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update dk

  • 欢迎使用《雨点下载系统 2.0》! 本系统仅提供给个人网站免费使用

    欢迎使用《雨点下载系统 2.0》! 本系统仅提供给个人网站免费使用,请保留版权信息。 1.5版 to 2.0版升级说明: 1、请将update.asp文件copy到1.5版的根目录,然后执行。如果您的数据库结构改动过,将不能升级,请不要再执行此升级文件。 2、升级成功后,将2.0版的所有文件覆盖掉1.5版的文件,或将数据库文件copy到2.0版中,然后更改conn.asp和admin/conn.asp中的数据库连接路径,最后请删除此文件。 3、管理员登录的路径是admin/login.asp,初始用户名为admin,密码为9999。

    标签: 2.0 网站

    上传时间: 2014-08-21


  • 内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, mani

    内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, manipulate, and retrieve data stored in your database example statements include select, update, insert, and delete 3.SQL Schema Statements--those used to create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints 4.How data sets can interact with queries 5.The importance of subqueries 6.Data conversion and manipulation via SQL s built-in functions 7.How conditional logic can be used in Data Statements

    标签: computerized Statements database history

    上传时间: 2015-04-25


  • 自动升级

    自动升级,实现pb自动升级,程序名称: 自动升级系统 版本: 1.1 开发者: 李建忠(ljz6600@126.com) 程序文件: update.exe 功能: 实现升级一台机子上的程序,所有其它机子的程序自动升级. 开发工具: PB6.5 (也适用于PB7、PB8、PB9、PB10) 运行环境: 基于数据库(SQL2000测试通过,其它如Oracle,MySQL,Sybase应该没问题) 特点: 1.支持多个模块,支持一个模块多个文件. 2.文件位置可不为当前目录. 3.可自动压缩文件,然后上传,提高上传与下载速度. 4.update.exe可自动升级(注:仅随新系统升级时升级!!!) 使用说明: 1.先创建表,见Table.txt 2.工程所包含的文件,可在uo_updown.uf_check()中定义. (参看原有的!) 3.创建工程时, 请不要把update.pbl生成PBD,这样保证在同一目录,可以多个 工程能正确自动升级. 欢迎您提出宝贵意见. ljz6600(ljz6600@126.com) 2004.11.25

    标签: 自动升级

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • The zlibex.pas unit included in this archive will work with delphi 5, 6,and 7. if you previously dow

    The zlibex.pas unit included in this archive will work with delphi 5, 6,and 7. if you previously downloaded my delphi 5 unit, you will notice that the unit has been renamed. this was done because borland included in its delphi 6 and 7 lib directories a zlib.dcu file and i felt it was more correct to rename my unit and force developers to have to update their code than to make developers worry about the possible file contention in delphi 6 and 7.

    标签: previously included archive zlibex

    上传时间: 2015-04-30


  • 这个无限位计算器

    这个无限位计算器,N!及N的平方了。本来是打算用堆栈去实现的,突然发现了BigDecimal这个好东东~~于是乎~~堆栈在偶的计算器里退休了。。。 这个是在JDK 5.0 Update 3下用 NetBeans 4.1写的,我试过了两个1.4.2版本的,总说找不到MAIN()方法,对NetBeans打的包。。偶有置疑。。。所以拆开来。。。*.calss + 一个批处理+*.java打成了个压缩包传了上来~~

    标签: 计算器

    上传时间: 2015-05-03


  • The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statisti

    The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it suitable for updating regressions as more data become available. The module contains a test for singularities which is simpler and quicker than calculating the singular-value decomposition. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not square the condition number. The matrix X X is not formed. Hence it is suitable for ill- conditioned problems, such as fitting polynomials. By taking advantage of the MODULE facility, it has been possible to remove many of the arguments to routines. Apart from the new function VARPRD, and a back-substitution routine BKSUB2 which it calls, the routines behave as in AS 274.

    标签: least-squares unconstrained Statisti Applied

    上传时间: 2015-05-14


  • These instructions assume that the 1.4 versions of the java and appletviewer commands are in your p

    These instructions assume that the 1.4 versions of the java and appletviewer commands are in your path. If they aren t, then you should either specify the complete path to the commands or update your PATH environment variable as described in the installation instructions for the Java 2 SDK.

    标签: instructions appletviewer the commands

    上传时间: 2015-06-01


  • 掌握SQL四条最基本的数据操作语句:Insert

    掌握SQL四条最基本的数据操作语句:Insert,Select,Update和Delete。    练掌握SQL是数据库用户的宝贵财 富。在本文中,我们将引导你掌握四条最基本的数据操作语句—SQL的核心功能—来依次介绍比较操作符、选择断言以及三值逻辑。当你完成这些学习后,显然你已经开始算是精通SQL了。

    标签: Insert SQL 数据 操作

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • ACKAGE INSTALL =============== NOTE: if you get an error when installing TVideoGrabber on the

    ACKAGE INSTALL =============== NOTE: if you get an error when installing TVideoGrabber on the component palette, probably that you need to apply a Delphi update pack (see details in the "UPDATE PACKS" chapter below).

    标签: TVideoGrabber installing INSTALL ACKAGE

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 一个利用OTL访问ORACLE数据库的例子

    一个利用OTL访问ORACLE数据库的例子,例子中包含了insert,delete,update,select ,数据库连接等常用的例子代码,给初次利用OTL访问Orcale数据库的同学很有帮助

    标签: ORACLE OTL 访问 数据库

    上传时间: 2013-12-20
