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  • ADS2005A入门教程

    ADS – Advanced Design System,由美国Agilent 公司推出的微波电路和通信系统仿真软件,是当今业界最流行的微波射频电路、通信系统、RFIC 设计软件.

    标签: 2005A 2005 ADS 入门教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • LPC4300系列ARM双核微控制器产品数据手册

    The LPC4350/30/20/10 are ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embeddedapplications. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers systemenhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a highlevel of support block integration.The LPC4350/30/20/10 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 150 MHz. The ARMCortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture withseparate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, andincludes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching. The ARMCortex-M4 supports single-cycle digital signal processing and SIMD instructions. Ahardware floating-point processor is integrated in the core.The LPC4350/30/20/10 include an ARM Cortex-M0 coprocessor, up to 264 kB of datamemory, Advanced configurable peripherals such as the State Configurable Timer (SCT)and the Serial General Purpose I/O (SGPIO) interface, two High-speed USB controllers,Ethernet, LCD, an external memory controller, and multiple digital and analog peripherals

    标签: 4300 LPC ARM 双核微控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28



    ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)是微处理器行业的一家知名企业,设计了大量高性能、廉价、耗能低的RISC处理器、相关技术及软件。技术具有性能高、成本低和能耗省的特点。适用于多种领域,比如嵌入控制、消费/教育类多媒体、DSP和移动式应用等。 ARM将其技术授权给世界上许多著名的半导体、软件和OEM厂商,每个厂商得到的都是一套独一无二的ARM相关技术及服务。利用这种合伙关系,ARM很快成为许多全球性RISC标准的缔造者。

    标签: WINCE ARM

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于ARM的一体化核磁共振谱仪

    核磁共振(NMR)是重要的检测手段和分析手段之一。随着其应用领域的拓展和 深入,核磁共振谱仪技术也不断地发展和完善。常规商业化谱仪虽然功能强大,但 是谱仪结构复杂,体积庞大,价格昂贵,因此限制了NMR技术的应用场合。而在许 多应用场合,比如教学中,往往需要一种结构简单,体积小巧,价格便宜,集成度 高的一体化核磁共振谱仪。 而随着A跚(Advanced RISC Machines)技术的发展与成熟,本文提出了一种用 于磁共振成像系统的,基于A刚的一体化核磁共振成像谱仪的设计方案。提供了谱 仪各部分的实际性能测试的结果和谱仪整体工作的成像实验结果,并对研制和实验 结果进行了讨论。 本论文主要内容如下: 第一,主要介绍了核磁共振原理,核磁共振成像的原理,核磁共振成像系统的结构。 第二,介绍ARM的概念与基本原理并简要介绍了相关的软件。 第三,介绍了一体化谱仪的研制过程,并分别从母板和核心板两部分的硬件部分设 计与软件部分设计上进行了相应的描述。 第四,介绍本谱仪系统的性能测试结果,并总结调试心得与现有问题,并对以后提出展望。  有关核磁共振更多知识请查看:医学影像设备

    标签: ARM 核磁共振 谱仪

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 英文版RAR密码破解工具Advanced RAR Password Recovery archpr


    标签: Advanced Password Recovery

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • Aspen plus工艺流程模拟软件介绍

      Aspen Plus介绍 (物性数据库)   · Aspen Plus ---生产装置设计、稳态模拟和优化的大型通用流程模拟系统   · Aspen Plus是大型通用流程模拟系统,源于美国能源部七十年代后期在麻省理工学院(MIT)组织的会 战,开发新型第三代流程模拟软件。该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(Advanced System for Process Engineering,简称ASPEN),并于1981年底完成。1982年为了将其商品化,成立了AspenTech公司,并称之为Aspen Plus。该软件经过20多年来不断地改进、扩充和提高,已先后推出了十多个版本,成为举世公认的标准大型流程模拟软件,应用案例数以百万计。全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是Aspen Plus的用户。 它以严格的机理模型和先进的技术赢得广大用户的信赖,它具有以下特性:   1. ASPEN PLUS有一个公认的跟踪记录,在一个工艺过程的制造的整个生命周期中提供巨大的经济效益,制造生命周期包括从研究与开发经过工程到生产。   2. ASPEN PLUS使用最新的软件工程技术通过它的Microsoft Windows图形界面和交互式客户-服务器模拟结构使得工程生产力最大。   3. ASPEN PLUS拥有精确模拟范围广泛的实际应用所需的工程能力, 这些实际应用包括从炼油到非理想化学系统到含电解质和固体的工艺过程。   4. ASPEN PLUS是AspenTech的集成聪明制造系统技术的一个核心部分, 该技术能在你公司的整个过程工程基本设施范围内捕获过程专业知识并充分利用。   在实际应用中,ASPEN PLUS可以帮助工程师解决快速闪蒸计算、设计一个新的工艺过程、查找一个原油加工装置的故障或者优化一个乙烯全装置的操作等工程和操作的关键问。

    标签: Aspen plus 工艺流程 模拟

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 英文版RAR密码破解工具Advanced RAR Password Recovery archpr


    标签: Advanced Password Recovery

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • XAPP740利用AXI互联设计高性能视频系统

    This application note covers the design considerations of a system using the performance features of the LogiCORE™ IP Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) Interconnect core. The design focuses on high system throughput through the AXI Interconnect core with F MAX  and area optimizations in certain portions of the design. The design uses five AXI video direct memory access (VDMA) engines to simultaneously move 10 streams (five transmit video streams and five receive video streams), each in 1920 x 1080p format, 60 Hz refresh rate, and up to 32 data bits per pixel. Each VDMA is driven from a video test pattern generator (TPG) with a video timing controller (VTC) block to set up the necessary video timing signals. Data read by each AXI VDMA is sent to a common on-screen display (OSD) core capable of multiplexing or overlaying multiple video streams to a single output video stream. The output of the OSD core drives the DVI video display interface on the board. Performance monitor blocks are added to capture performance data. All 10 video streams moved by the AXI VDMA blocks are buffered through a shared DDR3 SDRAM memory and are controlled by a MicroBlaze™ processor. The reference system is targeted for the Virtex-6 XC6VLX240TFF1156-1 FPGA on the Xilinx® ML605 Rev D evaluation board

    标签: XAPP 740 AXI 互联

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 赛灵思电机控制开发套件简介(英文版)

      The power of programmability gives industrial automation designers a highly efficient, cost-effective alternative to traditional motor control units (MCUs)。 The parallel-processing power, fast computational speeds, and connectivity versatility of Xilinx® FPGAs can accelerate the implementation of Advanced motor control algorithms such as Field Oriented Control (FOC)。   Additionally, Xilinx devices lower costs with greater on-chip integration of system components and shorten latencies with high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) that can tackle compute-intensive functions such as PID Controller, Clark/Park transforms, and Space Vector PWM.   The Xilinx Spartan®-6 FPGA Motor Control Development Kit gives designers an ideal starting point for evaluating time-saving, proven, motor-control reference designs. The kit also shortens the process of developing custom control capabilities, with integrated peripheral functions (Ethernet, PowerLink, and PCI® Express), a motor-control FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) with built-in Texas Instruments motor drivers and high-precision Delta-Sigma modulators, and prototyping support for evaluating alternative front-end circuitry.

    标签: 赛灵思 电机控制 开发套件 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • An easy, yet highly-configurable iptables-based firewall solution designed for everybody from home u

    An easy, yet highly-configurable iptables-based firewall solution designed for everybody from home users to network admins. Functionality for IPv6, tunneling, IPSec, and Advanced routing is planned.

    标签: highly-configurable iptables-based everybody designed

    上传时间: 2014-10-11
