Linphone is a web phone: it let you phone to your friends anywhere in the whole world, freely, simply by using the internet. The cost of the phone call is the cost that you spend connected to the internet.
标签: phone Linphone anywhere friends
上传时间: 2015-05-04
with this program you can search your whole driver and list all files in a tree view box.
标签: program driver search files
上传时间: 2013-12-16
具体功能:This is the part-2 of the whole project. This package is used to create PKI
上传时间: 2015-08-27
renesas m16c DMA data access sample the whole project is tested in HEW,and works corectly.
标签: corectly renesas project access
上传时间: 2013-12-02
This is the latest VS1053B chip interface routines combined with Elm Chan s FatFs library. whole code has been ported to CVAVR 1.2.x
标签: interface combined routines library
上传时间: 2014-01-10
the whole physical layer of wimax 802.16
标签: physical 802.16 layer whole
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Tic tac toe is (exactly what re your thinking) and it s the first game I made. Made it in one whole day in Turbo C. It uses primitive graphics drawing and also demonstrates how to output an image. Written in C, also uses a library I got from the net (included) for image output.
标签: thinking exactly first whole
上传时间: 2017-08-13
web 2.0 application,uses the ajax technology,is a good usecase for ajax learning ,contain the whole aspects of ajax,view a lovely photo album
标签: ajax application technology the
上传时间: 2014-01-16
主要介绍了以PIC18F2480单片机为处理器,基于可编程多路开关检测接口器件MC33993实现的车用多路开关检测接口电路的设计。该设计克服了以往基于分立元件的检测接口电路的弊端,简化了接口电路设计,保证了车用开关工作的可靠性和安全性。 Abstract: The design of automotive multiple switch detection interface circuit based on MC33993 is introduced mainly which adopts PIC18F2480 single chip microprocessor.This circuit overcomes shortage of traditional design which contains many schism elements, and the application of MC33993 also predigests the whole design of interface circuit and guarantees the dependability and security of the switch.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
汇编器在微处理器的验证和应用中举足轻重,如何设计通用的汇编器一直是研究的热点之一。本文提出了一种开放式的汇编器系统设计思想,在汇编语言与机器语言间插入中间代码CMDL(code mapping description language)语言,打破汇编语言与机器语言的直接映射关系,由此建立起一套描述汇编语言与机器语言的开放式映射体系。基于此开放式映射体系开发了一套汇编器系统,具有较高层次上的通用性和可移植性。【关键词】指令集,CMDL,汇编器,开放式 Design of Retargetable Assembler System Liu Ling Feng Wen Nan Wang Ying Chun Jiang An Ping Ji Li Jiu IME of Peking University, 100871【摘要】An assembler plays a very important role in the field of microprocessor verifications and applications, thus how to build a retargetable assembler system has been a hotspot in this field for long time. This paper presents a new method about the retargetable assembler system design.It provides a kind of language CMDL, code mapping description language. During the process of assembling, assembler languages are firstly translated to CMDL, and then mapped to the machine codes. In an other word, CMDL is inserted between assembler languages and machine codes during the translation procedure. As a medium code, CMDL has a lot of features, such as high extraction, strong descript capabilities. It can describe almost all attributes of assembler languages. By breaking the direct mapping relationship between assembler languages and machine codes, the complexities of machine codes are hided to the users, therefore, the new retargetable assembler system has higher retargetable level by converting the mapping from assembler languages and machine codes to assembler languages and CMDL, and implementationof it becomes easier. Based on the new mapping system structure, a retargetable assemblersystem is developed. It proved the whole system has good retargetability and implantability.【关键词】instruction set, symbol table, assembler, lexical analysis, retargetability
上传时间: 2013-10-10