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  • Thinking in Java, 3rd ed. Revision 4.0 Preface Introduction 1: Introduction to Objects 2

    Thinking in Java, 3rd ed. Revision 4.0 Preface Introduction 1: Introduction to Objects 2: Everything is an Object 3: Controlling Program Flow 4: Initialization & Cleanup 5: Hiding the Implementation 6: Reusing Classes 7: Polymorphism 8: Interfaces & Inner Classes 9: Error Handling with Exceptions 10: Detecting Types 11: Collections of Objects 12: The Java I/O System 13: Concurrency 14: Creating Windows & Applets 15: Discovering Problems 16: Analysis and Design A: Passing & Returning Objects B: Java Programming Guidelines C: Supplements D: Resources Index

    标签: Introduction Thinking Revision Preface

    上传时间: 2014-07-13


  • 数据库: hospital

    数据库: hospital,MySQL 数据库用户名/密码: root/(空) 数据库参数存放文件:WEB-INF\classes\hospital\db\DBConnection.java,需要重编译 系统登录用户名/密码: 管理员:admin/admin 病人:自己注册之 医生:用管理员添加,初始密码与编号相同。 测试地址:http://localhost:8080/hospital/ 数据库名称为:hospital 此脚本中含有初始化数据 admin, doctor, images, patient是与页面相关的文件夹 hospital.jpx是JBuilder工程文件,用来编辑db包

    标签: hospital 数据库

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Produce a Java program to calculate the value of π in two different methods proposed by Francois Vie

    Produce a Java program to calculate the value of π in two different methods proposed by Francois Vieta and John Wallis. Design and implement a super-class Estimation two sub-classes (FrancoisVieta and JohnWallis) and an application class.

    标签: calculate different Francois proposed

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • Whenever there is an application to write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The small

    Whenever there is an application to write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The smallest piece of any application would probably be a data object, or a simple Bean in Java. Java Beans are simple Java classes that have a distinctive look and behavior. Their simplest purpose is to contain data and they accomplish this by having properties. Each property is actually a data-member containing/referencing the actual data and a couple of methods, a getter method and a setter method. Thus, the simplest data-bean describing a person could be expressed as such:

    标签: small application Whenever breaking

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • 1.配置java环境

    1.配置java环境,JDK1.5以上和安装MYSQL5.0(配置好java的环境变量) 2.在SQL文件里,把role.sql,sql.sql,insert.sql按照这个顺利插进MYSQL数据库里 3.修改FlashNetGame\classes文件夹下面的hibernate.cfg.xml文件,修改里面的数据库连接地址和用户密码什么的 4.把NetGameFalsh文件夹里面的NetGame.swf的打包成.exe文件(如果你的电脑是可信任flash的就不需要) 5.下载spring和hibernate的包,然后把相关的jar文件放到FlashNetGame目录的lib文件夹下 6.准备好上面的那些工作之后,在FlashNetGame目录那里的build.xml文件,用ant编译 (如果没有装ant,可以执行org.game.server.StartServer这个主类,就可以启动服务器了) 7.把NetGameFalsh文件里面的NetGame.swf打包成exe文件(主要是flash的安全策略,如果你配置了你电脑,就不需要) 8.连接服务器,用内带的用户登陆就可以了(帐户:soda,密码:soda),或者可以在数据库手动添加

    标签: java 环境

    上传时间: 2016-11-08


  • AppWizard has created this port_dll DLL for you. This DLL not only demonstrates the basics of using

    AppWizard has created this port_dll DLL for you. This DLL not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your DLL. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your port_dll DLL.

    标签: demonstrates AppWizard DLL port_dll

    上传时间: 2016-11-16


  • 从http网页上抓图到你的计算机show 可以用J++ 或 Sun Javac compile J++ 须要将swing的class放置在 C:WINDOWSjavaclassesjav

    从http网页上抓图到你的计算机show 可以用J++ 或 Sun Javac compile J++ 须要将swing的class放置在 C:\WINDOWS\java\classes\javax\swing J++ 不能抓网络的图但可以抓你计算机里面的图

    标签: WINDOWSjavaclassesjav compile Javac class

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • The smspdulib library is intended for more transparent interaction with SMS PDU. This thought over h

    The smspdulib library is intended for more transparent interaction with SMS PDU. This thought over hierarchy of classes will allow you to create new classes for other types of short messages using the realized base functionality. At present, the following types of short messages are supported: status report, SMS (with long (large) SMS parts support)

    标签: interaction transparent smspdulib intended

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : 学生管理系统 =======================================================

    MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : 学生管理系统 ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this 学生管理系统 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your 学生管理系统 application. 学生管理系统.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally.


    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • 一、设置数据源    如果设置数据源

    一、设置数据源    如果设置数据源,不论是服务器是tomcat还是resin,都无需更改任何文件。 数据源设置步骤:(windows操作系统) 1.进入“控制面板”-->管理工具”--->“数据源(ODBC)” 2.选择“用户DNS” 3.点击“添加”---〉选择驱动器“Microsoft Access Driver”---点击“完成” 4.填写数据源名:shnxn 5.选择数据库(我们网站的数据库所在位置,缺省为frshop下面database下的db.mdb,为了安全,您可以把数据库放置 在任何地方,只需保证这里的连接到那个数据库即可) 6.单击“确定” 7.完成数据源设置 设置完数据源以后,您只须把我们给您的文件中的classes文件下复制到 网站根目录的web-inf文件夹下面; 然后重启服务器即可。

    标签: 数据源

    上传时间: 2016-12-05
