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  • This a collection of MATLAB functions for extended Kalman filtering, unscented Kalman filtering, par

    This a collection of MATLAB functions for extended Kalman filtering, unscented Kalman filtering, particle filtering, and miscellaneous other things. These utilities are designed for reuse and I have found them very useful in many projects. The code has been vectorised for speed and is stable and fast.

    标签: filtering Kalman collection functions

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Solving Engineering Problems Using MATLAB C++ Math Library Introduction In the previous article, we

    Solving Engineering Problems Using MATLAB C++ Math Library Introduction In the previous article, we studied how can use MATLAB C API to solve engineering problems. In this article I will show you how can use MATLAB C++ math library. The MATLAB® C++ Math Library serves two separate constituencies: MATLAB programmers seeking more speed or complete independence from interpreted MATLAB, and C++ programmers who need a fast, easy-to-use matrix math library. To each, it offers distinct advantages.

    标签: Introduction Engineering Problems previous

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • As all of you know, MATLAB is a powerful engineering language. Because of some limitation, some task

    As all of you know, MATLAB is a powerful engineering language. Because of some limitation, some tasks take very long time to proceed. Also MATLAB is an interpreter not a compiler. For this reason, executing a MATLAB program (m file) is time consuming. For solving this problem, Mathworks provides us C Math Library or in common language, MATLAB API. A developer can employ these APIs to solve engineering problems very fast and easy. This article is about how can use these APIs.

    标签: some engineering limitation language

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • AutoBoot is a generic boot loader that automatically locates, loads, and executes object files from

    AutoBoot is a generic boot loader that automatically locates, loads, and executes object files from multiple types of media. AutoBoot provides a simple, fast, and functional means of loading an OS image while maintaining a small Flash memory footprint. This binary release contains a stand-alone version of AutoBoot for the DbAu1200 development board, designed to replace the YAMON boot loader.

    标签: automatically AutoBoot executes generic

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curv

    When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curves that contains thousands of points. Usually, displaying all the points is not useful, a number of them will be rendered on the same pixel since the screen precision is finite. Hence, you use a lot of resource for nothing! This article presents a fast 2D-line approximation algorithm based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (see [1]), well-known in the cartography community. It computes a hull, scaled by a tolerance factor, around the curve by choosing a minimum of key points. This algorithm has several advantages: 这是一个基于Douglas-Peucker算法的二维估值算法。

    标签: mathematical engineering simulations problems

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • This string-include defines all string functions as inline functions. Use gcc. It also assumes ds=es

    This string-include defines all string functions as inline functions. Use gcc. It also assumes ds=es=data space, this should be normal. Most of the string-functions are rather heavily hand-optimized, see especially strtok,strstr,str[c]spn. They should work, but are not very easy to understand. Everything is done entirely within the register set, making the functions fast and clean.

    标签: functions string-include defines assumes

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • Back in 2002, the 6502 disappeared out of all catalogues. Wanted to know, if it s possible to buil

    Back in 2002, the 6502 disappeared out of all catalogues. Wanted to know, if it s possible to build a binary compatible CPU with the things I had in the drawer: 74LS parts, 27C512 EPROMs and a fast static RAM from an old 80386 motherboard. Now here the results. Note, that the Bus timing is different from the 6502.

    标签: disappeared catalogues possible Wanted

    上传时间: 2016-04-09


  • Nagios is a powerful host and service monitoring program designed to run on most *NIX systems. It is

    Nagios is a powerful host and service monitoring program designed to run on most *NIX systems. It is written in C and designed to be fast and flexible. It has the ability to contact administrators via email, pager, or other user-defined methods.

    标签: monitoring designed powerful service

    上传时间: 2016-04-11


  • DFT(Discrete Fourier Transformation)是数字信号分析与处理如图形、语音及图像等领域的重要变换工具

    DFT(Discrete Fourier Transformation)是数字信号分析与处理如图形、语音及图像等领域的重要变换工具,直接计算DFT的计算量与变换区间长度N的平方成正比。当N较大时,因计算量太大,直接用DFT算法进行谱分析和信号的实时处理是不切实际的。快速傅立叶变换(Fast Fourier Transformation,简称FFT)使DFT运算效率提高1~2个数量级。其原因是当N较大时,对DFT进行了基4和基2分解运算。FFT算法除了必需的数据存储器ram和旋转因子rom外,仍需较复杂的运算和控制电路单元,即使现在,实现长点数的FFT仍然是很困难。本文提出的FFT实现算法是基于FPGA之上的,算法完成对一个序列的FFT计算,完全由脉冲触发,外部只输入一脉冲头和输入数据,便可以得到该脉冲头作为起始标志的N点FFT输出结果。由于使用了双ram,该算法是流型(Pipelined)的,可以连续计算N点复数输入FFT,即输入可以是分段N点连续复数数据流。采用DIF(Decimation In Frequency)-FFT和DIT(Decimation In Time)-FFT对于算法本身来说是无关紧要的,因为两种情况下只是存储器的读写地址有所变动而已,不影响算法的结构和流程,也不会对算法复杂度有何影响。

    标签: Transformation Discrete Fourier DFT

    上传时间: 2016-04-12


  • Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This

    Squaring circuits are an important building block for impulse-radio UWB non-coherent receivers. This work proposes a squarer, based on the quadratic law of saturated transistors. Such a circuit has already been proposed for lower frequency applications, therefore this work focuses on the extension to ultra wide bandwidth, with particular care to the consequences related to the deviation from the ideal quadratic law of 0.18μm CMOS transistors.

    标签: impulse-radio non-coherent important receivers

    上传时间: 2013-12-24
