I can remember buying my first electronic calculator. I was teaching a graduate level statistics course and I had to have a calculator with a square root function. Back in the late 1960s, that was a pretty high-end requirement for a calculator. I managed to purchase one at the “educational discount price” of $149.95! Now, I look down at my desk at an ATmega2560 that is half the size for less than a quarter of the cost and think of all the possibilities built into that piece of hardware. I am amazed by what has happened to everything from toasters to car engines. Who-da-thunk-it 40 years ago?
上传时间: 2020-06-09
In the early days, embedded systems were built primarily by engineers in a pretty exclusive club. Embedded devices and software tools were expensive, and building a functional prototype required significant software engineering and electrical engineering experience.
标签: Arduino Gadgets Make Bots and
上传时间: 2020-06-09
标签: 心率血氧传感器检测
上传时间: 2020-07-15
源码ad5260 可以直接使用 Arduino
上传时间: 2021-01-05
An Arduino core for the ATmega328, ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 and ATmega8, all running a [custom version of Optiboot for increased functionality](#write-to-own-flash). This core requires at least Arduino IDE v1.6.2, where v1.8.5+ is recommended. <br/> **This core gives you two extra IO pins if you're using the internal oscillator!** PB6 and PB7 is mapped to [Arduino pin 20 and 21](#pinout).<br/> If you're into "generic" AVR programming, I'm happy to tell you that all relevant keywords are being highlighted by the IDE through a separate keywords file. Make sure to test the [example files](https://github.com/MCUdude/MiniCore/tree/master/avr/libraries/AVR_examples/examples) (File > Examples > AVR C code examples). Try writing a register name, <i>DDRB</i> for instance, and see for yourself!
标签: MiniCore
上传时间: 2021-02-22
描述:超小的USB转TTL模块 选择无需外部晶振额CH340C 为了可扩展为自动烧录模块没有选择EN系列芯片 PCB尺寸仅 2.3CM长 1CM宽 宽度已经是芯片宽度无法更小了 可为51 Arduino 等单片机烧录程序原理图:PCB:
上传时间: 2022-01-22
HX711_1Kg#include "HX711.h"float Weight = 0;void setup(){ Init_Hx711(); //初始化HX711模块连接的IO设置 Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Welcome to use!\n"); delay(3000); Get_Maopi(); //获取毛皮}void loop(){ Weight = Get_Weight(); //计算放在传感器上的重物重量 Serial.print(float(Weight/1000),3); //串口显示重量 Serial.print(" kg\n"); //显示单位 Serial.print("\n"); //显示单位 delay(1000); //延时1s}
上传时间: 2022-03-20
随着人工智能的发展,机器人被运用到生产生活的各个方面,机器人的广泛使用增加了生产效率降低了生产成本。为了实现对不同颜色物料进行不同顺序的搬运与分区放置,设计了一种基于STC89C52单片机的智能搬运机器人,提出来搬运机器人系统的设计方案,使用Arduino nano辅助STC89C52,设计了二维码扫描、物料颜色识别、路径识别、机械手控制、电机控制等模块的外围电路,并在Keil 5中编写了系统与相应模块的控制程序。经多次试验测试,此智能搬运机器人能实现在不同二维码对应的任务目标下,对不同颜色的物料按规定顺序进行精准搬运与放置。
上传时间: 2022-03-27
此文件主要包含:1:《PS2解码通讯手册V1.5》 破解PS2通讯协议,接收器引脚功能,手柄震动实验 2:《PS2解码通讯常见问题》 3:PS2手柄-arduino资料 4:PS2例程,控制器为stm32(C语言编写,注释详细) 破解手柄震动;PS2解码串口输出;PS2遥控小车;PS2控制舵机。
上传时间: 2022-04-14
1846是一种用于V/U段的调频收发机芯片,与AT1846S兼容,可互换使用。支持DTMF和亚音等功能。可用于2米,1.25米或0.7米的业余频段。国外有一种使用此芯片做成的U/V段业余频段收发模块,叫做Hamshield,能够配和ARDUINO使用。由于该模块有RF PA高频功率放大电路,最大发射功率可达1W。但该芯片最大射频输出功率为8dbm。
标签: at1846s
上传时间: 2022-05-01