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  • 4G移动通信技术权威指南:LTE与LTE-Advanced.4G LTE.LTE

    PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband dataand wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice-over IP.Today, the most widespread radio access technology for mobile communication is digital cellular,with the number of users passing 5 billion by 2010, which is more than half of the world’s population.It has emerged from early deployments of an expensive voice service for a few car-borne users,to today’s widespread use of mobile-communication devices that provide a range of mobile servicesand often include camera, MP3 player, and PDA functions. With this widespread use and increasinginterest in mobile communication, a continuing evolution ahead is foreseen.This book describes LTE, developed in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) and providingtrue 4G broadband mobile access, starting from the first version in release 8 and through the continuingevolution to release 10, the latest version of LTE. Release 10, also known as LTE-Advanced,is of particular interest as it is the major technology approved by the ITU as fulfilling the IMTAdvancedrequirements. The description in this book is based on LTE release 10 and thus provides acomplete description of the LTE-Advanced radio access from the bottom up.Chapter 1 gives the background to LTE and its evolution, looking also at the different standardsbodies and organizations involved in the process of defining 4G. It also gives a discussion of the reasonsand driving forces behind the evolution.Chapters 2–6 provide a deeper insight into some of the technologies that are part of LTE and itsevolution. Because of its generic nature, these chapters can be used as a background not only for LTEas described in this book, but also for readers who want to understand the technology behind othersystems, such as WCDMA/HSPA, WiMAX, and CDMA2000.Chapters 7–17 constitute the main part of the book. As a start, an introductory technical overviewof LTE is given, where the most important technology components are introduced based onthe generic technologies described in previous chapters. The following chapters provide a detaileddescription of the protocol structure, the downlink and uplink transmission schemes, and the associatedmechanisms for scheduling, retransmission and interference handling. Broadcast operation andrelaying are also described. This is followed by a discussion of the spectrum flexibility and the associated

    标签: 4g 移动通信

    上传时间: 2022-07-08


  • 三极管8050NPN型晶体三极管

    三极管8050是非常常见的NPN型晶体三极管,在各种放大电路中经常看到它,应用范围很广,主要用于高频放大。也可用作开关电路。类型:开关型;极性:NPN;材料:硅;8050三极管(SOT-23封装)管脚图最大集电极电流(A):0.5 A;直流电增益:10 to 60;功耗:625 mW;最大集电极-发射极电压(VCEO):25; [1] 特征频率:150 MHzPE8050 硅 NPN 30V 1.5A 1.1W3DG8050 硅 NPN 25V 1.5A FT=190 *K2SC8050 硅 NPN 25V 1.5A FT=190 *KMC8050 硅 NPN 25V 700mA 200mW 150MHzCS8050 硅 NPN 25V 1.5A FT=190 *K

    标签: 三极管 npn晶体三极管

    上传时间: 2022-07-18


  • 智能机器人硬件模块详解

    智能机器人硬件功能模块介绍1.核心控制板:raspberry b+(树莓派B+):一种卡片式电脑。树莓派是只有信用卡大小的卡片式电脑,其系统基于Linux。截止至2012年6月1日,树莓派只有A和B两个型号,主要区别:A型:1个USB、无有线网络接口、功率2.5W,500mA、256MB RAM;B型:2个USB、支持有线网络、功率3.5W,700mA、512MB RAM。2.底层电路驱动芯片:Arduino 。Mega2560的处理器核心是ATmega2560,同时具有54路数字输入/输出口(其中16路可作为PWM输出),16路模拟输入,4路UART接口,一个16MHz晶体振荡器,一个USB口,一个电源插座,一个ICSP header和一个复位按钮。Arduino Mega2560也能兼容为Arduino UNO设计的扩展板。3.底层硬件:驱动电路、控制电路 包括(ln298、hc-06蓝牙模块、舵机、摄像头、麦克风、无线网卡、电机、地盘、传感器若干、材料等) 4.工作原理:树莓派用来处理上层指令、运用大型代码、和代码整合等,例如:人脸识别、语音识别、邮件发送、环境数据上传到互联网、获取网络指令等。通过串口通讯和底层驱动芯片arduino进行交互,和数据传输。arduino则负责底层电路的驱动、环境检测、快速机动、预报处理等工作1.该项目中我们自主研发了一套无线充电设备,最大的转换效率可以达到40%,安装在机器人的底端,可以实现机器人长时间的工作而不需要人为去充电,解决了用户不在家机器人也能正常工作的问题。该项目已经获得了专利。

    标签: 智能机器人 硬件 模块

    上传时间: 2022-07-25


  • Use P/Invoke to Develop a .NET Base Class Library for Serial Device Communications

    Use P/Invoke to Develop a .NET Base Class Library for Serial Device Communications

    标签: Communications Develop Library Invoke

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • 显示ARP缓存信息.A R P高效运行的关键是由于每个主机上都有一个A R P高速缓存。这个高速缓存存放了最 近I n t e r n e t地址到硬件地址之间的映射记录。高速缓存中每一项的生存时间

    显示ARP缓存信息.A R P高效运行的关键是由于每个主机上都有一个A R P高速缓存。这个高速缓存存放了最 近I n t e r n e t地址到硬件地址之间的映射记录。高速缓存中每一项的生存时间一般为2 0分钟,起 始时间从被创建时开始算起。

    标签: 高速缓存 ARP 地址 缓存

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • 含t h r e a d x,u c o s 的b s p

    含t h r e a d x,u c o s 的b s p


    上传时间: 2015-06-29


  • 一个旅行家想驾驶汽车从城市A到城市B(设出发时油箱是空的)。给定两个城市之间的距离dis、汽车油箱的容量c、每升汽油能行驶的距离d、沿途油站数n、油站i离出发点的距离d[i]以及该站每升汽油的价格p[


    标签: 城市 dis 汽车 油箱

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • PLL design assistnat-- tells you how to design a good P

    PLL design assistnat-- tells you how to design a good P

    标签: design assistnat tells good

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • 本文:采用了FPGA方法来模拟高动态(Global Position System GPS)信号源中的C/A码产生器。C/A码在GPS中实现分址、卫星信号粗捕和精码(P码)引导捕获起着重要的作用

    本文:采用了FPGA方法来模拟高动态(Global Position System GPS)信号源中的C/A码产生器。C/A码在GPS中实现分址、卫星信号粗捕和精码(P码)引导捕获起着重要的作用,通过硬件描述语言VERILOG在ISE中实现电路生成,采用MODELSIM、SYNPLIFY工具分别进行仿真和综合。

    标签: GPS Position Global System

    上传时间: 2015-12-01


  • 用FFT分别计算Xa(n) (p=8, q=2)与Xb(n) (a =0.1,f =0.0625)的16点循环卷积和线性卷积。

    用FFT分别计算Xa(n) (p=8, q=2)与Xb(n) (a =0.1,f =0.0625)的16点循环卷积和线性卷积。

    标签: 0.0625 FFT 0.1 Xa

    上传时间: 2013-12-09
