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您现在的位置是:虫虫下载站 > 资源下载 > 模拟电子 > 相敏检波电路鉴相特性的仿真研究


资 源 简 介

分析了调幅信号和载波信号之间的相位差与调制信号的极性的对应关系,得出了相敏检波电路输出电压的极性与调制信号的极性有对应关系的结论。为了验证相敏检波电路的这一特性,给出3 个电路方案,分别选用理想元件和实际元件,采用Multisim 对其进行仿真实验,直观形象地演示了相敏检波电路的鉴相特性,是传统的实际操作实验所不可比拟的。

Abstract : The corresponding relation between modulation signal polarity and difference phases of amplitudemodulated signal and the carrier signal ,the polarity of phase2sensitive detecting circuit output voltage and the polarity of modulation signal are correspondent . In order to verify this characteristic ,three elect ric circuit s plans are produced ,idea element s and actual element s are selected respectively. Using Multisim to carry on a simulation experiment ,and then demonst rating the phase detecting characteristic of the phase sensitive circuit vividly and directly. Which is t raditional practical experience cannot be com pared.
Keywords :phase sensitive detection ;phase2detecting characteristic ;Multisim;circuit simulation

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