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Academic writing

  • Writing Efficient Testbenches

    本文讨论了如何设计有效的testbench,适合刚接触testbench不久的用户阅读提高 (xilinx公司编写)

    标签: Testbenches Efficient Writing

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • Verilog Coding Style for Efficient Digital Design

      In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All theseproblems are accompanied by an example to have a better idea, and these can be taken care off if thesecoding guidelines are followed. Discussion of all the techniques is beyond the scope of this paper, however,here we try to cover a few of them.

    标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory device

    This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty. Pages : 336 Slots : 1

    标签: programmers introduces embedded include

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • vs.lib is a math library in C++ with a set of linear algebra and integrable / differentiable objects

    vs.lib is a math library in C++ with a set of linear algebra and integrable / differentiable objects. vs.lib is a rapid-proto-typing tool which makes programming in numerical applications as easy as writing mathematical expressions.

    标签: differentiable integrable algebra library

    上传时间: 2015-03-03


  • Overview In this chapter I introduce Borland C++Builder (BCB) and explain what it is about. I also d

    Overview In this chapter I introduce Borland C++Builder (BCB) and explain what it is about. I also devote considerable time to explaining the purpose of this book and the philosophy behind my approach to technical writing. Technical subjects covered in this chapter include Creating a simple Multimedia RAD program that plays movies, WAV files, and MIDI files. Shutting down the BCB RAD programming tools and writing raw Windows API code instead. Creating components dynamically on the heap at runtime. Setting up event handlers (closures) dynamically at runtime. A brief introduction to using exceptions. This topic is covered in more depth in Chapter 5, "Exceptions." A brief introduction to ANSI strings. This subject is covered in more depth in Chapter 3, "C++Builder and the VCL." Using the online help. Greping through the include and source files that come with the product and with this book.

    标签: introduce Overview Borland Builder

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • windows外壳扩展编程入门实例 关于Windows 外壳扩展方面的文章私心以为最好的应当算是Michael Dunn 的The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writin

    windows外壳扩展编程入门实例 关于Windows 外壳扩展方面的文章私心以为最好的应当算是Michael Dunn 的The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Writing Shell Extensions 我也曾想过所谓眼前有景道不 得崔颢题诗在上头既然已经有了这么好的文章我还来饶舌算什么不过转念再想文章 虽好毕竟是为Visual C++的用户看的对Delphi 的使用者来说似乎有点不公平我最初编 写Shell Extension 的时候用的也是Visual C++ 不过现在已经转而使用Delphi 觉得两者 毕竟还是有所不同因此就有了这篇文章算是将我的一些心得体会和大家分享 我最初的打算是将Michael Dunn 文章中涉及的全部内容全部转成Delphi 程序再加上我

    标签: Complete windows Windows Michael

    上传时间: 2014-02-04


  • 本设备驱动教程是一本实际操作指南

    本设备驱动教程是一本实际操作指南,介绍如何开发简单的 SolarisTM 操作系统(Solaris OS)驱动程序。设备驱动教程 还阐述了设备驱动程序在 Solaris 操作系统中的工作原理。本书与 Writing Device Drivers 配套。Writing Device Drivers 是一个详尽的参考文档,对多种设备和驱动程序进行了讨论。设备驱动教程探讨了完整的驱动程序,但没有对所有驱动程序类型进行全面分析。设备驱动教程中的很多地方都引用了 Writing Device Drivers 及其他书籍的内容,以提供更详细的信息。需要开发、安装和配置 Solaris 操作系统设备驱动程序者,以及需要维护现有驱动程序或为现有的 Solaris 操作系统驱动程序添加新功能者,都应阅读本书。本书提供的内核方面的信息也有助于诊断和排除在安装或配置 Solaris 系统时遇到的问题。

    标签: 设备驱动 教程 操作

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • 10分钟学会SQl第三版 Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for

    10分钟学会SQl第三版 Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for introductory SQL books, offering a fast-paced accessible tutorial to the major themes and techniques involved in applying the SQL language. Forta s examples are clear and his writing style is crisp and concise. As with earlier editions, this revision includes coverage of current versions of all major commercial SQL platforms. New this time around is coverage of MySQL, and PostgreSQL. All examples have been tested against each SQL platform, with incompatibilities or platform distinctives called out and explained.

    标签: established Yourself standard Minutes

    上传时间: 2014-07-07


  • Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to w

    Although there has been a lot of AVL tree libraries available now, nearly all of them are meant to work in the random access memory(RAM). Some of them do provide some mechanism for dumping the whole tree into a file and loading it back to the memory in order to make data in that tree persistent. It serves well when there s just small amount of data. When the tree is somewhat bigger, the dumping/loading process could take a lengthy time and makes your mission-critical program less efficient. How about an AVL tree that can directly use the disk for data storage ? If there s something like that, we won t need to read through the whole tree in order to pick up just a little bit imformation(a node), but read only the sectors that are neccssary for locating a certain node and the sectors in which that node lies. This is my initial motivation for writing a storage-media independent AVL Tree. However, as you step forth, you would find that it not only works fine with disks but also fine with memorys, too.

    标签: available libraries Although nearly

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory device

    This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty.

    标签: programmers introduces embedded include

    上传时间: 2015-06-22
