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  • stm3210e_eval

    Description The STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board is a complete development platform for STMicroelectronic's ARM Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F103ZET6 or STM32F103ZGT6 microcontroller. The range of hardware features on the board help you to evaluate all peripherals (LCD, SPI Flash, USART, IrDA, USB, audio, CAN bus, smartcard, MicroSD Card, NOR Flash, NAND Flash, SRAM, temperature sensor, audio DAC and motor control) and develop your own applications.

    标签: stm3210e_eval

    上传时间: 2016-03-27


  • 芯片的资料


    标签: CH340G

    上传时间: 2016-04-14


  • STM32+sim800 例程

    STM32+sim800 例程    实现对百度IP地址的PING操作  采用USART接口交互

    标签: STM 800 sim 32

    上传时间: 2016-06-22


  • STM32的IAP方案

    IAP,全称是“In-Application Programming”,中文解释为“在程序中编程”。 IAP 是一种 对通过微控制器的对外接口(如 USART, IIC, CAN, USB,以太网接口甚至是无线射频通道) 对正在运行程序的微控制器进行内部程序的更新的技术(注意这完全有别于 ICP 或者 ISP 技 术)

    标签: STM IAP 32 方案

    上传时间: 2017-05-15


  • EDGE+for+Mobile+Internet

    The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) allows an end user to send and receive data in packet transfer mode within a public land mobile network (PLMN) without using a permanent connection between the mobile station (MS) and the external network during data transfer. This way, GPRS opti- mizes the use of network and radio resources (RRs) since, unlike circuit- switched mode, no connection between the MS and the external network is established when there is no data flow in progress. Thus, this RR optimiza- tion makes it possible for the operator to offer more attractive fees.

    标签: Mobile EDGE

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile+Communications+An+Introduction+to+New+Media

    Do you have a mobile phone? We think you probably do, one way or another. We would also guess that you might use it for many diff erent things in the course of your everyday life—as a telephone certainly, but also as an address book, as a clock or watch, as a camera, or now as a connection to your computer, email and the internet. Th ere will be a range of people you use it to contact (or not), and various strategies you use to take calls—or send texts, or take photos, or receive emails, or search online (or not, in diff erent situations). Th ere are also likely to be a range of social relation- ships in your life that your mobile phone helps to maintain—or disrupts, or inter- venes in, or makes possible, or complicates, or just plain helps to handle.

    标签: Communications Introduction Mobile Media New An to

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Understanding+Optical+Communications

    The use of light to send messages is not new. Fires were used for signaling in biblical times, smoke signals have been used for thousands of years and flashing lights have been used to communicate between warships at sea since the days of Lord Nelson. The idea of using glass fibre to carry an optical communications signal originated with Alexander Graham Bell. However this idea had to wait some 80 years for better glasses and low-cost electronics for it to become useful in practical situations.

    标签: Communications Understanding Optical

    上传时间: 2020-06-01



    A wireless ad-hoc network is a wireless network deployed without any infrastructure. In such a network, there is no access point or wireless router to forward messages among the computing devices. Instead, these devices depend on the ad-hoc mode of their wireless net‐ work interface cards to communicate with each other. If the nodes are within the transmis‐ sion range of the wireless signal, they can send messages to each other directly. Otherwise, the nodes in between will forward the messages for them. Thus, each node is both an end system and a router simultaneously.


    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Communications+Resource+Management

    Wirelesscommunications,especiallyinitsmobileform,hasbroughtusthefreedomofmobility andhaschangedthelifestylesofmodernpeople.Waitingatafixedlocationtoreceiveormakea phone call, or sitting in front of a personal computer to send an e-mail or download a video program, has become an old story. Nowadays it is commonplace for people to talk over a cell phonewhilewalkingonthestreet,ortodownloadandwatchamoviewhiletravelingonatrain. Thisisthebenefitmadeavailabletousbythesuccessfulevolutionofwirelesscommunications over three generations, with the fourth generation being under way.

    标签: Communications Management Wireless Resource

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Identification

    We are in the era of ubiquitous computing in which the use and development of Radio Frequency Iden- tification (RFID) is becoming more widespread. RFID systems have three main components: readers, tags, and database. An RFID tag is composed of a small microchip, limited logical functionality, and an antenna. Most common tags are passive and harvest energy from a nearby RFID reader. This energy is used both to energize the chip and send the answer back to the reader request. The tag provides a unique identifier (or an anonymized version of that), which allows the unequivocal identification of the tag holder (i.e. person, animal, or items).

    标签: Identification Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-08
