Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用 The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent Technologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows:
标签: S参数
上传时间: 2013-12-19
上传时间: 2013-11-21
为了正确反映基于光电位置敏感器(PSD)的微位移传感器的特性,首先介绍了一维光电位置敏感器的工作原理并分析了利用PSD结合光学三角测量法将位移信号转换成电压信号的工作原理,得出基于PSD的微位移传感器被测试件位移量与相关测量电路输出电压(S,V)关系特征,然后基于最小二乘估计算法基本原理, 提出了运用MATLAB语言建立PSD的为了正确反映基于光电位置敏感器(PSD)的微位移传感器的特性,首先介绍了一维光电位置敏感器的工作原理并分析了利用PSD结合光学三角测量法将位移信号转换成电压信号的工作原理,得出基于PSD的微位移传感器被测试件位移量与相关测量电路输出电压(S,V)关系特征,然后基于最小二乘估计算法基本原理, 提出了运用MATLAB语言建立PSD的微位移传感器(S,V)关系特征的数学模型的方法, 给出了建模的程序流程图以及仿真结果。微位移传感器(S,V)关系特征的数学模型的方法, 给出了建模的程序流程图以及仿真结果。
上传时间: 2014-07-26
该电路集包括了从业界享有盛名的公司搜集到的大量最新电路,体现了丰富的设计思想。为便于读者理解和应用这些电路,本书几乎对每个电路都附有简要说明。$ C' I" t% P5 l3 V. l0 K, B 本书可供电子技术工作者、高等院校和中等专科学校师生、电子爱好者阅读和参考。( H& s, \, z6 ~% D: @
上传时间: 2013-10-19
当许多编程人员从事这项工作但又不使用源代码管理工具时,源代码管理几乎不可能进行。Visual SourceSafe是Visual Basic的企业版配备的一个工具,不过这个工具目的是为了保留一个内部应用版本,不向公众发布(应当说明的是,M i c r o s o f t并没有开发Visual SourceSafe,它是M i c r o s o f t公司买来的) 。虽然Visual SourceSafe有帮助文本可供参考,但该程序的一般运行情况和在生产环境中安装 Visual SourceSafe的进程都没有详细的文字说明。另外,Visual SourceSafe像大多数M i c r o s o f t应用程序那样经过了很好的修饰,它包含的许多功能特征和物理特征都不符合 Microsoft Wi n d o w s应用程序的标准。例如,Visual SourceSafe的三个组件之一(Visual SourceSafe Administrator)甚至连F i l e菜单都没有。另外,许多程序的菜单项不是放在最合适的菜单上。在程序开发环境中实现Visual SourceSafe时存在的复杂性,加上它的非标准化外观和文档资料的不充分,使得许多人无法实现和使用 Visual SourceSafe。许多人甚至没有试用 Vi s u a l S o u r c e S a f e的勇气。我知道许多高水平技术人员无法启动Visual SourceSafe并使之运行,其中有一位是管理控制系统项目师。尽管如此,Visual SourceSafe仍然不失为一个很好的工具,如果你花点时间将它安装在你的小组工作环境中,你一定会为此而感到非常高兴。在本章中我并不是为你提供一些指导原则来帮助你创建更好的代码,我的目的是告诉你如何使用工具来大幅度减少管理大型项目和开发小组所需的资源量,这个工具能够很容易处理在没有某种集成式解决方案情况下几乎无法处理的各种问题。
上传时间: 2013-10-24
上传时间: 2013-11-12
上传时间: 2013-11-04
上传时间: 2013-11-04
上传时间: 2013-11-21
This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System
上传时间: 2013-11-14