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  • PCA9536 4bit I2C bus and SMBus

    The PCA9536 is an 8-pin CMOS device that provides 4 bits of General Purpose parallelInput/Output (GPIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed toenhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. I/O expanders providea simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors,push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

    标签: SMBus 9536 4bit PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 内置Reset WDT电路的串行E2PROM原理及应用设计

    CAT24Cxxx是集E2PROM存储器, 精确复位控制器和看门狗定时器三种流行功能于一体的芯片。CAT24C161/162(16K),CAT24C081/082(8K),CAT24C041/042(4K)和CAT24C021/022(2K) 主要作为I2C 串行CMOS E2PROM器件,采用先进的CMOS工艺大大降低了器件的功耗。CAT24Cxxx另一特点是16 字节的页写缓冲区,提供8脚DIP和SOIC封装。CAT24Cxxx的复位功能和看门狗定时器功能保证系统出现故障的时候能给CPU一个复位信号。CAT24Cxxx的第2脚输出低电平复位信号,第7脚输出高电平复位信号。CAT24Cxx1 看狗溢出信号从SDA脚输出CAT24Cxx2不具备看门狗功能

    标签: E2PROM Reset WDT 内置

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • PCA9517 Level translating I2C-

    The PCA9517 is a CMOS integrated circuit that provides level shifting between lowvoltage (down to 0.9 V) and higher voltage (2.7 V to 5.5 V) I2C-bus or SMBus applications.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system during thelevel shifts, it also permits extension of the I2C-bus by providing bidirectional buffering forboth the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling two buses of 400 pF. Usingthe PCA9517 enables the system designer to isolate two halves of a bus for both voltageand capacitance. The SDA and SCL pins are over voltage tolerant and arehigh-impedance when the PCA9517 is unpowered.

    标签: translating Level 9517 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • PCA9537 4bit I2C bus and SMBus

    The PCA9537 is a 10-pin CMOS device that provides 4 bits of General Purpose parallelInput/Output (GPIO) expansion with interrupt and reset for I2C-bus/SMBus applicationsand was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders.I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI powerswitches, sensors, push-buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

    标签: SMBus 9537 4bit PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • PCA9517低电压I2C总线中继器

    PCA9517 是一款基于CMOS 工艺的低电压I2C 中继器,在I2C 总线或SMBus 应用中进行高低电压转换。PCA9517 能够在电平转换期间保持总线所有的操作模式和特性,通过数据线(SDA)和时钟线(SCL)的双向缓存实现I2C 总线扩展,总线最大容性负载为400pF。PCA9517 能够隔离器件总线两端的电压和容性负载。SDA 和SCL 引脚具有过压保护功能,在掉电的情况下为高阻状态。

    标签: 9517 PCA I2C 低电压

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • PCA9538 8bit I2C bus and SMBus

    The PCA9538 is a 16-pin CMOS device that provides 8 bits of General Purpose parallelInput/Output (GPIO) expansion with interrupt and reset for I2C-bus/SMBus applicationsand was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders.I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI powerswitches, sensors, push-buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

    标签: SMBus 9538 8bit PCA

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • PCA9539 PCA9539R 16-bit I2C-bu

    The PCA9539; PCA9539R is a 24-pin CMOS device that provides 16 bits of GeneralPurpose parallel Input/Output (GPIO) expansion with interrupt and reset forI2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductorsfamily of I2C-bus I/O expanders. I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additionalI/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.

    标签: 9539 PCA 9539R C-bu

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • PCA9549 Octal bus switch with

    The PCA9549 provides eight bits of high speed TTL-compatible bus switching controlledby the I2C-bus. The low ON-state resistance of the switch allows connections to be madewith minimal propagation delay. Any individual A to B channel or combination of channelscan be selected via the I2C-bus, determined by the contents of the programmable Controlregister. When the I2C-bus bit is HIGH (logic 1), the switch is on and data can flow fromPort A to Port B, or vice versa. When the I2C-bus bit is LOW (logic 0), the switch is open,creating a high-impedance state between the two ports, which stops the data flow.An active LOW reset input (RESET) allows the PCA9549 to recover from a situationwhere the I2C-bus is stuck in a LOW state. Pulling the RESET pin LOW resets the I2C-busstate machine and causes all the bits to be open, as does the internal power-on resetfunction.

    标签: switch Octal 9549 with

    上传时间: 2014-11-22


  • PCA9555 16bit I2C-bus and SMBu

    The PCA9555 is a 24-pin CMOS device that provides 16 bits of General Purpose parallelInput/Output (GPIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed toenhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. The improvementsinclude higher drive capability, 5 V I/O tolerance, lower supply current, individual I/Oconfiguration, and smaller packaging. I/O expanders provide a simple solution whenadditional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.The PCA9555 consists of two 8-bit Configuration (Input or Output selection); Input, Outputand Polarity Inversion (active HIGH or active LOW operation) registers. The systemmaster can enable the I/Os as either inputs or outputs by writing to the I/O configurationbits. The data for each Input or Output is kept in the corresponding Input or Outputregister. The polarity of the read register can be inverted with the Polarity Inversionregister. All registers can be read by the system master. Although pin-to-pin and I2C-busaddress compatible with the PCF8575, software changes are required due to theenhancements, and are discussed in Application Note AN469.

    标签: C-bus 9555 SMBu PCA

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset

    The PCA9557 is a silicon CMOS circuit which provides parallel input/output expansion for SMBus and I2C-bus applications. The PCA9557 consists of an 8-bit input port register, 8-bit output port register, and an I2C-bus/SMBus interface. It has low current consumption and a high-impedance open-drain output pin, IO0. The system master can enable the PCA9557’s I/O as either input or output by writing to the configuration register. The system master can also invert the PCA9557 inputs by writing to the active HIGH polarity inversion register. Finally, the system master can reset the PCA9557 in the event of a time-out by asserting a LOW in the reset input. The power-on reset puts the registers in their default state and initializes the I2C-bus/SMBus state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/initialization to occur without de-powering the part.

    标签: C-bus SMBus reset port

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
