上传时间: 2014-12-26
论述了多点定闹电子日历钟系统的设计,在VRS51L3074单片机的控制下,使用串行时钟芯片 DS12887,实现时间和闹钟的设置功能。
上传时间: 2013-10-08
上传时间: 2013-11-06
多媒体手机在满足传统语音通信的同时还必须提供稳定、高质量的多媒体表现,传统的单处理器方案不能满足这些并行任务的处理能力要求,采用具有视频、Java和安全专用硬件加速器的多处理器引擎系统级芯片能有效解决这些多媒体任务要求,并能有效降低系统功耗。 手机正在成为手持式娱乐中心,同时作为高端的宽带无线电话使用。用户携带手机是为了使用其无线功能,但同时也希望它具有PDA、MP3播放器、数码相机、摄像机、视频播放器和游戏机功能。然而,开发这样的一个多媒体设备具有更大的技术挑战,特别是在服务质量、反应速度和电池寿命等关键性能方面。解决这些问题的方法是将多个处理引擎集成到系统级芯片中。
上传时间: 2013-11-25
上传时间: 2013-10-26
详细介绍工控软件组态王与单片机多机串口通讯的设计原理。分析组态王提供的直接与单片机串口通信方法的优点,给出系统基于RS-485总线传输的接口电路原理图。根据组态王提供的通讯协议和单片机多机串口通讯的原理,给出程序设计流程与思路。 Abstract: In this paper,the design principle of communication between multi-SCM and KingView by serial ports is described in detail.We analysis the advantage of method supplied by KingView,by which KingView can communicate with serial ports of SCM directly,and provide the system’s interface circuit based on the RS-485transmission line.We provide flow diagram of programming and thinking on the basis of communication protocol supplied by KingView and principle of communication among multi-SCM through serial ports.
上传时间: 2013-12-19
以89S52单片机和EP1C6Q240C8型FPGA为控制核心的多功能计数器,是由峰值检波、A/D转换、程控放大、比较整形、移相网络部分组成,可实现测量正弦信号的频率、周期和相位差的功能。多功能计数器采用等精度的测量方法,可实现频率为1Hz~10MHz、幅度为0.01~5Vrms的正弦信号的精确测频,以及频率为10Hz~100kHz、幅度为0.5~5Vrms的正弦信号精确测相。液晶显示器能够实时显示当前信号的频率、周期和相位差。该多功能计数器精度高,界面友好,实用性强。 Abstract: A multi-function counter,which uses89S52MCU and EP1C6Q240C8FPGA as a control core,consists of peak detector,A/D conversion,program-controlled amplification,compared shaping and phase-shifting network part.The counter measures the frequency,period and phase of sinusoidal signal.With the equal precision method,the multi-function counter achieves the precise frequency measurement of the sinusoidal signal which its frequency is from1Hz to10MHz,its amplitude is from0.01Vrms to5Vrms,as well as the accurate phase measurement of the sinusoidal signal which its frequency is from10Hz to100kHz,its amplitude is from0.5Vrms to5Vrms.The LCD monitor real-time displays the frequency,period and phase difference of current signal.The multi-function counter features high precision,friendly interface,and strong practical.
上传时间: 2013-11-15
介绍一种多功能音乐播放器,它是以AT89S52单片机为核心,并辅有一些外围器件,采用汇编语言编写程序,实现多功能音乐播放,歌曲自动循环播放和使用琴键自编曲目功能。此外,彩灯显示歌曲节奏,按键跳转到喜爱曲目,液晶显示当前播英文曲目。并给出了系统软硬件设计。 Abstract: It introduces a multifunctional music player,taking AT89S52 single-chip microcomputer as hardware control core and using some peripheral elements.Programmes are compiled in assembly language to act as expected.There are two functional modes in this system.One is to make the music play automatically and consecutively,the other is to compose new songs through keys.In addition,lights show the pace of music and the English names can be displayed in the liquid crystal screen.With perfect combination of hardware and software,the music player can meet many music lovers’needs for multifunctional music player.And the hardware and software of the system are given.
上传时间: 2013-11-18
介绍了一种基于C8051F020单片机的多路压力测量仪。该测量仪选用电阻应变式压力传感器采集压力信号,并经放大电路处理后送入C8051F020单片机,再由C8051F020单片机内部的A/D转换器将采集到的压力信号进行模数转化,然后分别对数据进行存储和显示。该测量仪能测量6路压力信号,并且各测量点都能单独检测和设置。由于采用了C8051F020单片机,简化了硬件电路,增强了抗干扰能力,使得测量仪具有测量精度高,冲击小等特点。 Abstract: A measurement apparatus for multi-channel pressure based on single chip microcomputer is introduced.It can measure 6 channels signal of the pressure,and the pressure measure points can be detection and located individually.The pressure signal sampling is obtained by resistor stress-type pressure sensors,the digital signals of 6 channels are collected through amplifying and adjustment circuit of pressure signals and internal integrated A/D converter of MCU.Finally,and it realizes the function to store and display data separately.C8051F020 was used to made hardware circuit simple,and it also enhanced the anti-interference ability.It features high precision and little impact.
上传时间: 2013-11-16
公司简介 应广科技成立于2005年2月18日资本额RMB3千万台湾优良IC设计公司主要核心技术:领先全球的平行处理多核心单片机。以轫体取代硬体设计的创新技术与思维。精简的C语言编译器。97个精简指令开发容易,有效缩小程式空间提高工作效率。拥有全球数十项多核心单片机专利技术。经专业测试认证ESD达8千伏特以上。超高抗杂讯能力,超高抗干扰能力。
上传时间: 2014-12-27