This the third edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. The first article helped to simply get you acquainted with device drivers and a simple framework for developing a device driver for NT. The second tutorial attempted to show to use IOCTLs and display what the memory layout of Windows NT is. In this edition, we will go into the idea of contexts and pools. The driver we write today will also be a little more interesting as it will allow two user mode applications to communicate with each other in a simple manner. We will call this the “poor man’s pipes” implementation.
标签: the articles Drivers edition
上传时间: 2014-01-16
CHAPT13\AnsiWinTerm.cpp Class used in Win32 terminal emulation CHAPT13\AnsiWinTerm.h Header file for the AnsiWinTerm class CHAPT13\Chapt13.cpp 32-bit test program of terminal emulation CHAPT13\Chapt13.dsp Visual C++ project file CHAPT13\Chapt13.dsw Visual C++ workspace file CHAPT13\Chapt13.rc The resource file used in the test program CHAPT13\resource.h IDs defined in the resource file CHAPT13\Win32Term.cpp The Win32 general purpose terminal class CHAPT13\Win32Term.h Definition of the class CHAPT13\Debug\Chapt13.exe 32-bit executable of the test program.
标签: AnsiWinTerm CHAPT emulation terminal
上传时间: 2016-02-03
在这里可以进行工作环境、界面和显示效果的一些设定,执行菜单 Setup>User Preferences出现下面窗体,因为这里涉及的内容比较多,而且很多功 能都很少用到,所以下面只针对一些常用设置作介绍。
上传时间: 2016-02-08
Session 1: common and useful built-in Mathematica functions variable assignment and function definition the Front End and the Kernel Notebooks. Session 2: organisation of data in Mathematica lists and expressions simple programming functions nesting. Session 3: the opportunity to develop your proficiency as a Mathematica user through work on an extended problem Case Studies Mathematica resources on the Internet.
标签: Mathematica assignment and functions
上传时间: 2013-12-27
his header file that is used to define all preprossor directives, global variables, and prototypes. The user must modify this header file for their particular Bridge Transducer in use before proceeding.
标签: directives preprossor prototype variables
上传时间: 2014-08-24
This R2.9 revision of the CLID detector provides the TYPE 1 (on-hook, between first and second ring, or before first ring) signal detection and returns the message raw byte data without parsing of particular fields such as Message Type, Parameter(s) Type(s), etc. The decoding of the message meaning should be performed by the user application.主叫号码识别CID算法for TI DSP
标签: the revision detector provides
上传时间: 2014-01-18
经过测试,绝对可以运行,判断闰年课程设计源代码 可以之间到查看
标签: 测试
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Core JSP In recent years, a large amount of software development activity has migrated from the client to the server. The client-centric model, in which a client executes complex programs to visualize and manipulate data, is no longer considered appropriate for the majority of enterprise applications. The principal reason is deployment—it is a significant hassle to deploy client programs onto a large number of desktops, and to redeploy them whenever the application changes. Instead, applications are redesigned to use a web browser as a "terminal". The application itself resides on the server, formatting data for the user as web pages and processing the responses that the user fills into web forms.
标签: development activity migrated software
上传时间: 2014-01-13
JavaServer Pages™ Specification This document is intended for: · Web Server and Application Server vendors that want to provide JSP containers that conform to the Tag Extensions specification. · Web Authoring Tool vendors that want to generate JSP pages that conform to the Tag Extensions specification. · Service providers that want to deliver functionality as tag libraries. · Sophisticated JSP page authors that want to define new tag libraries for their use, or who are responsible for creating tag libraries for the use of a group. · Eager JSP page authors who do not want to or cannot wait for Web Authoring Tools, or even a User’s Guide. This document is not a User’s Guide, but it contains some positioning and explanatory material.
标签: Specification Application JavaServer document
上传时间: 2014-01-03
Application Note Abstract The unique configuration of the PSoC® switched capacitor blocks allows construction of a programmable bipolar current source. A detailed explanation of this function is provided demonstrating how to build a programmable current source using a couple basic PSoC User Modules.
标签: configuration Application capacitor Abstract
上传时间: 2013-12-30