EmbeddedSystem_Programming_In_C&CPP,well to write for embeded system programming
标签: EmbeddedSystem_Programming_In_C programming embeded system
上传时间: 2013-12-25
python client server chatting program. Very basic.but it well presents the application of server and client model.
标签: server application chatting presents
上传时间: 2016-12-18
Ultra wideband (UWB) technology, well-known for its use in ground penetrating radar, has also been of considerable interest in communications and radar applications demanding low probability of intercept and detection (LPI/D), multipath immunity, high data throughput, precision ranging and localization.
标签: penetrating technology well-known wideband
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Ultra wideband (UWB) technology, well-known for its use in ground penetrating radar, has also been of considerable interest in communications and radar applications demanding low probability of intercept and detection (LPI/D), multipath immunity, high data throughput, precision ranging and localization.
标签: penetrating technology well-known wideband
上传时间: 2013-12-11
iar ewarm entry-level curriculum.A more detailed description of how the IAR EWARM quick star,as well as the development environment IAR EWARM the basic use.
标签: entry-level description curriculum detailed
上传时间: 2017-02-10
This text introduces the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all it also provides some core techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks or thwart potential system attacks. 我记得好像的关于缓冲区溢出的
标签: introduces the hacking science
上传时间: 2014-08-14
This software package contains the USB framework core developped by ATMEL, as well as a CDC driver for an USB to serial converter. The following files are included : - core/ -> Source code for the framework core -> Makefile for the core - cdc/ -> Source code for the CDC driver -> Makefile for the CDC driver - lib/ -> Lib v3 files for every supported chips - bin/ -> Compiled binaries for every supported chips - ./ -> Makefile for the framework -> Startup file
标签: developped framework software contains
上传时间: 2017-02-14
This software package contains the USB framework core developped by ATMEL, as well as two HID drivers for a mouse and a keyboard. The following files are included : - core/ -> Source code for the framework core -> Makefile for the core - hid/ -> Source code for the HID drivers -> Makefile for the HID drivers - lib/ -> Lib v3 files for every supported chips - bin/ -> Compiled binaries for every supported chips - ./ -> Makefile for the framework -> Startup file
标签: developped framework software contains
上传时间: 2014-08-30
This software package contains the USB framework core developped by ATMEL, as well as a Mass storage driver. The MSD driver uses the internal flash of the chip to operate as a disk-on-key. The following files are included : - core/ -> Source code for the framework core -> Makefile for the core - msd/ -> Source code for the Mass Storage driver -> Makefile for the MSD driver - bin/ -> Compiled binaries for every supported chips - lib/ -> Lib v3 files for every supported chips - ./ -> Makefile for the framework -> Startup file
标签: developped framework software contains
上传时间: 2017-02-14
This taglib contains tags used to create struts input forms, as well as other tags generally useful in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces. Many of the tags in this tag library will throw a JspException at runtime when they are utilized incorrectly (such as when you specify an invalid combination of tag attributes). JSP allows you to declare an "error page" in the <%@ page %> directive. If you wish to process the actual exception that caused the problem, it is passed to the error page as a request attribute under key org.apache.struts.action.EXCEPTION.
标签: tags generally contains taglib
上传时间: 2017-02-21