The Linux Network Administrator s Guide, Third Edition updates a classic Linux title from O Reilly. This refreshed resource takes an in-depth look at everything you need to know to join a network. Topics covered include all of the essential networking software that comes with the Linux operating system, plus information on a host of cutting-edge services including wireless hubs, spam filtering, and more
标签: Linux Administrator Edition Network
上传时间: 2015-09-19
One-channel queuing system simulator (M/M/1) * Arrival and service times are random and distributed exponetially. * * The simulator is time-slice-driven, i.e. the system model is being * run at discrete time points, with constant increments deltaT. * At each such time moment, program checks if a new item arrival or * release has occurred during previus deltaT.
标签: One-channel distributed and simulator
上传时间: 2014-01-15
这是GPRS模块SIM300C的文档资料。该款模块 内嵌TCP/IP协议,AT命令控制,实现数据传输非常方便。
上传时间: 2015-09-23
一、开发环境 1、开发板: AT91SAM7X256-EK 2、仿真器: SAM-ICE(ATMEL) 3、开发软件: ADS1.2 (ARM调试模式) 二、程序功能 1、程序目的:AT91SAM7X256的AIC功能验证与使用指导。 2、功能说明: 1).PIO 中断测试程序 --改变LED1的状态 2).IRQ0 中断测试程序 --改变LED1的状态 3).FIQ 中断测试程序 --改变LED2的状态 4).software 中断测试程序 --改变LED3的状态 ---必须设为 内部 边沿触发方式 5).TC中断测试程序 --改变LED4的状态 ---2种模式都可以 6).其他中断见相应功能测试程序
上传时间: 2015-09-25
This prj demonstrates how to use the SROM memory classes for the Dallas DS80C400. This example uses the memcpy function to copy a function in the SROM memory class (which is located in CODE memory) to von Neumann mapped XDATA (starting at 0x110000) for execution.
标签: This demonstrates the classes
上传时间: 2013-12-22
LPC2000 系列AMR7 微控制器的UART1 具有MODEM 接口功能通过RS232 电平转 换即可与MODEM 连接进行MODEM 通讯控制操作 用LPC2000 系列AMR7 微控制器的UART1 驱动MODEM 驱动程序使用 了AT 命令集的命令进行控制操作所以驱动的MODEM 要支持AT 命令集
上传时间: 2013-12-26
bject Inspector is a component suite that contains inspectors allowing you to change anything in your application at runtime. Object Inspector suite includes: TPropertyInterface component for easy access to any property or event of any component at runtime TComponentInspector customizable full-functional runtime object inspector control TComponentComboBox control for easy selecting component TCommonInspector abstract inspector control for inspect anything in your application TDBInspector ready-to-use database inspector control TIniInspector ready-to-use ini-file inspector control TApplicationInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing Application properties at runtime TSystemColorsInspector ready-to-use inspector control for changing Windows colors Examples small and clean projects illustrating features of inspectors and TPropertyInterface components Source codes full source code of all components and useful internal classes
标签: inspectors Inspector component allowing
上传时间: 2015-10-02
Huffman 压缩/解压算法的ANSI C实现 This archive contains a simple and readable ANSI C implementation of Huffman coding and decoding. This implementation is not intended to be the best, fastest, smallest, or any other performance related adjective. More information on Huffman encoding may be found at:
标签: ANSI implementation contains readable
上传时间: 2014-01-05
Description: soft source, 1D,absorbing boundary condition (which really only work for epsrel=murel=1), reflection at an interface type ward_fdtd1d to run.
标签: Description absorbing condition boundary
上传时间: 2014-10-12
This paper presents several low-latency mixed-timing FIFO (first-in–first-out) interfaces designs that interface systems on a chip working at different speeds. The connected systems can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The designs are then adapted to work between systems with very long interconnect delays, by migrating a single-clock solution by Carloni et al. (1999, 2000, and 2001) (for “latency-insensitive” protocols) to mixed-timing domains. The new designs can be made arbitrarily robust with regard to metastability and interface operating speeds. Initial simulations for both latency and throughput are promising.
标签: mixed-timing low-latency interfaces first-out
上传时间: 2015-10-08