上传时间: 2013-07-13
I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. A. Lynn Abbott, for helping me throughout my research, Gary Fleming and the rest of the people at NASA Langley who provided all the flight information and image sequences, and my parents who supported me in my decision to enter graduate study. Also, thanks to Phichet Trisirisipal and Xiaojin Gong for helping when I had computer vision questions, and Nathan Herald for his help creating an illustration.
标签: A. throughout research advisor
上传时间: 2017-06-18
上传时间: 2015-12-07
advisor(Advanced VehIcle SimulatOR,高级车辆仿真器)是由美国可再生能源实验室NREL(National RenewableEnergy Laboratory)在MATLAB和SIMULINK软件环境下开发的高级车辆仿真软件。
上传时间: 2022-07-22
混合动力汽车采用内燃机和电机作为动力源,成为解决排污和能源问题最具现实意义的途径之一,集成一体化起动/发电机(ISG)技术是当前国际公认的未来汽车的先进技术之一,也是当代汽车发展的重要方向。论文以ISG型混合动力汽车为研究对象,进行了混合动力汽车驱动系统和动力总成控制系统等方面的研究。 本文系统地分析了串联式、并联式以及混联式混和动力汽车动力总成构型的优缺点,介绍了ISG型混合动力汽车结构及主要特点的基础上,首先通过对各总成选型分析,选择了发动机、电机、电池等部件,接着根据性能指标,确定了发动机、电机、电池等部件参数匹配。 动力总成控制系统作为HEV控制系统的关键,主要负责对行驶需求功率的合理分配,保证HEV高效运行,使发动机燃油消耗和排放达到最优。动力总成控制系统的硬件采用了TMS320F2812芯片,由于它功能强大,I/O资源丰富,并且支持广泛用于汽车电控的CAN通讯,因此,非常适合于混合动力汽车的实时控制。本文研究了动力总成控制系统的总体结构,以TMS320F2812型DSP为核心,组建了混合动力总成控制系统的硬件系统。在充分利用DSP内部模块的基础上对它的外部总线进行扩展。并设计了电源模块、A/O模块、IO模块、CAN总线模块和串口通讯模块。在模块化设计方式基础上建立了混合动力控制策略的软件设计。 为了证明设计方案的可行性和DSP总成控制系统的控制性能,在MATIAB/Simulink环境下,以hdvisor为仿真平台,依据系统的结构、控制策略,对相关模块进行修改,建立了ISG型混合动力汽车整车的仿真模型。利用建立的模型,在advisor仿真软件中输人仿真参数,设置仿真性能,汽车动力性、经济性以及一些重要性能曲线的仿真结果。与同样参数设置的传统燃油汽车仿真结果进行比较表明,油耗和排放都得到了很好的降低。
上传时间: 2013-07-08
PhD research, you have already made a decision that will have a major impact on the success of your project, and perhaps even on your future career. You have chosen to work in a particular research group, under the guidance of a particular thesis advisor or supervisor.
标签: have research decision already
上传时间: 2017-09-14
Before you even get started on your PhD research, you have already made a decision that will have a major impact on the success of your project, and perhaps even on your future career. You have chosen to work in a particular research group, under the guidance of a particular thesis advisor or supervisor.
标签: have you decision research
上传时间: 2013-11-28
汽车仿真软件——advisor2002安装包及安装使用说明 包括软件安装包,及详细安装教程 适用于Matlab / Simulink仿真,对于汽车建模有很大帮助!
标签: advisor
上传时间: 2022-07-19