标签: matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-05
转载自Rulph Chassaing的源代码,内有函数Adaptc,AdaptIDFIR,adaptidFIRw,AdaptIDIIR, Adaptnoise,Adaptnoise_pcm,Adaptpredict, Adaptpredict_pcm,Aliasing,AM,DFT,Dotp4, dotp4clasm,Dotpintrinsic,Dotpipedfix, Dotpnp,Echo_control,Factclasm,Fastconvosim, FFTsinetable,FIR_pcm,FIRcirc_ext,loop_intr_pcm, Noise_gen,Twosumlasmfloat,sweep8000, SinegenDE,ScrAM16k,PLL.等近100个
标签: Adaptnoise_pcm adaptidFIRw AdaptIDFIR AdaptIDIIR
上传时间: 2014-01-06
计算全息close all clc clear A=zeros(64) A(15:20,20:40)=1 A(15:50,20:25)=1 A(45:50,20:40)=1 A(30:34,20:35)=1 % ppp=exp(rand(64)*pi*2*i) A=A.*ppp % Author s email: zjliu2001@163.com figure imshow(abs(A),[]) Fa=fft2(fftshift(A)) Fs=fftshift(Fa) AM=abs(Fs) % AMplitude Ph=angle(Fs) % phase s=11 % 这表示边长吗? cgh=zeros(64*s) th=max(max(abs(Fs)))
上传时间: 2014-10-13
本系统以51单片机为控制核心,由正弦信号发生模块、功率放大模块、调幅(AM)、调频(FM)模块、数字键控(ASK,PSK)模块以及测试信号发生模块组成。采用数控的方法控制DDS芯片AD9850产生0Hz-30MHz正弦信号,经滤波、放大和功放模块放大至6v并具有一定的驱动能力。测试信号发生模块产生的1kHz正弦信号经过调幅(AM)模块、调频(FM)模块,对高频载波进行调幅或调频。二进制基带序列信号送入数字键控模块,产生二进制PSK或ASK信号,同时对ASK信号进行解调,恢复出原始数字序列。 另外,本系统从简单、调整方便、功能完备为出发点,基本实现了设计中的要求,波形输出较稳定,且精度较高。本设计还配备有LED显示屏、键盘,提供了友好的人机交互界面。
上传时间: 2017-01-04
上传时间: 2013-12-24
DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale)系统采用OFDM调制方式, 引入了先进的信源信道编码和调制技术,使得AM波段的音频广播质量大大提高,在保持现有10kHz带宽时接近了FM广播的质量[5]
标签: Mondiale Digital Radio OFDM
上传时间: 2017-01-17
A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances are you have not heard of the term "codecave" before. If you have heard of it, you might not have read a clear definition of it or quite understand what it is or why it is useful. I have even asked seasoned assembly progrAMmers about the term before and most of them had not heard of it. If it is new to you, do not worry, you are not the only one. It is a term that is scarcely used and is only useful in a reverse engineering context. Furthermore, is it "codecave" or "code cave"? I AM not quite sure, but I will try my best to refer to it consistently as a "codecave". A space may sneak in there from time to time
标签: engineering code-what chances reverse
上传时间: 2014-01-17
DS1302 是 DALLAS 公司推出的涓流充电时钟芯片 内含有一个实时时钟/日历和 31 字节静态 RAM 通过简 单的串行接口与单片机进行通信 实时时钟/日历电路提供秒 分 时 日 日期 月 年的信息 每月的天 数和闰年的天数可自动调整 时钟操作可通过 AM/PM 指示决定采用 24 或 12 小时格式 DS1302 与单片机之 间能简单地采用同步串行的方式进行通信 仅需用到三个口线 1 RES 复位 2 I/O 数据线 3 SCLK 串行时钟 时钟/RAM 的读/写数据以一个字节或多达 31 个字节的字符组方式通信 DS1302 工作时功耗很 低 保持数据和时钟信息时功率小于 1mW
上传时间: 2014-06-06
Instead of finding the longest common subsequence, let us try to determine the length of the LCS. Then tracking back to find the LCS. Consider a1a2…AM and b1b2…bn. Case 1: AM=bn. The LCS must contain AM, we have to find the LCS of a1a2…AM-1 and b1b2…bn-1. Case 2: AM≠bn. Wehave to find the LCS of a1a2…AM-1 and b1b2…bn, and a1a2…AM and b b b b1b2…bn-1 Let A = a1 a2 … AM and B = b1 b2 … bn Let Li j denote the length of the longest i,g g common subsequence of a1 a2 … ai and b1 b2 … bj. Li,j = Li-1,j-1 + 1 if ai=bj max{ L L } a≠b i-1,j, i,j-1 if ai≠j L0,0 = L0,j = Li,0 = 0 for 1≤i≤m, 1≤j≤n.
标签: the subsequence determine Instead
上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2014-01-21