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  • XAPP328-使用CPLD设计MP3播放器

      MP3 portable players are the trend in music-listening technology. These players do not includeany mechanical movements, thereby making them ideal for listening to music during any type ofactivity. MP3 is a digital compression technique based on MPEG Layer 3 which stores music ina lot less space than current CD technology. Software is readily available to create MP3 filesfrom an existing CD, and the user can then download these files into a portable MP3 player tobe enjoyed in almost any environment.

    标签: XAPP CPLD 328 MP3

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • WP328-FPGA的语音数据融合

      The SDI standards are the predominant standards for uncompressed digital videointerfaces in the broadcast studio and video production center. The first SDI standard,SD-SDI, allowed standard-definition digital video to be transported over the coaxial cableinfrastructure initially installed in studios to carry analog video. Next, HD-SDI wasto support high-definition video. Finally, dual link HD-SDI and 3G-SDIdoubled the bandwidth of HD-SDI to support 1080p (50 Hz and 60 Hz) and other videoformats requiring more bandwidth than HD-SDI provides.

    标签: FPGA 328 WP 语音

    上传时间: 2013-12-08


  • Creating Safe State Machines(Mentor)

      Finite state machines are widely used in digital circuit designs. Generally, when designing a state machine using an HDL, the synthesis tools will optimize away all states that cannot be reached and generate a highly optimized circuit. Sometimes, however, the optimization is not acceptable. For example, if the circuit powers up in an invalid state, or the circuit is in an extreme working environment and a glitch sends it into an undesired state, the circuit may never get back to its normal operating condition.

    标签: Creating Machines Mentor State

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 基于CPLD的QDPSK调制解调电路设计

    为了在CDMA系统中更好地应用QDPSK数字调制方式,在分析四相相对移相(QDPSK)信号调制解调原理的基础上,设计了一种QDPSK调制解调电路,它包括串并转换、差分编码、四相载波产生和选相、相干解调、差分译码和并串转换电路。在MAX+PLUSⅡ软件平台上,进行了编译和波形仿真。综合后下载到复杂可编程逻辑器件EPM7128SLC84-15中,测试结果表明,调制电路能正确选相,解调电路输出数据与QDPSK调制输入数据完全一致,达到了预期的设计要求。 Abstract:  In order to realize the better application of digital modulation mode QDPSK in the CDMA system, a sort of QDPSK modulation-demodulation circuit was designed based on the analysis of QDPSK signal modulation-demodulation principles. It included serial/parallel conversion circuit, differential encoding circuit, four-phase carrier wave produced and phase chosen circuit, coherent demodulation circuit, difference decoding circuit and parallel/serial conversion circuit. And it was compiled and simulated on the MAX+PLUSⅡ software platform,and downloaded into the CPLD of EPM7128SLC84-15.The test result shows that the modulation circuit can exactly choose the phase,and the output data of the demodulator circuit is the same as the input data of the QDPSK modulate. The circuit achieves the prospective requirement of the design.

    标签: QDPSK CPLD 调制解调 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 数字与模拟电路设计技巧

    数字与模拟电路设计技巧IC与LSI的功能大幅提升使得高压电路与电力电路除外,几乎所有的电路都是由半导体组件所构成,虽然半导体组件高速、高频化时会有EMI的困扰,不过为了充分发挥半导体组件应有的性能,电路板设计与封装技术仍具有决定性的影响。 模拟与数字技术的融合由于IC与LSI半导体本身的高速化,同时为了使机器达到正常动作的目的,因此技术上的跨越竞争越来越激烈。虽然构成系统的电路未必有clock设计,但是毫无疑问的是系统的可靠度是建立在电子组件的选用、封装技术、电路设计与成本,以及如何防止噪讯的产生与噪讯外漏等综合考虑。机器小型化、高速化、多功能化使得低频/高频、大功率信号/小功率信号、高输出阻抗/低输出阻抗、大电流/小电流、模拟/数字电路,经常出现在同一个高封装密度电路板,设计者身处如此的环境必需面对前所未有的设计思维挑战,例如高稳定性电路与吵杂(noisy)性电路为邻时,如果未将噪讯入侵高稳定性电路的对策视为设计重点,事后反复的设计变更往往成为无解的梦魇。模拟电路与高速数字电路混合设计也是如此,假设微小模拟信号增幅后再将full scale 5V的模拟信号,利用10bit A/D转换器转换成数字信号,由于分割幅宽祇有4.9mV,因此要正确读取该电压level并非易事,结果造成10bit以上的A/D转换器面临无法顺利运作的窘境。另一典型实例是使用示波器量测某数字电路基板两点相隔10cm的ground电位,理论上ground电位应该是零,然而实际上却可观测到4.9mV数倍甚至数十倍的脉冲噪讯(pulse noise),如果该电位差是由模拟与数字混合电路的grand所造成的话,要测得4.9 mV的信号根本是不可能的事情,也就是说为了使模拟与数字混合电路顺利动作,必需在封装与电路设计有相对的对策,尤其是数字电路switching时,ground vance noise不会入侵analogue ground的防护对策,同时还需充分检讨各电路产生的电流回路(route)与电流大小,依此结果排除各种可能的干扰因素。以上介绍的实例都是设计模拟与数字混合电路时经常遇到的瓶颈,如果是设计12bit以上A/D转换器时,它的困难度会更加复杂。

    标签: 数字 模拟电路 设计技巧

    上传时间: 2014-02-12


  • 基于Verilog HDL设计的多功能数字钟

    本文利用Verilog HDL 语言自顶向下的设计方法设计多功能数字钟,突出了其作为硬件描述语言的良好的可读性、可移植性和易理解等优点,并通过Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 和ModelSim SE 6.0 完成综合、仿真。此程序通过下载到FPGA 芯片后,可应用于实际的数字钟显示中。 关键词:Verilog HDL;硬件描述语言;FPGA Abstract: In this paper, the process of designing multifunctional digital clock by the Verilog HDL top-down design method is presented, which has shown the readability, portability and easily understanding of Verilog HDL as a hard description language. Circuit synthesis and simulation are performed by Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 and ModelSim SE 6.0. The program can be used in the truly digital clock display by downloading to the FPGA chip. Keywords: Verilog HDL;hardware description language;FPGA

    标签: Verilog HDL 多功能 数字

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 某飞行器舵机控制系统硬件设计

    研究一种基于TMS320F28335 DSP(Digital Signal Processor)的全数字飞行器控制系统的硬件设计,分析了其结构组成:主控制器电路、舵面位置检测电路和通讯等硬件电路设计。经过多次试验调试,所设计的硬件系统可以满足飞行器性能要求。

    标签: 飞行器 舵机 控制系统 硬件设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 赛灵思电机控制开发套件简介(英文版)

      The power of programmability gives industrial automation designers a highly efficient, cost-effective alternative to traditional motor control units (MCUs)。 The parallel-processing power, fast computational speeds, and connectivity versatility of Xilinx® FPGAs can accelerate the implementation of advanced motor control algorithms such as Field Oriented Control (FOC)。   Additionally, Xilinx devices lower costs with greater on-chip integration of system components and shorten latencies with high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) that can tackle compute-intensive functions such as PID Controller, Clark/Park transforms, and Space Vector PWM.   The Xilinx Spartan®-6 FPGA Motor Control Development Kit gives designers an ideal starting point for evaluating time-saving, proven, motor-control reference designs. The kit also shortens the process of developing custom control capabilities, with integrated peripheral functions (Ethernet, PowerLink, and PCI® Express), a motor-control FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) with built-in Texas Instruments motor drivers and high-precision Delta-Sigma modulators, and prototyping support for evaluating alternative front-end circuitry.

    标签: 赛灵思 电机控制 开发套件 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 工业系统安全问题和解决办法

    Abstract: As industrial control systems (ICSs) have become increasingly connected and use more off-the-shelfcomponents, new vulnerabilities to cyber attacks have emerged. This tutorial looks at three types of ICSs:programmable logic controllers (PLCs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, anddistributed control systems (DCSs), and then discusses security issues and remedies. This document alsoexplains the benefits and limitations of two cryptographic solutions (digital signatures and encryption) andelaborates on the reasons for using security ICs in an ICS to support cryptography.

    标签: 工业系统 安全问题

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • HDMI一致性测试

      The high defi nition multimedia interface (HDMI) is fastbecoming the de facto standard for passing digitalaudio and video data in home entertainment systems.This standard includes an I2C type bus called a displaydata channel (DDC) that is used to pass extended digitalinterface data (EDID) from the sinkdevice (such as adigital TV) to the source device (such as a digital A/Vreceiver). EDID includes vital information on the digitaldata formats that the sink device can accept. The HDMIspecifi cation requires that devices have less than 50pFof input capacitance on their DDC bus lines, which canbe very diffi cult to meet. The LTC®4300A’s capacitancebuffering feature allows devices to pass the HDMI DDCinput capacitance compliance test with ease.

    标签: HDMI 测试

    上传时间: 2013-11-21
