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  • MAX4968,MAX4968A数据手册

    The MAX4968/MAX4968A are 16-channel, high-linearity,high-voltage, bidirectional SPST analog switches with18I (typ) on-resistance. The devices are ideal for use inapplications requiring high-voltage switching controlledby a low-voltage control signal, such as ultrasound imagingand printers. The MAX4968A provides integrated40kI (typ) bleed resistors on each switch terminal todischarge capacitive loads. Using HVCMOS technology,these switches combine high-voltage bilateral MOSswitches and low-power CMOS logic to provide efficientcontrol of high-voltage analog signals.

    标签: 4968 MAX 数据手册

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 校准触摸屏系统研究

    Abstract: Mechanical misalignment and scaling factors lead to a mismatch between the values coming from a touchscreen panel (as translated by a touch screen controller) and the display (typically an LCD) on which the touch screenpanel is mounted. This tutorial discusses how to calibrate the touch screen panel to match the display.

    标签: 校准 触摸屏 系统研究

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 了解模数转换器的噪声、ENOB

    Abstract: Specifications such as noise, effective number of bits (ENOB), effective resolution, and noise-free resolution inlarge part define how accurate an ADC really is. Consequently, understanding the performance metrics related to noise isone of the most difficult aspects of transitioning from a SAR to a delta-sigma ADC. With the current demand for higherresolution, designers must develop a better understanding of ADC noise, ENOB, effective resolution, and signal-to-noiseratio (SNR). This application note helps that understanding.

    标签: ENOB 模数转换器

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • MAX9930在有线电视中的功能应用

    Abstract: The MAX9930–MAX9933 family of RF controllers and detector can be used in a wide variety of applications. Anideal application is cable television (CATV) over fiber, where either a RF controller or a RF detector controls the gain of atransimpedance amplifier (TIA). This application note shows how the MAX9930 (RF controller) can be used as either theRF controller or detector.

    标签: 9930 MAX 有线电视

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • 信号链和PLC是如何影响我们的生活

    Abstract: It is incredible how many programmable logic controls (PLCs) around us make our modern life possible and pleasant.Machines in our homes heat and cool our air and water, as well as preserve and cook our food. This tutorial explains the importanceof PLCs, and describes how to choose component parts using the parametric tools on the Maxim's website.A similar version of this article was published February 29, 2012 in John Day's Automotive Electronic News.

    标签: PLC 信号链

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 三电平变换器STATCOM空间矢量调制

    This paper presents a space vector modulation(SVM)-based switching strategy for a three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) converter that is adapted as a STATCOM.

    标签: STATCOM 三电平 变换器 空间矢量

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • XAPP854-数字锁相环(DPLL)参考设计

    Many applications require a clock signal to be synchronous, phase-locked, or derived fromanother signal, such as a data signal or another clock. This type of clock circuit is important in

    标签: XAPP DPLL 854 数字锁相环

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 视频差分放大器带来低电压应用的多功能性

      The LT®6552 is a specialized dual-differencing 75MHzoperational amplifier ideal for rejecting common modenoise as a video line receiver. The input pairs are designedto operate with equal but opposite large-signal differencesand provide exceptional high frequency commonmode rejection (CMRR of 65dB at 10MHz), therebyforming an extremely versatile gain block structure thatminimizes component count in most situations. The dualinput pairs are free to take on independent common modelevels, while the two voltage differentials are summedinternally to form a net input signal.

    标签: 视频 差分放大器 低电压 多功能

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • DA转换接口的射频IQ调制

      Linear Technology’s High Frequency Product lineupincludes a variety of RF I/Q modulators. The purpose ofthis application note is to illustrate the circuits requiredto interface these modulators with several popular D/Aconverters. Such circuits typically are required to maximizethe voltage transfer from the DAC to the baseband inputsof the modulator, as well as provide some reconstructionfi ltering.

    标签: DA转换 接口 射频 调制

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 高速放大器技术

      This publication represents the largest LTC commitmentto an application note to date. No other application noteabsorbed as much effort, took so long or cost so much.This level of activity is justified by our belief that high speedmonolithic amplifiers greatly interest users.

    标签: 高速放大器

    上传时间: 2014-01-07
