目录 第一章 传输线理论 一 传输线原理 二 微带传输线 三 微带传输线之不连续分析 第二章 被动组件之电感设计与分析 一 电感原理 二 电感结构与分析 三 电感设计与模拟 电感分析与量测
标签: 传输线
上传时间: 2013-11-21
电力系统在台稳定计算式电力系统不正常运行方式的一种计算。它的任务是已知电力系统某一正常运行状态和受到某种扰动,计算电力系统所有发电机能否同步运行 1运行说明: 请输入初始功率S0,形如a+bi 请输入无限大系统母线电压V0 请输入系统等值电抗矩阵B 矩阵B有以下元素组成的行矩阵 1正常运行时的系统直轴等值电抗Xd 2故障运行时的系统直轴等值电抗X d 3故障切除后的系统直轴等值电抗 请输入惯性时间常数Tj 请输入时段数N 请输入哪个时段发生故障Ni 请输入每时段间隔的时间dt
上传时间: 2015-06-13
DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
上传时间: 2014-12-05
上下文无关文法(Context-Free Grammar, CFG)是一个4元组G=(V, T, S, P),其中,V和T是不相交的有限集,S∈V,P是一组有限的产生式规则集,形如A→α,其中A∈V,且α∈(V∪T)*。V的元素称为非终结符,T的元素称为终结符,S是一个特殊的非终结符,称为文法开始符。 设G=(V, T, S, P)是一个CFG,则G产生的语言是所有可由G产生的字符串组成的集合,即L(G)={x∈T* | Sx}。一个语言L是上下文无关语言(Context-Free Language, CFL),当且仅当存在一个CFG G,使得L=L(G)。 *⇒ 例如,设文法G:S→AB A→aA|a B→bB|b 则L(G)={a^nb^m | n,m>=1} 其中非终结符都是大写字母,开始符都是S,终结符都是小写字母。
标签: Context-Free Grammar CFG
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Foundations of Python Network Programming leads readers through every aspect of client and server programming with Python. Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language of choice for scripters and for serious application developers wanting a feature rich yet simple language to deploy their products in. This book features extensive examples that not only demonstrate important concepts and practices, but also provide a cadre of fully-functional stand-alone programs. Readers can use the examples as the basis and building blocks for their own software
标签: Foundations Programming Network readers
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Netcat for NT is the tcp/ip "Swiss Army knife" that never made it into any of the resource kits. It has proved to be an extremely versatile tool on the unix platform. So why should NT always be unix s poor cousin when it comes to tcp/ip testing and exploration? I bet many NT admins out there keep a unix box around to use tools such as Netcat or to test their systems with the unix version of an NT vulnerability exploit. With Netcat for NT part of that feeling disempowerment is over.
上传时间: 2017-04-02
一个有关applet教程的书籍,书名:WebLogic Server Using Applets with BEA WebLo g i c Se r v e r 6 .0 Document D a t e : M a r c h 6 , 2001 BEA WebLogic Server
上传时间: 2017-06-01
huffman coding and decoding adaptive huffman coding and decoding it is a assignment from my course and code is main-c decode is main-e hope it is useful for everybody
标签: decoding huffman coding assignment
上传时间: 2017-07-07
【问题描述】 在一个N*N的点阵中,如N=4,你现在站在(1,1),出口在(4,4)。你可以通过上、下、左、右四种移动方法,在迷宫内行走,但是同一个位置不可以访问两次,亦不可以越界。表格最上面的一行加黑数字A[1..4]分别表示迷宫第I列中需要访问并仅可以访问的格子数。右边一行加下划线数字B[1..4]则表示迷宫第I行需要访问并仅可以访问的格子数。如图中带括号红色数字就是一条符合条件的路线。 给定N,A[1..N] B[1..N]。输出一条符合条件的路线,若无解,输出NO ANSWER。(使用U,D,L,R分别表示上、下、左、右。) 2 2 1 2 (4,4) 1 (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) 3 (1,2) (2,2) 2 (1,1) 1 【输入格式】 第一行是数m (n < 6 )。第二行有n个数,表示a[1]..a[n]。第三行有n个数,表示b[1]..b[n]。 【输出格式】 仅有一行。若有解则输出一条可行路线,否则输出“NO ANSWER”。
标签: 点阵
上传时间: 2014-06-21
获取计算机IP地址等网络参数 UDP聊天程序 TCP聊天程序 浏览器的实现
标签: 获取计算机的名称和IP地址 基本C/S模式的通信实验
上传时间: 2015-04-12