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  • 由delphi实现的bt下载器示例程序

    由delphi实现的bt下载器示例程序,带全部源码和BT协议 包中文件说明: BTDemo.dpr, BTDemoF.pas, BTDemoF.dfm -- 一个简单的bt下载器,支持多个.torrent文件同时下载 btutils.pas -- 核心bt组件 DCP*.pas -- SHA算法源码(复制自DEC组件包) InetUtils.pas -- 提供Internet下载的函数库 SimpleSocks.pas -- socket组件(TCP) SortLists.pas -- 排序的List组件 ThreadTimer.pas -- 定时器与线程池 DelayLists.pas -- 一个延时5秒再释放Object的队列 FastShareMem.pas, MemPools.pas, ShareGlobals.inc -- 由ThreadTimer内部使用 Bit torrent Specification.htm -- BT协议文档

    标签: delphi 下载器 程序

    上传时间: 2015-09-10


  • bt下载软件


    标签: 下载软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • This guide is an attempt to compile a lot of that information in here and dummy it down. Perhaps it

    This guide is an attempt to compile a lot of that information in here and dummy it down. Perhaps it s a fairly common show, perhaps not. It might have even been a show that you taped. Whatever the case, you want to share it with others bur aren t quite sure how. This guide should be your answer. This guide is geared towards posting a show at SharingTheGroove.org. The instructions contained within are for that site. Other sites hosting BT shows may have slightly different procedures for getting the torrent to them. However, torrent creation will be the same. While this guide is being written with audio concerts in mind, the same holds true for the video section of The Groove.

    标签: information Perhaps attempt compile

    上传时间: 2013-12-19
