上传时间: 2017-01-10
MidasLink software including USB driver, J-Link.exe and DLL for ARM. (J-Link software including J-Flash software (license required) can also be used with MidasLink). MidasLink software and documentation pack V3.78a [1918 kb]
标签: including software J-Link MidasLink
上传时间: 2017-01-19
STM103V100-II是英蓓特公司新推出的一款基于ST意法半导体STM32系列处理器的全功能评估板。STM103V100-II评估板有USB,Motor Control ,CAN,SD卡,Smart 卡,UART,Speaker,LCD,LED,BNC,耳塞插孔等丰富的外设,有助于用户轻松开发STM32的强大功能。此为操作手册
上传时间: 2017-02-11
This is a PCI to USB bridge schematic that i was draw by hand from a PCI to USB card, the schematic use VT6212L to make bridge, the idear is that we can use microcontroler interface to PC through PCI slot by USB, ha ha it is too easy.
上传时间: 2017-04-12
configure HID devices like USB mouse with A91SAM7SE CPU. Inlcude initilization for necessary peripherials. Developer can modify this piece code to do their development on HID devices. This is speically for GNU
标签: initilization configure necessary Inlcude
上传时间: 2017-06-02
USBHostSlave is a USB 1.1 host and Device IP core. – Supports full speed (12Mbps) and low speed (1.5Mbps) operation. – USB Device has four endpoints, each with their own independent FIFO. – Supports the four types of USB data transfer control, bulk, interrupt, and isochronous transfers. – Host can automatically generate SOF packets. – 8-bit Wishbone slave bus interface. – FIFO depth configurable via paramters.
标签: speed USBHostSlave and Supports
上传时间: 2014-01-17
The SP2526A device is a dual +3.0V to +5.5V USB Supervisory Power Control Switch ideal for self-powered and bus-powered Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications. Each switch has low on-resistance (110mΩ typical) and can supply 500mA minimum. The fault currents are limited to 1.0A typical and the flag output pin for each switch is available to indicate fault conditions to the USB controller. The thermal shutdown feature will prevent damage to the device when subjected to excessive current loads. The undervoltage lockout feature will ensure that the device will remain off unless there is a valid input voltage present.
标签: High-Side Switch Power Dual USB
上传时间: 2019-03-06
上传时间: 2013-05-22
USB HID Demonstrator Release 1.0.1
标签: Demonstrator Release USB HID
上传时间: 2013-04-15
上传时间: 2013-08-03