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  • 应用于Fttx中的核心光模块技术

    FTTx network architectureThe core technology of optical chips in the FTTx transceiversThe core technology of optical transceiver in FTTxThe trend of Next-generation optical transceiver Technology for FTTx

    标签: Fttx 应用于 光模块 核心

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • Heart-RateFitness Monitors Go Wireless

    Abstract: This article explains the recent trend in heart-rate and fitness monitors to go wireless toeliminate cables to allow free movement, and allow convenient data collection without the need to plug intheir devices. It details a typical wireless system, using the MAX1472 crystal-referenced phase-lockedloop (PLL) VHF/UHF transmitter.

    标签: Heart-RateFitness Monitors Wireless Go

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • WP151 - Xilinx FPGA的System ACE配置解决方案

    Design techniques for electronic systems areconstantly changing. In industries at the heart of thedigital revolution, this change is especially acute.Functional integration, dramatic increases incomplexity, new standards and protocols, costconstraints, and increased time-to-market pressureshave bolstered both the design challenges and theopportunities to develop modern electronic systems.One trend driving these changes is the increasedintegration of core logic with previously discretefunctions to achieve higher performance and morecompact board designs.

    标签: System Xilinx FPGA 151

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • XAPP328-使用CPLD设计MP3播放器

      MP3 portable players are the trend in music-listening technology. These players do not includeany mechanical movements, thereby making them ideal for listening to music during any type ofactivity. MP3 is a digital compression technique based on MPEG Layer 3 which stores music ina lot less space than current CD technology. Software is readily available to create MP3 filesfrom an existing CD, and the user can then download these files into a portable MP3 player tobe enjoyed in almost any environment.

    标签: XAPP CPLD 328 MP3

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • CQUPT 毕业设计。 题目是usb数据采集系统的应用程序

    CQUPT 毕业设计。 题目是usb数据采集系统的应用程序,用的vb6 。使用了周立功提供的动态链接库文件 easyd12.dll 采集的数据使用控件trend.ocx实现动态的显示。这个控件是由世纪飞扬图形仪表组件提供的,我使用的是适用版本。因为控件整个比较大,请到http://www.cstsoft.com 其主页去下载。或者在cmd窗口用regsvr32注册该组件,否则程序打开后无法加载该组件。 采集的数据放在数据库中,数据库文件为office中的access制作,名字为datas.mdb,可以用access打开。 驱动为飞利浦test程序带的,也可以用windriver自己生成一个。 固件程序根据周立功的程序更改的,加入了adc0809部分程序和通道选择等。具体电路图可以参考usb.pdf 有什么问题请发邮件leiyu310@126.com

    标签: CQUPT usb 毕业设计 数据采集系统

    上传时间: 2016-07-23


  • sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switc

    sim 文件系统In addition, its quality of service reduces because of reliance on traditional circuit-switched network elements. At that former time, people hoped to build a based system, which could access a centralized server network, would always have access to the latest traffic information and could provide web links. What this trend is a momentous request for mobile services based on high-speed packet data transfer. Hence, a new standard, GPRS, came into being in order to fill people’s bill.

    标签: circuit-switc traditional addition reliance

    上传时间: 2016-10-08


  • 6LoWPAN+The+Wireless+Embedded+Internet

    The Internet of Things is considered to be the next big opportunity, and challenge, for the Internet engineering community, users of technology, companies and society as a whole. It involves connecting embedded devices such as sensors, home appliances, weather stations and even toys to Internet Protocol (IP) based networks. The number of IP-enabled embedded devices is increasing rapidly, and although hard to estimate, will surely outnumber the number of personal computers (PCs) and servers in the future. With the advances made over the past decade in microcontroller,low-power radio, battery and microelectronic technology, the trend in the industry is for smart embedded devices (called smart objects) to become IP-enabled, and an integral part of the latest services on the Internet. These services are no longer cyber, just including data created by humans, but are to become very connected to the physical world around us by including sensor data, the monitoring and control of machines, and other kinds of physical context. We call this latest frontier of the Internet, consisting of wireless low-power embedded devices, the Wireless Embedded Internet. Applications that this new frontier of the Internet enable are critical to the sustainability, efficiency and safety of society and include home and building automation, healthcare, energy efficiency, smart grids and environmental monitoring to name just a few.

    标签: Embedded Internet Wireless 6LoWPAN The

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Ambient Networks

    One traditional view of how wireless networks evolve is of a continuous, inevitable progres- sion to higher link speeds, combined with greater mobility over wider areas. This standpoint certainly captures the development from first and second generation cellular systems focused on voice support, and the early short-range wireless data networks, through to today’s 3G cellular and mobile broadband systems; there is every confidence that the trend will continue some way into the future. 

    标签: Networks Ambient

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • LTE-Advanced+DRX+Mechanism

    Today, our everyday life is almost impossible to detach from the influence of wireless mobile communication technologies. This global trend is growing exponentially, and the mobile-only data traffic is expected to exceed stationary data traffic. However, for further development of mobile communication, there is a major obstacle to overcome, which is the resource-paucity of portable devices relative to stationary hardware.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Mechanism DRX

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Propagation Channel Characterization

    The investigation of the propagation channel is becoming more and more important in mod- ern wireless communication. The demand for spectral efficiency motivates exploitation of all channels that can possibly be used for communications. Nowadays, a common trend for designing physical layer algorithms is to adapt the transceiving strategy, either by maximizing the diversity gains or by utilizing the coherence of the channels to improve the signal-to-noise power ratio.

    标签: Characterization Propagation Channel

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
