The design of Kalman filter for estimation of state
标签: estimation Kalman design filter
上传时间: 2013-12-23
A 8 puzzle program solver.user have to input the current state and goal state of your 8 puzzle and it solving by the program.
上传时间: 2014-08-10
Two scripts are included here. 1. convsys.m - combines the state space representation of two systems connected in series. [Ao,Bo,Co,Do]=convsys(A1,B1,C1,D1,A2,B2,C2,D2) This algorithm gives the convolution of two state space representations | A1 B1 | | A2 B2 | u ==> | | ==> | | ==> y | C1 D1 | | C2 D2 | The algorithm also accepts state space objects as inputs and gives out a state space object as output. 2. sysfeedbk.m [Ao,Bo,Co,Do]=convsys(A1,B1,C1,D1,A2,B2,C2,D2) Gives the closed loop state space representation for two systems connected with negative feedback in the following manner. | A1 B1 | u ==> | | ==> y + o | C1 D1 | | - | | | | A2 B2 | | |= | |= | | C2 D2 | The zip file also contains checkcompatibility.m , which checks the compatibility of matrix dimensions in the system and cleanss.m which can be used to clean a state space representation.
标签: representation included combines scripts
上传时间: 2017-07-25
The Kalman filter is an efficient recursive filter that estimates the state of a linear dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements. It is used in a wide range of engineering applications from radar to computer vision, and is an important topic in control theory and control systems engineering. Together with the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR), the Kalman filter solves the linear-quadratic-Gaussian control problem (LQG). The Kalman filter, the linear-quadratic regulator and the linear-quadratic-Gaussian controller are solutions to what probably are the most fundamental problems in control theory.
标签: filter efficient estimates recursive
上传时间: 2017-08-06
Solve the 8-puzzle problem using A * algorithme. Input: Program reads start state and goal state and heuristic (N or S) from EightPuzzle.INP file.0 representing blank. There are 2 Heuristic: 1. N: Number of misplaced tiles 2. S: Sum of Manhattan distance of current location and target location. Format: The first line write type of heuristic (N or S). Next is the status of departing and landing status. Between 2 states of 1 line blank. See examples EightPuzzle.INP
标签: state algorithme Program problem
上传时间: 2017-08-12
The STi7105 uses state of the art process technology to provide an ultra low-cost, fully featured HD AVC decoder IC. It is a highly integrated system-on-chip suitable for STB markets across all networks (cable/satellite/DTT/x- DSL/IP) worldwide
标签: technology low-cost featured process
上传时间: 2013-12-22
本备忘录说明了OSPF协议版本2。OSPF是一种连接状态/link-state路由协议,被设计用于单一的自制系统/Autonomous System中。每个OSPF路由器都维持着同样的数据库以描述AS的拓扑结构,并以此数据库来创建最短路径树并计算路由表。
标签: OSPF link-state 协议 版本
上传时间: 2017-09-19
随着社会的发展以及能源、环保等问题的日益突出,纯电动汽车以其零排放,噪声低等优点越来越受到世界各国的重视,被称作绿色环保车。作为发展电动车的关键技术之一的电池管理系统(BMS),是电动车产业化的关键。本课题配合“基于开关磁阻电机的电动汽车的研制”,研制适用于纯电动汽车的电池管理系统。 电池管理系统直接检测及管理电动汽车的储能电池运行的全过程,包括电池基本信息测量、电量估计、单体电池间的均衡、电池故障诊断几个方面。 本论文主要工作是研制适用于纯电动汽车的蓄电池管理系统。研究铅酸蓄电池二阶模型的建立与剩余容量的卡尔曼滤波估算方法。分析铅酸蓄电池的基本工作原理和影响蓄电池组剩余容量SOC(state of charge)的主要因素。 介绍了基于DSP2407的蓄电池组控制器的硬件平台,完成DSP小系统、电池数据采集电路、信号调理电路、CAN总线相关电路等硬件电路设计、调试、完善。独立完成系统所有软件设计,包括:主程序设计,电池基本信息检测子程序设计,电池剩余电量卡尔曼滤波估算程序设计,电池状态检测子程序设计,CAN收发子程序设计,EEPROM读写子程序设计。 最后,在电动汽车上搭建实验平台,将铅酸蓄电池组与设计的软硬件系统联合进行调试、试验。测得了相关数据。试验结果表明,本文介绍的电池管理系统硬件电路可靠、经济、抗干扰能力强。可以实现:电池电压、电流、温度的模拟量采集;剩余电量的计算和电池状态的判断;实时显示,故障时报警等BMS相关功能。
上传时间: 2013-06-11
并行总线PATA从设计至今已快20年历史,如今它的缺陷已经严重阻碍了系统性能的进一步提高,已被串行ATA(Serial ATA)即SATA总线所取代。SATA作为新一代磁盘接口总线,采用点对点方式进行数据传输,内置数据/命令校验单元,支持热插拔,具有150MB/s(SATA1.0)或300MB/s(SATA2.0)的传输速度。目前SATA已在存储领域广泛应用,但国内尚无独立研发的面向FPGA的SATAIP CORE,在这样的条件下设计面向FPGA应用的SATA IP CORE具有重要的意义。 本论文对协议进行了详细的分析,建立了SATA IP CORE的层次结构,将设备端SATA IP CORE划分成应用层、传输层、链路层和物理层;介绍了实现该IPCORE所选择的开发工具、开发语言和所选用的芯片;在此基础上着重阐述协议IP CORE的设计,并对各个部分的设计予以分别阐述,并编码实现;最后进行综合和测试。 采用FPGA集成硬核RocketIo MGT(RocketIo Multi-Gigabit Transceiver)实现了1.5Gbps的串行传输链路;设计满足协议需求、适合FPGA设计的并行结构,实现了多状态机的协同工作:在高速设计中,使用了流水线方法进行并行设计,以提高速度,考虑到系统不同部分复杂度的不同,设计采用部分流水线结构;采用在线逻辑分析仪Chipscope pro与SATA总线分析仪进行片上调试与测试,使得调试工作方便快捷、测试数据准确;严格按照SATA1.0a协议实现了SATA设备端IP CORE的设计。 最终测试数据表明,本论文设计的基于FPGA的SATA IP CORE满足协议需求。设计中的SATA IP CORE具有使用方便、集成度高、成本低等优点,在固态电子硬盘SSD(Solid-State Disk)开发中应用本设计,将使开发变得方便快捷,更能够适应市场需求。
上传时间: 2013-06-21
上传时间: 2013-04-24