ARINC429总线协议是美国航空电子工程委员会(Airlines Engineering Committee)于1977年7月提出的,并于同年发表并获得批准使用,它的全称是数字式信息传输系统(Digital Information Transmission System ) 。协议标准规定了航空电子设备及有关系统间的数字信息传输要求。ARINC429广泛应用在先进的民航客机中,如B-737、B-757、B-767,俄制军用飞机也选用了类似的技术。 ARINC429总线结构简单、性能稳定,抗干扰性强。最大的优势在于可靠性高。飞机上的ARINC429数据总线,用于在系统和设备之间传送上千种不同类型的参数,如航向、真空速、马赫数等。
标签: 429总线协议
上传时间: 2016-08-17
12bit 低功耗DAC 数模转换器 The MAX5302 combines a low-power, voltage-output, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and a precision output amplifier in an 8-pin µMAX package. It operates from a single +5V supply, drawing less than 280µA of supply current.
上传时间: 2017-02-21
介绍衰落信道中的数字通信原理及技术。作者:Marvin K. Simon和Mohamed-Slim Alouini。感觉内容深入浅出,适合作为无线通信方向的硕士或博士研究生的参考书。
标签: Communication Channels Digital Fading over
上传时间: 2018-05-20
16-, 14-, 12-Bit, Six-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS
上传时间: 2018-06-07
上传时间: 2018-08-06
Digital Control of High-Frequency Switched-Mode Power Converters-Wiley-IEEE Press (2015)
上传时间: 2018-09-15
DESCRIPTION The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 μs. The MSP430G2x13 and MSP430G2x53 series are ultra-low-power mixed signal microcontrollers with built-in 16- bit timers, up to 24 I/O capacitive-touch enabled pins, a versatile analog comparator, and built-in communication capability using the universal serial communication interface. In addition the MSP430G2x53 family members have a 10-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. For configuration details see Table 1. Typical applications include low-cost sensor systems that capture analog signals, convert them to digital values, and then process the data for display or for transmission to a host system.
上传时间: 2018-12-25
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP) (3GPP TS 03.40 version 7.5.0 Release 1998)
标签: GSM
上传时间: 2019-06-14
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security mechanisms for SIM application toolkit; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 03.48 version 8.8.0 Release 1999)
标签: GSM
上传时间: 2019-06-14
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD810 is a composite and HDTV compatible, current feedback, video operational amplifier, ideal for use in systems such as multimedia, digital tape recorders and video cameras. The 0.1 dB flatness specification at bandwidth of 30 MHz (G = +2) and the differential gain and phase of 0.02% and 0.04° (NTSC) make the AD810 ideal for any broadcast quality video system. All these specifications are under load conditions of 150 Ω (one 75 Ω back terminated cable). The AD810 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras, offering a low power supply current of 8.0 mA max. The disable feature reduces the power supply current to only 2.1 mA, while the amplifier is not in use, to conserve power. Furthermore the AD810 is specified over a power supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V.
上传时间: 2020-04-19