up that allows the analog circuits to stabilize beforethe part is activated.

    标签: Replacement 9518 NXP PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 高压双管反激变换器的设计

    高压双管反激变换器的设计:介绍一种双管反激的电路拓扑,分析了其工作原理,给出了一些关键技术参数的计算公式,设计并研制成功的30W 380V AC5 0H z/510V DC/+15.1 V DC(1A )、+5.2VDC(2A)辅助开关电源具有功率密度高、变换效率高、可靠性高等优良的综合性能。该变换器在高电压输人情况下有重要的应用价值。【关 键 词 】变换器,辅助开关电源,双管反激 [Abstract】 A n e wt opologyfo rd oubles witchfl ybackc onverteris in troduced.Th eo perationp rincipleis a nalyzeda nds ome for mulas for calculating key parameters for the topology are presented. The designed and produced auxiliary switching power supply,i. e. 30W 380V AC5 0H z/5 10V DC/+15.1 V DC《1A )、+5.2 V DC《2A ),hase xcellentc omprehensivep erformances sucha sh ighp owerd ensity, hi ghc onversione fficiencya ndh ighr eliability.Th isc onverterh asim portanta pplicationv aluef orh igh input voltag [Keywords ]converter,au xiliary switchingp owers upply,do ubles witchf lybac

    标签: 双管反激 变换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • 基于LabVIEW和单片机的空调温度场测量系统的研究

    基于LabVIEW和单片机的空调温度场测量系统的研究:室内温度是空调系统舒适性的重要指标,对其及时、准确地测量显得非常重要。介绍单片机AT89C51 和数字式、单总线型温度传感器DS18B20 组成矩形测量网络采集空调室内40 点温度,LabVIEW作为开发平台,二者之间通过串口实现数据通信,利用LabVIEW强大的数据处理和显示功能对采集的空调温度场数据进行实时处理、分析和显示,详细介绍了系统的硬件结构和软件模块的设计方案。关键词:单片机;DS18B20 ;LabVIEW;串行通信 Abstract : Temperature is a very important criterion of air condition system′s comfort , so it is very significant to measure it accurately and real timely. This paper int roduces a data acquisition system of measuring 40 point s temperature for air condition room based on single wire digital sensor DS18B20 and microcont roller AT89C51 which are composed of rectangle measuring meshwork. The data communication between LabVIEW and microcont roller is executed via serial port ,and the temperature field data of air condition room are processed analyzed and displayed on LabVIEW. The hardware and software modules are also given in detail.Keywords : single chip ;DS18B20 ;LabVIEW; serial communication

    标签: LabVIEW 单片机 空调 温度场

    上传时间: 2014-05-05


  • 水位监测报警系统原理

    摘要:本水位监测报警器使用5V低压直流电源(也可以用3节5号电池代替)就可以对5~15厘米的水位进行监测,用LED显示和数码管显示水位,并可以对不再此范围内的水位发出报警。主要采用CD4066、74LS86、74LS32、CD4511芯片,再加上数码管、蜂鸣器、发光二极管、电阻这些器件组成一个简单而灵敏的监测报警电路,操作简单,接通电源即可工作。因为大部分电路采用数字电路,所以本水位监测报警器还具有耗能低、准确性高的特点。关键字:译码电路    报警电路    监测电路 Abstract: The water level alarm monitoring the use of 5 V low-voltage DC power (can also use three batteries replaced on the 5th) will be able to 5 to 15 centimeters of water level monitoring, with LED display and digital display of water level, and this can no longer Within the scope of a water level alarm. Mainly CD4066, 74LS86, 74LS32, CD4511 chips, coupled with digital control, buzzer, light-emitting diode, the resistance of these devices composed of a simple and sensitive monitoring alarm circuits. Because the majority of circuits using digital circuitry, so the water level monitored alarm system also has low energy consumption, high accuracy of the characteristics. Keyword: Decoding circuit alarm circuit monitoring circuit

    标签: 水位 监测报警 系统原理

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • SPCE061A指令系统

    SPCE061A采用的内核           SPCE061A采用的内核(CPU)为μ‘nSP。          μ‘nSP(读做micro-n-S-P)是凌阳科技推出的16位微处理器,它的突出特点是较高的处理速度,这就使其有能力进行复杂的数字信号处理(DSP,Digital Signal Processing)。 μ‘nSP内核由凌阳自主开发,因而也具备它自己的指令系统。 指令系统.61 3.1 指令系统的概述及符号约定.61 3.2 数据传送指令62 3.3 算术运算..66 3.3.1 加法运算..67 3.3.2 减法运算..68 3.3.3 带进位的加减运算.70 3.3.4 取补运算..70 3.3.5 SPCE061A的乘法指令.71 3.3.6 SPCE061A的n项内积运算指令.71 3.3.7 比较运算(影响标志位N,Z,S,C)..73 3.4 SPCE061A的逻辑运算.74 3.4.1 逻辑与..74 3.4.2 逻辑或..75 3.4.3 逻辑异或..76 3.4.4 测试(TEST).78 3.4.5 SPCE061A的移位操作.80 3.5 SPCE061A的控制转移类指令..83 3.6 伪指令86 3.6.1 伪指令的语法格式及特点..87 3.6.2 伪指令符号约定..87 3.6.3 标准伪指令.87 3.6.4 宏定义与调用98 3.6.5 段的定义与调用101 3.6.6 结构的定义与调用..102 3.6.7 过程的定义与调用..106 3.6.8 伪指令的应用举例..106

    标签: SPCE 061A 061 指令系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • μ’nSP单片机应用及开发技术

    本章将介绍μ’nSP™系列单片机的应用领域,具体讲述SPCE061A单片机在通讯、语音领域里的应用,并详细给出了有关系统的电路原理图、程序流程图以及程序代码,供读者参考。 μ’nSP™家族产品具有电源电压范围和工作速率范围较宽、集成度高、性能价格比高以及功耗低等特点,故其有非常广泛的应用领域。μ’nSP™家族系列产品,涵盖了非常广泛的应用。包括:发音与语音识别的微控制器(SPCE系列)、通信来电辩识应用的微控制器(SPT660x系列)、以及通用型微控制器等等,主要体现在以下几个方面:􀂄 用于数字信号处理􀂄 用于开发研制便携式移动终端􀂄 用于开发嵌入式计算机应用系统 用于数字信号处理1. 数字滤波器 (Digital Filter)数字滤波器是一种计算处理或算法。借助于此,可以将输入的一种数字信号或序列变换为另一种序列输出。数字滤波器已被广泛地应用于数字语音、数字图像处理以及模式识别和频谱分析。数字信号处理器(DSP,Digital Signal Processor)的作用是通过一系列数字来表示信号及其信息,并借助数字计算方法变换和处理这些信号。为了构成DSP,必须有一种部件能够快速地完成两个数值的乘法运算并将乘积累加于寄存器。“快速”意味着乘和累加(MAC,Multiply & ACcumulate)较高的运算速度。若以16位数值进行乘和累加,其结果应为32位。显然,μ’nSP™的硬件结构与其指令系统的结合足以构成DSP应用的硬件MAC单元,因而很适用于一些DSP方面的应用。

    标签: nSP 单片机应用 开发技术

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • 基于单片机的汽车多功能报警系统设计

    基于单片机的汽车多功能报警系统设计The Design of Automobile Multi-function AlarmingBased on Single Chip Computer刘法治赵明富宁睡达(河 南 科 技 学 院 ,新 乡 453 00 3)摘要介绍了一种基于单片机控制的汽车多功能报警系统,它能对汽车的润滑系统油压、制动系统气压、冷却系统温度、轮胎欠压及防盗进行自动检测,并在发现异常情况时,发出声光报警。阐述了该报警系统的硬件组成及软件设计方法。关键词单片机传感器数模转换报警Abstract Am ulti-fimctiona utomobilea larnungs ystemb asedo ns inglec hipc omputerco ntorlis in torducedin th isp aper.Th eo ilpr essuero flu bricatesystem, air pressure of braking system, temperature of cooling system, under pressure of tyre and guard against theft, detected automaticaly场thesystem. Audio and visual alarms wil be provided under abnormal conditions厂The hardware composition and software design of the system, described.Keywords Singlec hipc omputer Sensor Digital-t-oanaloguec onversion Alarmin 汽车多功能报苦器硬件系统设计根据 系 统 实际需要和产品性价比,选用ATMEL公司新生产的采用CMOs工艺的低功耗、高性能8位单片机AT89S52作为系统的控制器。AT89S52的片内有8k Bytes LSP Flash闪烁存储器,可进行100(〕次写、擦除操作;256Bytes内部数据存储器(RAM);3 2 根可编程输N输出线;2个可编程全双工串行通道;看门狗(WTD)电路等。系统由传感器、单片机、模数转换器、无线信号发射电路、指示灯驱动电路、声光报警驱动电KD一9563,发出三声二闪光。并触发一个高电平,驱动无线信号发射电路。

    标签: 单片机 汽车 多功能 报警

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 基于ADSP-BF561 的数字摄像系统设计

    基于ADSP-BF561的数字摄像系统设计Design of Digital Video Camera System Based on Digital Signal ProcessorADSP-BF561(浙江大学 信息与通信工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310027) 马海杰, 刘云海摘要:介绍了基于ADI双核的数字信号处理芯片ADSP-BF561 的数字摄像系统实现方案。系统包括硬件和软件两部分,硬件主要有ADSP-BF561及其外围电路、音视频模数/数模转换、CF卡/微硬盘接口等部分。软件主要有操作系统及音视频编解码算法等部分。关键词:ADSP-BF561 ;数字摄像机;微硬盘;MPEG-4;A/D;D/A中图分类号:TN948.41文献标识码:AAbstract: An implementation of digital video camera system based on ADI dual core digital signal processor ADSP-BF561 is introduced. The system can be divided into two parts——hardware and software design. The hardware design includes ADSP-BF561 and perpheral apparatus, A/D,D/A, CF card or Microdrive and so on. The software includes operating system , audio and video coding algorithm.Key words: ADSP-BF561; digital video camera; microdrive; MPEG-4;A/D;D/A

    标签: ADSP-BF 561 数字摄像 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • PL2303 USB to Serial Adapter

    The PL2303 USB to Serial adapter is your smart and convenient accessory forconnecting RS-232 serial devices to your USB-equipped Windows host computer. Itprovides a bridge connection with a standard DB 9-pin male serial port connector inone end and a standard Type-A USB plug connector on the other end. You simplyattach the serial device onto the serial port of the cable and plug the USB connectorinto your PC USB port. It allows a simple and easy way of adding serial connectionsto your PC without having to go thru inserting a serial card and traditional portconfiguration.This USB to Serial adapter is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, PDAs,digital cameras, card readers and other serial devices to your computer. It providesserial connections up to 1Mbps of data transfer rate. And since USB does not requireany IRQ resource, more devices can be attached to the system without the previoushassles of device and resource conflicts.Finally, the PL-2303 USB to Serial adapter is a fully USB Specification compliantdevice and therefore supports advanced power management such as suspend andresume operations as well as remote wakeup. The PL-2303 USB Serial cable adapteris designed to work on all Windows operating systems.

    标签: Adapter Serial 2303 USB

    上传时间: 2013-11-01
