This application note describes a method for developing block-oriented I/O device drivers for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real-time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instruments TMS320C5402 and TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kits (DSKs). The device driver model presented here has now been superceded with an updated version that supports not only block oriented devices, but also devices such as UARTs, PCI and USB buses and Multimedia cards. Documentation on the updated driver model as well as example drivers and source code can be found in the Device Driver Developer s Kit product now available for download from the TI Developer s Village.
标签: block-oriented application developing describes
上传时间: 2015-07-07
本书第一部分讲述的是传统的网络接口N e t B I O S、重定向器以及通过重定向器进行的各类 网络通信。尽管本书大部分内容均围绕Wi n s o c k编程这一主题展开,但是, A P I比起Wi n s o c k 来,仍然具有某些独到之处
上传时间: 2015-07-08
本章专门讲解编写成功网络应用程序时所需的基本知识和A P I调用。通过上一章的学习, 大家已知道从Wi n s o c k地址机和这些机器上的服务,可以很容易地访问协议。在这一章里, 我们打算讨论如何从网络上的一台机器到另一台机器建立连接,以及如何收发数据
上传时间: 2015-07-08
Winsock 2服务提供者接口( Service Provider Interface, SPI)代表着另一端的Wi n s o c k编 程(和Winsock 2API相对应)。Wi n s o c k的一端是A P I,另一端则是S P I。
标签: Winsock Interface Provider Service
上传时间: 2015-07-08
本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。
标签: 函数
上传时间: 2014-01-12
AVL Tree implementation: I also included a test function to compare the AVL Tree performance with STL Set and Map. Compile the source mavltree.cpp and run it to see the result!
标签: Tree implementation performance AVL
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Computes the hafnian of a nonnegative integer matrix. Notes: Copy hafnian.c to main.c, in the same directory as Rothberg s code (see above). You can download the .tar directory with the code weighted-match.tar here. Then "make" the codes (this codes are in C, not C++). The program is then run by the command "wmatch".
标签: hafnian nonnegative the Computes
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for introductory SQL books, offering a fast-paced accessible tutorial to the major themes and techniques involved in applying the SQL language. Forta s examples are clear and his writing style is crisp and concise. 原版英文书!
标签: introductory established Yourself standard
上传时间: 2015-07-13
加密算法 Test Driver for Crypto++, a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives: - To generate an RSA key cryptest g - To encrypt and decrypt a string using RSA cryptest r - To calculate MD5, SHS, and RIPEMD-160 message digests: cryptest m file - To encrypt and decrypt a string using DES-EDE in CBC mode: cryptest t - To encrypt or decrypt a file cryptest e|d input output - To share a file into shadows: cryptest s <pieces> <pieces-needed> file (make sure file has no extension, if you re running this under DOS) - To reconstruct a file from shadows: cryptest j output file1 file2 [....] - To gzip a file: cryptest z <compression-level> input output - To gunzip a file: cryptest u input output - To run validation tests: cryptest v - To run benchmarks: cryptest b [time for each benchmark in seconds]
标签: Cryptographic Primitives generate Library
上传时间: 2015-07-16
BISON-C: A one-dimensional transport and burnup calculation code with consideration of actinides and fission products Auteur(s) / Author(s) CETNAR J. (1) GRONEK P. (1) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, 30 059 Cracow, POLOGNE
标签: one-dimensional consideration calculation and
上传时间: 2015-07-17