By Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington ISBN 1-56592-243-3 First Edition, published August 1998. (See the catalog page for this book.) Search the text of Perl Cookbook. Table of Contents Copyright Page Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Strings Chapter 2: Numbers Chapter 3: Dates and Times Chapter 4: Arrays Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: Pattern Matching Chapter 7: File Access Chapter 8: File Contents Chapter 9: Directories Chapter 10: Subroutines Chapter 11: References and Records Chapter 12: Packages, Libraries, and Modules Chapter 13: Classes, Objects, and Ties Chapter 14: Database Access Chapter 15: User Interfaces Chapter 16: Process Management and Communication Chapter 17: Sockets Chapter 18: Internet Services Chapter 19: CGI Programming Chapter 20: Web Automation Index Colophon
标签: Christiansen Torkington published Edition
上传时间: 2014-02-20
CarSim is an application for the simulating the (simplified) movement of cars on a two-dimensional surface. Package ope.carsim contains classes that represent the problem domain: cars and locations. Package ope.carsim.gui contains a user interface for the application.
标签: two-dimensional application simulating simplified
上传时间: 2013-12-22
1、用SQL查询器打开install目录下的dooogo.sql运行之后创建数据库dooogo。 2、然后打开web.config修改 <DbProvider type="Club.Framework.Data.SqlDataProvider, Club.Framework" connectionString="user id=sa password= initial Catalog=dooogo Data Source=(local)" /> 节点的数据库用户密码。 3、打开IIS,创建虚拟目录dooogo指向WebUI目录; 4、输入http://localhost/dooogo/default.aspx进入首页
标签: dooogo DbProvider install config
上传时间: 2015-09-05
华东理工大学自动化系《控制系统分析、设计和应用》教材配套程序实例,有关说明: 1. 安装MATLAB软件。安装时,将MATLAB安装在C:\MatlabR12目录下 Matlab的详细安装方法见有关安装手册 2. 拷贝文件:即将光盘中的/ctl/program和/ctl/functions下的 文件复制到用户目录下(例如,D:\User) 3. 设置路径:先运行MATLAB,在桌面操作环境下,点击File下拉式菜单 的Set path选项,添加用户目录(例如,D:\User)(含子目录ctl等) 到MATLAB的工作路径 4. 运行程序:先运行MATLAB,如第3步已运行,可直接键入示例命令。 例如,键入ex1_1等 5. 阅读教材,并对示例进行操作。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Introduction to the MSN Messenger Activity SDK --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- The MSN® Messenger Activity software development kit (SDK) contains technical information about how to develop and test single-user and multiuser applications by using the Activity object model. The SDK also provides detailed information about the MSN development and testing requirements that your Activity must meet, and how to increase the usage of your MSN Messenger Activity application.
标签: Introduction Messenger Activity the
上传时间: 2015-09-06
A new blind adaptive multiuser detection scheme based on a hybrid of Kalman filter and subspace estimation is proposed. It is shown that the detector can be expressed as an anchored signal in the signal subspace and the coefficients can be estimated by the Kalman filter using only the signature waveform and the timing of the desired user.
标签: multiuser detection adaptive subspace
上传时间: 2015-09-07
一个十分不错的C/S图书馆管理系统 图书馆管理系统 使用方法: 文件夹下有两个文件夹Tsgl_client(图书管理客户端)和Tsgl_server(图书管理服务器端),用的是同一个ASA8数据库,数据库文件在Tsgl_server中。利用PowerBuilder 9.0打开相应文件夹下的PBW文件,然后按照应用程序入口配置数据源连接即可。ODBC ASA8数据源配置清单如下: 数据源名(data source name)为 tsgl 数据库名(database name)为libmis.db 数据库文件(database file)路径选择为…chap6\Tsgl_server\libmis.db文件 数据库登录用户名(user id)为dba 数据库登录口令(password)为sql
标签: Tsgl_client Tsgl_server 图书馆 图书管理
上传时间: 2014-12-01
In this edition, the majority of the book is dedicated to covering the Winsock API. Chapter 1 starts with an introduction to Winsock and is specifically geared for the beginning Winsock programmer. This chapter covers all the basics and introduces Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) through simple samples, as well as providing a roadmap to advanced Winsock topics covered in other chapters. For the sake of simplicity, Chapter 1 covers the IPv4 protocol.
标签: the dedicated covering majority
上传时间: 2015-09-08
Listed below are the typographical conventions used in this guide. – Example C++ code and commands to be typed by the user are in non-bold characters in typewriter font. – Items where the user has to supply a name or number are given in lower-case italic characters in typewriter font. – Sections marked with a ‡ describe features that are also available in ANSI C.
标签: typographical conventions commands Example
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This note describes some key aspects of what C++ is and of how C++ has developed over the years. The spective is that of an experienced C++ user looking at C++ as a practical tool. No attempts are made to compare C++ to other languages, though I have tried to answer some questions that I have often heard asked by Lisp programmers.
标签: describes developed aspects years
上传时间: 2015-09-15