a XOR b> a,然后a XOR b< b,and both a and b are dependent data
上传时间: 2014-01-27
What is it? A generic stand-alone MIPS program that can do printf on a standard UART. requirements: . CPU has CP0 structure (r4k compatible) Configure:
标签: stand-alone requirem standard generic
上传时间: 2017-02-19
Serial UART open source core. The design is engineered for use as a stand alone chip or for use with other of our cores. The reason for developing the Serial UART core is the fact, that asynchronous serial communication is very common that almost every machine understands it.Also, for OCRP-1, we needed a way of communication with a host computer, to make it available over the net.
标签: engineered for use Serial
上传时间: 2017-03-11
樣板 B 樹 ( B - tree ) 規則 : (1) 每個節點內元素個數在 [MIN,2*MIN] 之間, 但根節點元素個數為 [1,2*MIN] (2) 節點內元素由小排到大, 元素不重複 (3) 每個節點內的指標個數為元素個數加一 (4) 第 i 個指標所指向的子節點內的所有元素值皆小於父節點的第 i 個元素 (5) B 樹內的所有末端節點深度一樣
上传时间: 2017-05-14
欧几里德算法:辗转求余 原理: gcd(a,b)=gcd(b,a mod b) 当b为0时,两数的最大公约数即为a getchar()会接受前一个scanf的回车符
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Stand-alone C codes for fuzzy inference systems.
标签: Stand-alone inference systems codes
上传时间: 2013-12-16
stand alone crosshair code c++
标签: crosshair stand alone code
上传时间: 2017-08-23
数据结构课程设计 数据结构B+树 B+ tree Library
上传时间: 2013-12-31
pic mcu code:This application note describes the design and implementation of a USB Mass Storage Device (MSD) using a Secure Digital card, which should prove useful to developers of USB mass storage solutions. This application may be used as a stand-alone MSD or as a Secure Digital/Multimedia Card (SD/MMC) reader/ writer interface.
标签: implementation application describes Storage
上传时间: 2014-11-23
* 高斯列主元素消去法求解矩阵方程AX=B,其中A是N*N的矩阵,B是N*M矩阵 * 输入: n----方阵A的行数 * a----矩阵A * m----矩阵B的列数 * b----矩阵B * 输出: det----矩阵A的行列式值 * a----A消元后的上三角矩阵 * b----矩阵方程的解X
上传时间: 2015-07-26