PC与单片机双向通讯智能温控程序 #include <AT89X51.H> #include <intrins.h> #define Key_UP P1_0 #define Key_DOWN P1_1 #define Key_SET P1_2 #define RelayOutPort P2_0 #define LEDPort P0 #define DELPort P2_1 #define LEDTwoC P3_6 #define LEDThreeC P3_7 #define TMPort P2_7 #define INBUF_LEN 5 //数据长度 unsigned char inbuf1[INBUF_LEN]={ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } //发送缓冲区 unsigned char inbuf2[50] //接收缓冲区 unsigned char count3 void init_serialcomm( void ) { SCON = 0x50 //SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable ucvr TMOD |= 0x20 //TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload PCON |= 0x80 //SMOD=1 TH1 = 0xFA //Baud:4800 fosc=11.0592MHz IE |= 0x90 //Enable Serial Interrupt TR1 = 1 // timer 1 run } //向串口发送一个字符 void send_char_com( unsigned char ch) { SBUF=ch while (TI== 0 ) TI= 0
标签: include intrins define Key_UP
上传时间: 2014-11-29
ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP with interface to an IMAQ camera module via the serial port on a PC. Brief description: A LabVIEW VI acquires an image from the IMAQ camera module. It quantizes the image into a 5x5, 3-bit image, and sends the data to the TM320C54x DSP via a serial port. The TM320C54x DSP constructs a 64-tap FIR by combining a series of 64-tap head related transfer functions (HRTF) according to the incoming data, and then filters an input audio signal with this FIR filter, in effect creating a correspondence between the filtered signal and the original image.
标签: Visual-to-Audio Electronic download project
上传时间: 2017-02-01
Bootloading the TMS320VC5506/C5507/C5509 A digital signal processor (DSP) through the on-chip universal serial bus (USB) peripheral is part of the standard bootloader provided on the device. This document describes the procedures for physically connecting the DSP to a USB host, invoking the USB bootloader on the DSP, generating the correct boot table file, and downloading the boot table from the host to the DSP via USB.
标签: Bootloading the processor digital
上传时间: 2017-02-11
This software package contains the USB framework core developped by ATMEL, as well as a CDC driver for an USB to serial converter. The following files are included : - core/ -> Source code for the framework core -> Makefile for the core - cdc/ -> Source code for the CDC driver -> Makefile for the CDC driver - lib/ -> Lib v3 files for every supported chips - bin/ -> Compiled binaries for every supported chips - ./ -> Makefile for the framework -> Startup file
标签: developped framework software contains
上传时间: 2017-02-14
1、 求当前会话的SID,SERIAL# SELECT Sid, Serial# FROM V$session WHERE Audsid = Sys_Context( USERENV , SESSIONID )
标签: SID
上传时间: 2017-02-25
------------------------ 单片机与PC通信实例 功能:从PC机串口端接收13个字节的数据,然后将接收到的数据加上 "Serial Port OK!"的后缀后,发送给PC作为应答
上传时间: 2013-12-08
Builder uses to integrate a larger system module. Each component consists of a structured set of files within a directory. The files in a component directory serve the following The RS232 UART Core implements a method for communication of serial data. The core provides a simple register-mapped Avalon庐 interface. Master peripherals [such as a Nios庐 II processor] communicate with the core by reading and writing control and data registers.
标签: structured integrate component consists
上传时间: 2014-01-15
SecureCRT 是高度可定制的终端仿真器,适用于 Internet 和 Intranet,支持 IPv6 标准。对于连接到运行 Windows、UNIX 和 VMS 的 远程系统来说,SecureCRT 是理想的选择。 主要特性: . 广泛的终端仿真: VT100,VT102,VT220,ANSI,SCO ANSI,Xterm,Wyse 50/60, 和 Linux console 仿真(带有 ANSI 颜色)。 . 优秀的会话管理特性: 新的带标签的用户界面和 Activator 托盘工具,最小化桌面的杂乱。 会话设置可以保存在命名的会话中。 . 协议支持: 支持 SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,RLogin,Serial,和 TAPI 协议。 . Secure Shell: Secure Shell 加密登录和会话数据,包括以下支持: - 端口转发使 TCP/IP 数据更安全 - 口令,公钥,键盘交互和 Kerberos 验证 - AES,Twofish,Blowfish,3DES,RC4,和 DES 加密 - X11 转发 . 文件传输工具: VCP 和 VSFTP 命令行公用程序让使用 SFTP 的文件传输更安全。 . 脚本支持: 支持 VBScript 和 JScript 脚本语言。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
The W78E58B is an 8-bit microcontroller which has an in-system programmable Flash EPROM for firmware updating. The instruction set of the W78E58B is fully compatible with the standard 8052. The W78E58B contains a 32K bytes of main ROM and a 4K bytes of auxiliary ROM which allows the contents of the 32KB main ROM to be updated by the loader program located at the 4KB auxiliary ROM 512 bytes of on-chip RAM four 8-bit bi-directional and bit-addressable I/O ports an additional 4- bit port P4 three 16-bit timer/counters a serial port. These peripherals are supported by a eight sources two-level interrupt capability. To facilitate programming and verification, the ROM inside the W78E58B allows the program memory to be programmed and read electronically. Once the code is confirmed, the user can protect the code for security
标签: microcontroller programmable in-system W78E58B
上传时间: 2017-04-27
The Microsoft(R) Guide for Assembly Language and C Programmers By Ray Duncan PROGRAMMING FOR MS-DOS Genealogy of MS-DOS MS-DOS in Operation Structure of MS-DOS Application Programs MS-DOS Programming Tools Keyboard and Mouse Input Video Display Printer and Serial Port File Management Volumes and Directories Disk Internals Memory Management The EXEC Function Interrupt Handlers Installable Device Drivers Filters Compatibility and Portability MS-DOS FUNCTIONS REFERENCE IBM ROM BIOS AND MOUSE FUNCTIONS REFERENCE LOTUS/INTEL/MICROSOFT EMS FUNCTIONS REFERENCE
标签: Programmers PROGRAMMING Microsoft Assembly
上传时间: 2017-05-05