完整版的 Windows 环境下32位汇编语言程序设计(第2版)----罗云彬 编著(会员投诉不是第2版) Windows环境下32位汇编语言是一种全新的编程语言。它使用与C++语言相同的API接口,不仅可以用来开发出大型的软件,而且是了解操作系统运行细节的最佳方式。 本书从编写应用程序的角度,从“Hello World!”这个简单的例子开始到编写多线程、注册表和网络通信等复杂的程序,通过70多个实例逐渐深入Win32汇编语言的方方面面。 本书作者罗云彬拥有十余年汇编语言编程经验,是汇编编程网站http://asm.yeah.net和汇编编程论坛http://win32asm.yeah.net的站长。本书是作者多年来编程工作的总结,适合于欲通过Win32汇编语言编写Windows程序的读者。
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Organized in a practical problem-and-solution format, More Exceptional C++ picks up where the widely acclaimed Exceptional C++ leaves off, providing successful strategies for solving real-world problems in C++. Drawing from years of in-the-trenches experience, Herb Sutter provides tested techniques and practical solutions for programmers designing modern software systems with C++, from small projects to enterprise applications.
标签: problem-and-solution Exceptional Organized practical
上传时间: 2015-10-20
This paper studies the problem of categorical data clustering, especially for transactional data characterized by high dimensionality and large volume. Starting from a heuristic method of increasing the height-to-width ratio of the cluster histogram, we develop a novel algorithm – CLOPE, which is very fast and scalable, while being quite effective. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on two real world
标签: data transactional categorical clustering
上传时间: 2015-10-24
This data set contains WWW-pages collected from computer science departments of various universities in January 1997 by the World Wide Knowledge Base (Web->Kb) project of the CMU text learning group. The 8,282 pages were manually classified into the following categories: student (1641) faculty (1124) staff (137) department (182) course (930) project (504) other (3764)
标签: universities departments WWW-pages collected
上传时间: 2015-11-12
3D reconstruction, medical image processing from colons, using intel image processing for based class. This source code. Some code missing but I think you can understand it. Development version. This source code is very interesting for learning segmentation and registration from dataset. This code also has some technique about GPU image processing for ray tracing. Also learn many filter apply for transform from spatial domain to frequency domain.
标签: processing image reconstruction medical
上传时间: 2013-12-19
什么是 VBScript? Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition 是程序开发语言 Visual Basic 家族的最新成员,它将灵活的脚本应用于更广泛的领域,包括 Microsoft Internet Explorer 中的 Web 客户机脚本和 Microsoft Internet Information Service 中的 Web 服务器脚本。 ActiveX脚本可用在 Microsoft(R) Internet Explorer 和 Microsoft(R) Internet Information Service 中。 其他应用程序和浏览器中的 VBScript 作为开发者,您可以在您的产品中免费使用 VBScript 源实现程序。Microsoft 为 32 位 Windows(R) API、16 位 Windows API 和 Macintosh(R) 提供 VBscript 的二进制实现程序。VBScript 与 World Wide Web 浏览器集成在一起。VBScript 和 ActiveX脚本也可以在其他应用程序中作为普通脚本语言使用。
标签: Visual Basic Microsoft Scripting
上传时间: 2013-12-14
CSS就是Cascading Style Sheets,中文翻译为“层叠样式表”,简称样式表,它是一种制作网页的新技术。 网页设计最初是用HTML标记来定义页面文档及格式,例如标题<h1>、段落<p>、表格<table>、链接<a>等,但这些标记不能满足更多的文档样式需求,为了解决这个问题,在1997年W3C(The World Wide Web Consortium)颁布HTML4标准的同时也公布了有关样式表的第一个标准CSS1, 自CSS1的版本之后,又在1998年5月发布了CSS2版本,样式表得到了更多的充实。W3C把DHTML(Dynamic HTML)分为三个部分来实现:脚本语言(包括JavaScript、Vbscript等)、支持动态效果的浏览器(包括Internet Explorer、Netscape Navigator等)和CSS样式表。
标签: Cascading Sheets Style CSS
上传时间: 2014-11-24
上传时间: 2015-12-13
创世纪的C++ Builder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 告别Hello World的年代 图形程式设计基本概念 具体而微的绘图程式 以C++ Builder处理Windows讯息(Message) 动态链结函式库(DLL-Dynamic Linked Library) Install Shield的使用介绍
标签: Builder
上传时间: 2013-12-11
《JavaServer Faces》 In JavaServer Faces, developers learn how to use the new JavaServer Faces framework to build real-world web applications. The book contains everything you ll need: how to construct the HTML on the front end how to create the user interface components that connect the front end to your business objects how to write a back-end that s JSF-friendly and how to create the deployment descriptors that tie everything together. This book is a complete guide to the crucial new JSF technology.
标签: JavaServer Faces developers framew
上传时间: 2016-01-02