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  • Make Text-Overflow work on both IE and Firefox If the text inside each line exceed the width of eac

    Make Text-Overflow work on both IE and Firefox If the text inside each line exceed the width of each line, then you will see "..." (ellipsis) shows up at the end of each line. Try to resize the window or change the font size to see if "..." (ellipsis) will show up or disappear. Demo - Listing

    标签: Text-Overflow the Firefox inside

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 一个linux进程管理器,具有以下功能: 管理系统的进程

    一个linux进程管理器,具有以下功能: 管理系统的进程, 包括系统中进程的ID,owner ID, effective user ID、 进程之间的关系、各个进程占用的内存大小、进程的状态; 列出各个进程使用的文件描述符,以及它们打开的文件; 列出各个进程当前的信号使用情况, 包括各个阻塞的信号,各个信号的处理(如采用的哪一种处理方式,如采用了Catch function,给出Catch Function的地址或名称); 能对某一进程进行挂起、暂停、终止等操作。统计各个进程的运行时间, 包括system time,user time 与clock(即从开始至终止时间)。 给出各个进程对应的可执行文件名,owner名称,effective名称。 采用图形化界面。 实时统计系统cpu和内存状况

    标签: linux 进程 管理器 管理系统

    上传时间: 2016-07-16


  • C/C++ Reference There are no "Introduction to Programming" tutorials here. This site is meant to

    C/C++ Reference There are no "Introduction to Programming" tutorials here. This site is meant to be used by more-or-less experienced C++ programmers, who have a good idea of what they want to do and simply need to look up the syntax. If you re interested in learning C/C++, try one of these sites: How C Programming Works C Programming C++ Language Tutorial

    标签: Introduction Programming Reference tutorials

    上传时间: 2014-07-26


  • If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP Service Pack 2, there is a security restriction dis

    If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP Service Pack 2, there is a security restriction disallowing scripts to run in files opened on your local machine. When you first try to run the examples, you will most likely get a message saying, "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer." To see the example, you must click on the message and select "Allow Blocked Content". JavaScript高级程序设计 里面自代源码

    标签: restriction Explorer Internet security

    上传时间: 2016-11-18


  • Many of the pattern fi nding algorithms such as decision tree, classifi cation rules and c

    Many of the pattern fi nding algorithms such as decision tree, classifi cation rules and clustering techniques that are frequently used in data mining have been developed in machine learning research community. Frequent pattern and association rule mining is one of the few excep- tions to this tradition. The introduction of this technique boosted data mining research and its impact is tremendous. The algorithm is quite simple and easy to implement. Experimenting with Apriori-like algorithm is the fi rst thing that data miners try to do.

    标签: 64257 algorithms decision pattern

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • This document contains official rules of the 3D soccer simulation competition at RoboCup 2006. Whil

    This document contains official rules of the 3D soccer simulation competition at RoboCup 2006. While we will try to cover all cases, if unexpected events do occur, the rule committee will seek input from the participants and then make a decision. However, once the committee has made a decision, that decision is final and will not be open to further discussion

    标签: competition simulation document contains

    上传时间: 2016-11-30


  • Please read this document before attempting to compile and run the libraries and applications! The p

    Please read this document before attempting to compile and run the libraries and applications! The projects must be compiled in a particular order. Standard support questions are about compiler and/or linker errors that are generated when users try to compile the projects in the wrong order. Other information of interest is available here, so read the entire document fi rst. Wild Magic Version 2.1 is what ships with the fi rst printing of the Game Physics book. Some of the applications that are referenced in the book did not make it onto the CD–ROM for the book. Version 2.2 contains those applications, plus more

    标签: applications attempting and libraries

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 课本异常处理实例。各种异常处理


    标签: 异常处理

    上传时间: 2014-01-07


  • 实验 1 包的使用与访问控制 ( l )理解 Java 包的组织结构; ( 2 )学会编写带有包结构的程序; ( 3 )掌握包结构下的成员访问控制。 实验 2 接口的实现与运用 ( l

    实验 1 包的使用与访问控制 ( l )理解 Java 包的组织结构; ( 2 )学会编写带有包结构的程序; ( 3 )掌握包结构下的成员访问控制。 实验 2 接口的实现与运用 ( l )学习如何定义接口; ( 2 )掌握接口的实现方式: ( 3 )使用实现了接口的类; ( 4 )理解接口与抽象类的区别。 实验 3 除数为零异常 ( l )掌握基本异常的处理机制; ( 2 )熟悉仰语句与 catch 语句的搭配使用; ( 3 )了解有异常处理与没有异常处理的差别; ( 4 )多重 cateh 语句的使用; ( 5 )使用 Tlirows 声明异常和 Tlirow 抛出异常。 实验 4 创建自己的日期错误异常类 ( l )学会创建自己的异常类; ( 2 )掌握如何使用自己的异常类; ( 3 )了解简单的对话框 JOPti0llPane 类的用法。 实验 5 异常处理的链式搜索 ( l )理解异常处理的搜索机制; ( 2 )学会使用 finally 语句; ( 3 )知道如何重新抛出一个异常。

    标签: Java 实验 访问控制 编写

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances a

    A "code-what"? Unless you have spent some time working in the area of reverse engineering, chances are you have not heard of the term "codecave" before. If you have heard of it, you might not have read a clear definition of it or quite understand what it is or why it is useful. I have even asked seasoned assembly programmers about the term before and most of them had not heard of it. If it is new to you, do not worry, you are not the only one. It is a term that is scarcely used and is only useful in a reverse engineering context. Furthermore, is it "codecave" or "code cave"? I am not quite sure, but I will try my best to refer to it consistently as a "codecave". A space may sneak in there from time to time

    标签: engineering code-what chances reverse

    上传时间: 2014-01-17
