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  • High volume USB 2.0 devices will be designed using ASIC technology with embedded USB 2.0 support. F

    High volume USB 2.0 devices will be designed using ASIC technology with embedded USB 2.0 support. For full-speed USB devices the operating frequency was low enough to allow data recovery to be handled in a vendors VHDL code, with the ASIC vendor providing only a simple level translator to meet the USB signaling requirements. Today s gate arrays operate comfortably between 30 and 60 MHz. With USB 2.0 signaling running at hundreds of MHz, the existing design methodology must change.

    标签: technology 2.0 USB designed

    上传时间: 2017-07-05


  • PCI-Express Lane Test Utility. Validates negotiated lane capability registers, returns error codes,

    PCI-Express Lane Test Utility. Validates negotiated lane capability registers, returns error codes, supports multiple vendor/device ID s

    标签: PCI-Express negotiated capability Validates

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • This book is intended as a thorough introduction to both PCI and PCI-X. Is as a “companion” to the s

    This book is intended as a thorough introduction to both PCI and PCI-X. Is as a “companion” to the specifications. If you’re designing boards or systems using offthe-shelf PCI interface silicon, this book together with the silicon vendor’s data sheets should be sufficient for your needs. On the other hand, if your goal is to design PCI silicon, motherboards or backplanes, you will undoubtedly need to reference the specifications for additional detail.

    标签: introduction companion intended thorough

    上传时间: 2014-08-18


  • Java technology has evolved from a programming language designed to create machine-independent embe

    Java technology has evolved from a programming language designed to create machine-independent embedded systems into a robust, vendor-independent, machine-independent, server-side technology, enabling the corporate community to realize the full potential of web-centric applications. Java began with the release of the Java Development Kit (JDK). It was obv

    标签: machine-independent programming technology designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 3DTV+Content+Capture,Encoding+and+Transmission

    3 Dimensions TV (3DTV) became commercially available in the United States in 2010 and service in other countries was expected to follow soon thereafter. 3DTV is a subset of a larger discipline known as 3D Video (3DV). There are now many routine vendor announcements related to 3DTV/3DV, and there are also conferences wholly dedicated to the topic.

    标签: Transmission Encoding Content Capture 3DTV and

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • SDxCentral-Mega-NFV-Report

    The following sections profile many of the vendors in the NFV market. The individual profiles were created through a collaborative effort between SDNCentral’s Research Team and the vendor’s product experts. SDNCentral worked under the assumption the information provided by the vendors was factual, auditing the submissions only to remove unverifiable claims and hyperbole. Extended profiles can be viewed online. While every attempt has been made to validate the capabilities listed in the profiles, SDNCentral advises end users to verify the veracity of each claim for themselves in their actual deployment environments. SDNCentral cannot be held liable for unexpected operations, damages or incorrect operation due to any inaccuracies listed here. SDNCentral welcomes feedback and additional information from end users based on their real-world experiences with the products and technologies listed. The SDNCentral research team can be reached at

    标签: SDxCentral-Mega-NFV-Report

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • VoIP+and+Unified+Communications

    This book intends to prepare you to define Unified Communications (UC) for yourself and then get it to work for you. Each vendor pulls together from its available products a package of features related to voice, data, messaging, and image communications. That’s UC for one vendor, but it’s unlikely to match exactly the UC from another vendor. You need a detailed specification to know what you’ll see installed.

    标签: Communications Unified VoIP and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • DeviceNet协议

    一、DeviceNet概述DeviceNet 规范由Rockwell 自动化公司开发,并将其作为一个基于 CAN协议的开放式现场总线标准而公布。最初的 DeviceNet产品在1995年初出现。DeviceNet协议特别为工厂自动控制而定制,它在美国和亚洲扮演了非常重要的角色。在欧洲,越来越多的系统方案使用 DeviceNet来实现。ODVA(Open DeviceNet vendor Association)是所有DeviceNet产品开发者的组织,它成立于 1995年,并获得了Rockwell 自动化公司所有知识产权的转让。该组织按照公司的原则进行运作,并确保所有成员都有同等的发言权。它负责DeviceNet标准的制定和更新。此外,ODVA还致力于DeviceNet在全球的推广和市场化。开发基于DeviceNet的产品必须遵循 DeviceNet规范。DeviceNet规范分Volume 1,Volume Il两部分。用户可以从ODVA协会寻找关于 DeviceNet开发源代码的信息:基于 CAN-bus的硬件则可以从 PHILPS.Intel等半导体供货商那里获得

    标签: devicenet协议

    上传时间: 2022-06-26


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(80)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(80)资源包含以下内容:1. 9315原理图,剩下的见后续部分fds fdsf.2. 0809的一个比较详细的C程序.3. 18b20的c程序.4. 18b20的例外一个c程序.5. ZIGBEE开发板JN-AP-1002灯闪烁转换的例程.6. LWIP1.1.1在UCOS-II2.61上的移植.7. wince ril程序.8. Maria2 CarTV 20060707 Tony.9. PS2 游戏接口应用程序。IR 跳舞毯程序.10. PS2红外跳舞毯发射程序.11. 用三星的MCU写的CID电话机源程序.12. 合泰MCU写的电话机源程序.13. FSK软解码.14. 防盗报警器NTK源代码.15. EZUSB 同步流传输主机源代码!针对fx2芯片.16. 基于S3C44B0X的开发板原理图.17. PCI驱动开发事例文档说明.18. dsp f2812 源程序.19. dsp f2812 运行环境ccs2000的源程序.20. dsp f2812 运行环境ccs2000的源程序.21. dsp f2812 运行环境ccs2000的源程序.22. dsp f2812 运行环境ccs2000的源程序.23. dsp f2812 运行环境ccs2000的源程序.24. 一般都可以用msp430x14x串口通信的程序,这次主要在msp430F149中调过了.25. 车载显示器.26. LCM 12864厂家提供 C51驱动源程序.27. VHDL接口电路实用源程序.28. 用WINCE进行嵌入式开发的源代码开发板S3C2410.29. 解压或者复制到软件相应的目录即可使用此代码.30. 在linux下进行ARM开发所使用的源代码.31. 此为嵌入式linux开发驱动程序调试源代码.32. ARMLPC2129ucosii283(uCOSII2.83已经移植到arm7,iar环境).33. 自动拨号,用于ip自动拨号,防盗等.用c语言写成..34. zigbee Interface an Atmel AVR MCU with Freescales MC1319x ZigBee chip.35. cpress usb 芯片Vender 处理固件。 The purpose of this software is to demonstrate how to implement vendor s.36. 用C51做超声波,嵌入式开发模式,对开发者有用!.37. 详细提供了太阳能抓虫灯的原理图和布线图和材料表,自己开发没有抄袭.38. 详细提供了5000kw正弦波逆变器的原理图sch和pcb图纸.39. 本程序使用定时器1.40. CycloneII_NiosII的实验板资料.


    上传时间: 2013-04-15
