Introduction jSMPP is a java implementation (SMPP API) of the SMPP protocol (currently supports SMPP v3.4). It provides interfaces to communicate with a Message Center or an ESME (External Short Message Entity) and is able to handle traffic of 3000-5000 messages per second. jSMPP is not a high-level library. People looking for a quick way to get started with SMPP may be better of using an abstraction layer such as the Apache Camel SMPP component: Travis-CI status: History The project started on Google Code: It was maintained by uudashr on Github until 2013. It is now a community project maintained at Release procedure mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Durl= -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -Dgpg.passphrase=<yourpassphrase> log in here: click the 'Staging Repositories' link select the repository and click close select the repository and click release License Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Nuruddin Ashr Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Denis Kostousov Copyright (C) 2014, Daniel Pocock Copyright (C) 2016, Pim Moerenhout This project is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.
上传时间: 2019-01-25
If one examines the current literature on GPS receiver design, most of it is quite a bit above the level of the novice. It is taken for granted that the reader is already at a fairly high level of understanding and proceeds from there. This text will be an attempt to take the reader through the concepts and circuits needed to be able to understand how a GPS receiver works from the antenna to the solution of user position.
标签: Fundamentals_of_Global_Positionin g_System
上传时间: 2020-06-09
Three-Level Buck CFLY Balance and Control Methodology.
标签: CFLY
上传时间: 2022-01-16
标签: usb
上传时间: 2022-02-04
上传时间: 2022-04-19
针对嵌入式Linux 系统中几种常见的GUI(Graphic User Interface) 系统, 讨论嵌入式GUI 实现的底层支持方式;详细分析Microwindows、MiniGUI、Qt/Em
上传时间: 2013-07-24
ALI-5661芯片MP3方案3100版本详细资料。 包含 M5661 Flash Support List_SDK_070122 M5661 User Manual_v1.2_051023
标签: Document
上传时间: 2013-04-24
JPEG2000是由ISO/ITU-T组织下的IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1小组制定的下一代静止图像压缩标准.与JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)相比,JPEG2000能够提供更好的数据压缩比,并且提供了一些JPEG所不具有的功能[1].JPEG2000具有的多种特性使得它具有广泛的应用前景.但是,JPEG2000是一个复杂编码系统,目前为止的软件实现方案的执行时间和所需的存储量较大,若想将JPEG2000应用于实际中,有着较大的困难,而用硬件电路实现JPEG2000或者其中的某些模块,必然能够减少JPEG200的执行时间,因而具有重要的意义.本文首先简单介绍了JPEG2000这一新的静止图像压缩标准,然后对算术编码的原理及实现算法进行了深入的研究,并重点探讨了JPEG2000中算术编码的硬件实现问题,给出了一种硬件最优化的算术编码实现方案.最后使用硬件描述语言(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language,VHDL)在寄存器传输级(Register Transfer Level,RTL描述了该硬件最优化的算术编码实现方案,并以Altera 20K200E FPGA为基础,在Active-HDL环境中进行了功能仿真,在Quartus Ⅱ集成开发环境下完成了综合以及后仿真,综合得到的最高工作时钟频率达45.81MHz.在相同的输入条件下,输出结果表明,本文设计的硬件算术编码器与实现JPEG2000的软件:Jasper[2]中的算术编码模块相比,处理时间缩短了30﹪左右.因而本文的研究对于JPEG2000应用于数字监控系统等实际应用有着重要的意义.
上传时间: 2013-05-16
Microsoft Windows CE User Interface Service Guide用户界面服务指南,北京希望电子出版社,微软公司著,希望图书创作室译。WinCE开发人员系列丛书之一。全书分八章:WindowsCE用户界面服务概述,使用窗口和消息,使用资源,创建控件,使用图形,使用声音,接收用户输入,设计WindowsCE用户界面。
上传时间: 2013-06-23
FEATURES Unique 1-Wire interface requires only one port pin for communication Multidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications Requires no external components Can be powered from data line. Power supply range is 3.0V to 5.5V Zero standby power required Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C. Fahrenheit equivalent is -67°F to +257°F ±0.5°C accuracy from -10°C to +85°C Thermometer resolution is programmable from 9 to 12 bits Converts 12-bit temperature to digital word in 750 ms (max.) User-definable, nonvolatile temperature alarm settings Alarm search command identifies and addresses devices whose temperature is outside of programmed limits (temperature alarm condition) Applications include thermostatic controls, industrial systems, consumer products, thermometers, or any thermally sensitive system
上传时间: 2013-08-04