The next avatar of the Internet will revolutionize our world. In time, it will provide uS a universal remote control, enabling uS to monitor and control physical objects located anywhere on the planet, uSing a smart phone. It will make the universe around uS programmable, allowing uS to script the behav- ior of physical objects with electronic commands. This book is about such an emerging new version of the Internet.
标签: Infrastructure Construction Design RFID and an of
上传时间: 2020-06-08
RFID Applied is juSt that. It’s about the application of RFID. If you want a book about electrical and computer engineering you need another source. Let’s say that you have been asked to lead an effort at your company to uSe RFID in your supply chain. You have heard about RFID becauSe so much has been written on the topic since Wal-Mart and the uS DoD made their proclamations that shippers attach RFID tags to their deliveries. This book is for you!
标签: RFID_Applied
上传时间: 2020-06-08
LIKE SO MANY OTHERS , THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN BECAuSE WE COULDN ’ T FIND ONE LIKE IT . We needed something to hand to all of those people who have come to uS asking for “a good book to read on RFID.” When we looked for candidates we found some great books, but most were aimed at electrical engineers or top-level managers, with very little for those of uS who are in between. This book is for developers, system and software architects, and project managers, as well as students and professionals in all of the induStries impacted by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) who want to understand how this technology works. As the title suggests, this book is about RFID in general and not juSt the most recent developments; however, becauSe so much is going on in the area of RFID for the supply chain and especially the Electronic Product Code (EPC), we have devoted consider- able space to these topics. Regardless of the type of RFID work you may be doing, we think you will find something uSeful here.
标签: Essentials RFID
上传时间: 2020-06-08
To a quantum mechanic the whole universe is one godawful big interacting wavefunction ? but to the rest of uS, it’s a world full of separate and distinguishable objects that hurt uS when we kick them. At a few months of age, human children recognize objects, expect them to be permanent and move continuouSly, and display surprise when they aren’t or don’t. We associate visual, tactile, and in some cases audible and olfactory sensations with identifiable physical things. We’re hardwired to understand our environment as being composed of separable things with specific properties and locations. We understand the world in terms of what was where when.
上传时间: 2020-06-08
There’s a story (it’s either an old vaudeville joke or a Zen koan) in which a fisherman asks a fish, “What’s the water like down there?” and the fish replies “What is water?” If the story is juSt a joke, the point is to make uS laugh; but if it’s a koan, the point is that the most obviouS and ubiquitouS parts of our immediate environ- ment are, paradoxically, often the easiest to overlook.
标签: Atmospheric Monitoring Arduino With
上传时间: 2020-06-09
Control systems are becoming more important every day. At the beginning, the in- duStry uSed sequential controls for solving a lot of induStrial applications in control systems, and then the linear systems gave uS a huge increase in applying automatic linear control on induStrial application. One of the most recent methods for control- ling induStrial applications is intelligent control, which is based on human behavior or concerning natural process.
标签: Intelligent Control Systems LabVIEW with
上传时间: 2020-06-10
If the space around uS could adapt to our needs and intentions, then our lives would be much simpler. We would have to spend less time on our daily chores, we would be more productive and, hopefully, we would live in a less worrisome and, most likely, more secure world
标签: Ambient_Intelligence a_novel_paradigm
上传时间: 2020-06-10
上传时间: 2020-06-18
上传时间: 2020-06-18
Vfp语言易学好用,其排序、检索速度之快,是VB和DELPHI所不及的,但其保密性差是也大家公认的。只要稍为懂一定数据库知识的人,一打开数据表,其内容便一目了然,且可任意更改,其保密性和安全性可想而知,这还只是其一。其二:随着UNFOXpro.exe和Refox7.exe等的出现,你辛辛苦苦编的程序,即使编译成EXE文件,一经UN或RE则你煞费苦心设置的版权符、验证关、口令、密码等都如同虚设。那么Vfp的保密性差的弱点就没办法避免吗?NO !办法肯定有,这里就先谈谈“数据表的加密问题”,以下就是我的一点粗浅看法,请网友们踊跃讨论。
标签: Vfp加密解密
上传时间: 2020-06-28