Unix 第 6 版的 sh 手册和源码,感兴趣请参考`The UNIX Time-Sharing System , CACM, July, 1974,它给出 Shell 操作的理论。 chdir (I), login (I), wait (I), shift (I)
上传时间: 2014-08-15
This edition updates and continues the series of books based on the residential courses on radiowave propagation organised by the IEE/IET. The first course was held in 1974, with lectures by H. Page, P. Matthews, D. Parsons, M.W. Gough, P.A. Watson, E. Hickin, T. Pratt, P. Knight, T.B. Jones, P.A. Bradley, B. Burgess and H. Rishbeth.
标签: Propagation Radiowaves edition 3rd of
上传时间: 2020-05-31
My association with the theory of controls in continuous time started during my studies at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 1974 as an undergraduate student in the Controls and Power program. The initial introduction by Professors Kesavamurthy, Y. P. Singh, and Rajagopalan laid the foundation for a good basic understanding of the subject matter. This pursuit and further advanced study in the field of digital controls continued during my days as a graduate student in the Electrical and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, from 1983 to 1988.
标签: Applications Digital Control
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Internet-“冷战”的产物-1957年10月和11月,前苏联先后有两颗“Sputnik”卫星上天-1958年美国总统艾森豪威尔向美国国会提出建立DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Project Agency),即国防部高级研究计划署,简称ARPA-1968年6月DARPA提出“资源共享计算机网络”(Resource Sharing Computer Networks),目的在于让DARPA的所有电脑互连起来,这个网络就叫做ARPAnet,即“阿帕网”,是Interne的最早雏形早期的ARPAnet使用网络控制协议(Network Control Protocol,NCP),不能互联不同类型的计算机和不同类型的操作系统,没有纠错功能1973年由Kahn和Vinton Cerf两人合作为ARPAnet开发了新的互联协议。1974年12月两人正式发表第一份TCP协议详细说明,但此协议有信包丢失时不能得到有效的纠正TCP协议分成了两个不同的协议:-用来检测网络传输中差错的传输控制协议TCP-专门负责对不同网络进行互联的互联网协议IP从此TCP/IP协议诞生1983年ARPAnet上停止使用NCP,互联网上的主机全部使用TCP/IP协议,TCP/IP协议成为Internet中的“世界语”
标签: TCP-IP
上传时间: 2022-06-23
标签: 分数阶微积分
上传时间: 2022-06-25