Applet Name: Scroll Text Applet Source: Import(s): java.awt, java.lang, java.util, java.applet Feature(s): text
标签: java Applet ScrollText Import
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The Synthetic PIC Verion 1.1 This a VHDL synthesizable model of a simple PIC 16C5x microcontroller. It is not, and is not intended as, a high fidelity circuit simulation. This package includes the following files. Note that the license agreement is stated in the main VHDL file, PICCPU.VHD and common questions are answered in the file SYNTHPIC.TXT Files: README.TXT This file.. SYNTHPIC.TXT Questions and Answers PICCPU.VHD Main processor VHDL file PICALU.VHD ALU for the PICCPU PICREGS.VHD Data memory PICROM.VHD Program memory (created by HEX2VHDL utility) PICTEST.VHD Simple test bench I used to do testing (optional) PICTEST.CMD My Viewlogic ViewSim command file (again, optional) TEST1.ASM First program I assembled and ran on it. TEST2.ASM Another test program.. TEST3.ASM Yet another.. TEST4.ASM Yet another.. TEST5.ASM Yet another.. TEST6.ASM Yet another.. HEX2VHDL.CPP Utility for converting
标签: synthesizable microcontro Synthetic PIC
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Stereo-Vision circuit description, Aug 2002, Ahmad Darabiha This design contains four top level circuits: sv_chip0.vhd, sv_chip1.vhd, sv_chip2.vhd and sv_chip3.vhd each of them built by one Virtex2000E fpga chip. This design is hierarchical and the sub-circuits can be used as smaller benchmarks.
标签: Stereo-Vision description Darabiha contains
上传时间: 2017-03-19
Working RS232 controller running at 9600 Hz. Consist of Transmitter and Receiver Module. Tested in FPGA Spartan 3 Included files for testing at FPGA - Scan4digit .vhd - to display at 7 sgement display - D4to7 .vhd - Convert HEX decimal to ASCII code.
标签: Transmitter controller Receiver Working
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Generate Possion Dis. step1:Generate a random number between [0,1] step2:Let u=F(x)=1-[(1/e)x] step3:Slove x=1/F(u) step4:Repeat Step1~Step3 by using different u,you can get x1,x2,x3,...,xn step5:If the first packet was generated at time [0], than the second packet will be generated at time [0+x1],The third packet will be generated at time [0+x1+x2], and so on …. Random-number generation 1.static method random from class Math -Returns doubles in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0 2.class Random from package java.util -Can produce pseudorandom boolean, byte, float, double, int, long and Gaussian values -Is seeded with the current time of day to generate different sequences of numbers each time the program executes
标签: Generate Possion between random
上传时间: 2017-05-25
FontExporter:将指定文件包含的文本,用指定的字体和大小导出到字库。 <br><br>PicFont:在另一个系统显示字库,可以将上面导出的文本,用同样的字体和大小显示出来。<br><br>使用的时候,先用 FontExporter 将图片字库导出,eg.<br>java util.loc.FontExporter 宋体 12 text.xml 0 FL12<br><br>然后在J2ME工程里面加入,,,创建PicFont对象,载入图片字用PicFont对象的 load()方法。画图片字用drawChar()方法。<br><br>目前图片字支持各种字体,大小是1~32像素,渐变、阴影特效。
标签: FontExporter
上传时间: 2017-06-06
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\src\com\javaeedev\utilC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\src\com\javaeedev\util
标签: SettingsAdministrator Documents srccomjavaeedevutilC and
上传时间: 2017-06-19
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\src\com\javaeedev\util
标签: SettingsAdministrator srccomjavaeedevutil Documents and
上传时间: 2013-12-22
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\src\com\javaeedev\util
标签: SettingsAdministrator srccomjavaeedevutil Documents and
上传时间: 2014-08-04
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\src\com\javaeedev\util\HttpUtil.rar
标签: srccomjavaeedevutilHttpUtil SettingsAdministrator Documents and
上传时间: 2014-02-18