业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2017-02-09
业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2013-12-05
业务管理:包括客房预订、入住登记、续住、换房、转账、其他服务提供、留言板、意见簿、走客结账、欠费结算。 ¯ 查询统计:包括历史单据、预订表、在住客人表、换房查询、转账查询、日经营状况、月收入状况、客房利用率、实时房态。-system design focus of this chapter describe the development of small PowerBuilder 9.0 Rooms Management System process, through the study of this chapter, readers should be familiar with PowerBuilder 9.0 TreeView control and the right mouse button menu of use, master GroupBox, SingleLineEdit, CommandButton, RadioButton, PictureButton controls such as the similarities and differences to further understanding of data objects window displays various occasions the application. System to complete the task Macr system maintenance include : corporate information, the operator management, change passwords, management succession, dictionary management. Macr basic information : Rooms management system for the basic information management (including new, modify or delete), which is the basic informat
上传时间: 2013-12-20
宿舍管理查询系统 【问题描述】为宿舍管理人员编写一个宿舍管理查询系统。 【基本要求】 (1)采用交互工作方式 (2)建立数据文件,数据文件按关键字(姓名、学号、房号)进行排序(冒泡、选择、插入排序等任选一种) (3)查询菜单: (用二分查找实现以下操作) A. 按姓名查询 B. 按学号查询 C. 按房号查询 (4)保存任一查询结果到文件中
上传时间: 2017-02-13
本文以华北水利水电学院学生宿舍管理信息系统的研发为课题,就如何开发一个基于URP系统构架的学生宿舍信息管理系统展开研究。首先以华北水利水电管理学生宿舍管理及其相关的业务体系的调查报告为基础,分析了一般高校的学生宿舍管理业务流程;其次,将业务体系抽象成若干个用例,对用例模型进行了粒度适当的细化和规范及详尽的描述,在此基础上进行了功能模块设计和数据库结构的设计;最后结合URP开发平台和面向对象的软件设计思想将系统各功能实现。 如下载的全文无图片显示时,请下载图片,解压后放在同盘根目录下(例如学位全文下载至d:\xxxx,则图片放到d:\images)
上传时间: 2017-03-07
上传时间: 2014-01-13
上传时间: 2014-01-09
宿舍管理系统(包括论文): 该系统是用JAVA语言编写的学生公寓管理系统,本系统在研制开发过程中,基本遵循软件工程方法,完全采用结构化程序设计方法。 本系统的主要功能可以方便的对学生宿舍进行管理,系统采用MYSQL数据库使数据具有较强的完整性、较好的数据安全性等特点以及提供了标准的帮助,使用户方便的获得所需的帮助。界面友好、操作简单、功能齐全、具有较好的人机接口界面是本系统的最大优点。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2014-01-26
上传时间: 2013-12-31