Bascula conectada al puerto serie
标签: conectada Bascula puerto serie
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Dr. A.J. Sobey的软件测试原版 详细讲解软件测试相关流程、原理
上传时间: 2017-01-16
上传时间: 2017-01-17
1. 异常和标准C 对它的支持 (前言略) 1.1 异常分类 基于Dr. GUI 的建议,我把我的第一个专栏投入到“程序异常”的系列上。我认识到, “exception”这个术语有些不明确并和上下文相关,尤其是C++标准异常(C++ standard exceptions)和Microsoft 的结构化异常(structured exception handling)。不幸的的是, “异常”一词太常见了,随时出现在语言的标准和常见的编程文献中。因为不想创造一个新 名词,所以我将尽力在此系列的各部分中明确我对“异常”的用法。 Part 1 概述通常意义上的异常的性质,和标准C 库提供的处理它们的方法。 Part 2 纵览Microsoft 对这些标准C 库方法的扩展:专门的宏和结构化异常处理。 Part 3 及其余将致力于标准C++异常处理体系。 (C 语言使用者可能在Part2 后放弃,但我鼓励你坚持到底;我所提出的许多点子同样 适用于C,虽然不是很直接。)
上传时间: 2014-01-13
1.1 异常分类 基于Dr. GUI 的建议,我把我的第一个专栏投入到“程序异常”的系列上。我认识到, “exception”这个术语有些不明确并和上下文相关,尤其是C++标准异常(C++ standard exceptions)和Microsoft 的结构化异常(structured exception handling)
上传时间: 2013-12-23
qpsk_tx, transmision qpsk de 10 bits en matlab , el qpsk es igual al 4-psk
标签: qpsk transmision qpsk_tx matlab
上传时间: 2017-04-21
PatternRecognition Book Duda et al Pattern Classification
标签: PatternRecognition Classification Pattern Book
上传时间: 2014-06-24
I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. A. Lynn Abbott, for helping me throughout my research, Gary Fleming and the rest of the people at NASA Langley who provided all the flight information and image sequences, and my parents who supported me in my decision to enter graduate study. Also, thanks to Phichet Trisirisipal and Xiaojin Gong for helping when I had computer vision questions, and Nathan Herald for his help creating an illustration.
标签: A. throughout research advisor
上传时间: 2017-06-18
lae jldfa miaro jf lake jf al jf oew
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This project is to design the automated system for the inventory of Al-Ahmad Cotton and Oil Mills situated at Vehari road, Multan. It is difficult to keep the track of sale purchase and production system of any company, department or organization. It is decided to computerize the sale purchase and production system of Al-Ahmad Cotton and Oil Mill. All the difficulties faced by manual work are considered during the development o this project.Main used tool in vb and sql server 2000...........
标签: automated inventory the Al-Ahmad
上传时间: 2013-12-22