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  • If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size

    If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size

    标签: features reduce using these

    上传时间: 2016-02-07


  • mimo toolbox pdf reference. this file wish you so goo work!

    mimo toolbox pdf reference. this file wish you so goo work!

    标签: reference toolbox mimo file

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • This is a document for CYCLONE Develop Kits type LJ-FN300 FPGANIOS. wish this would help you to find

    This is a document for CYCLONE Develop Kits type LJ-FN300 FPGANIOS. wish this would help you to find what kits can be select to use.

    标签: FPGANIOS document CYCLONE Develop

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • if you want to it you can download and i m a student,this is a paper,I m wish it can help you.

    if you want to it you can download and i m a student,this is a paper,I m wish it can help you.

    标签: you can download student

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • Oracle 10g Administration introduction book for those who wish to shift from any database to oracle.

    Oracle 10g Administration introduction book for those who wish to shift from any database to oracle. Beginners Book

    标签: Administration introduction database Oracle

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • 使用CCS进行DSP编程

    CCStudio Platinum Edition is available in a number of ways. Existingcustomers who are up-to-date with their subscription service withTexas Instruments will receive their update automatically on a CD inthe mail. New customers who wish to purchase a copy of CCStudioPlatinum Edition can order TMDSCCSALL-1 starting May 23, 2005. A120-day Trial version will be also be available on CDROM startingJuly 11, 2005. Users may order the CDROM of the 120-day free copy

    标签: CCS DSP 编程

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • 无线电干扰 Radio Susceptibility

      Abstract: Engineers often wish that radio susceptibility (RS) or radio immunity could be cured with an antibiotic, a vaccine, or someform of cure-all. Unfortunately, solving the RS problem is not that easy. Indeed, the laws of physics apply. In this article we discusssources of RS. We also offer tips and hints to protect systems, power supplies, printed circuit boards (PCBs), and electroniccomponents from radio frequency interference.

    标签: Susceptibility Radio 无线电干扰

    上传时间: 2014-12-30


  • XAPP444 - CPLD配件,技巧和窍门

    Most designers wish to utilize as much of a device as possible in order to enhance the overallproduct performance, or extend a feature set. As a design grows, inevitably it will exceed thearchitectural limitations of the device. Exactly why a design does not fit can sometimes bedifficult to determine. Programmable logic devices can be configured in almost an infinitenumber of ways. The same design may fit when you use certain implementation switches, andfail to fit when using other switches. This application note attempts to clarify the CPLD softwareimplementation (CPLDFit) options, as well as discuss implementation tips in CoolRunnerTM-IIdesigns in order to maximize CPLD utilization.

    标签: XAPP CPLD 444 配件

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • linux 的引导程序源码The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the documentation

    linux 的引导程序源码The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools you need to develop applications that run on Windows. The applications you develop with this edition of the SDK can run on the x86, x64 and Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64 Pro Edition, and Windows 2000. A new custom install allows you to select components you wish to install on a more granular level.

    标签: documentation Development Microsoft reg

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • CBC下写的串口编程

    CBC下写的串口编程,API函数实例 I wish this site had been around when I was trying to figure out how to make serial communications work in Windows95. I, like many programmers, was hit with the double-whammy of having to learn Windows programming and Win95 serial comm programming at the same time. I found both tasks confusing at best. It was particularly frustrating because I had, over the years, written so much stuff (including lots of serial comm software) for the DOS environment and numerous embedded applications. Interrupt driven serial comm, DMA transfer serial comm, TSR serial comm, C, assembler, various processors... you name it, it had written it. Yet, everything I knew seemed upside-down in the message-driven-callback world of Windows.

    标签: CBC 串口编程

    上传时间: 2014-06-20
