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  • brew you can hear sound tone

    brew you can hear sound tone

    标签: sound brew hear tone

    上传时间: 2017-07-17


  • hi.. this will send a 1kHz sinewave tone to ouput with led on for 10sec.

    hi.. this will send a 1kHz sinewave tone to ouput with led on for 10sec.

    标签: sinewave ouput 1kHz this

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • 多音频讯号的量测及分析系统--DAQ Card的应用

    量测/测试所面临之问题 此测试验证上,要使用NI公司之LAB VIEW及DAQ CARD来取代AUDIO PRECISION及其所附软体ATS。首先需克服硬体解析度上的差异,再来是FFT(FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM,快速传立业转换)演算未予的撰写,这将会影响MULTI-tone讯号上PEAK值的侦测。另外,以RS-232为I/O介面,并呼叫客户所提供之DLL档来与DUT内的IC沟通,但因LAB VIEW无法直接呼叫其STRUCTURE,故需用VC++再编译一层新的DLL来供LAB VIEW使用。

    标签: Card DAQ 音频讯号

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • 数字卫星设备控制兼容的天线供电系统设计

    Abstract: This application note discusses a design for a phantom antenna power-supply system compatible with theDigital Satellite Equipment Control (DiSEqC) communication standard, using the MAX16948 automotive dual, highvoltageLDO/switch. The presented application circuit provides a remote antenna power supply and also enables onewaycommunication from the radio head unit to the remote antenna. This system architecture offers flexibility inDiSEqC tone-burst frequency choice (100Hz to 30kHz), enabling users the ability to select the best frequency for theirapplication.

    标签: 数字卫星 控制 兼容 供电系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • Arduino 328控制板制作音乐

       要生产音频脉冲,只要算出某一音频的周期(1/频率),可以利用定时器计时的方式得到此频率的脉冲。而Arduino平台“封装”了新的数字输出函数tone()。更简易的实现喇叭和蜂鸣器唱歌。 tone(pin, frequency),Arduino会向指定pin发送制定频率的方波,执行notone()函数来停止。 tone(pin, frequency, duration方法多了一个参数,代表发送方波持续的时间,到时自动停止发送信号,就不需要notone()函数。 利用tone()函数播放音乐,只需要查表了解各个音符对应的频率,还要求个人稍微能看懂音乐谱子的节拍。 物料清单 : Arduino 328控制板 1块 8Ω 0.5W的喇叭(或者蜂鸣器) 1个(ATmega328的驱动能力足够,直接拉电流就ok!) 12Ω电阻(限流) 1个 实物图:

    标签: Arduino 328 控制板 制作音乐

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • MT8870

    MT8870 音调译码器(tone Decoder)是MITEL 公司所开发生产为一颗常用复频译码IC,DTMF解码器

    标签: 8870 MT

    上传时间: 2017-08-10


  • TMS320VC5416-DSK-example

    A simple example of audio signal processing on TMS320VC5416 USB DSK board. Main source is contained in tone.c file, memory configuration - tonecfg.cmd. Folder docs/ contains useful docmentation on board, its components and libraries. The example's configuration is based on example "tone" from Code Composer Studio's 3.1 example for 5416 DSK.

    标签: DSK-example 5416 TMS 320 VC

    上传时间: 2017-09-29


  • MT2625 datasheet v1.2

    MT2625 DatasheetVersion: 1.2Release date: 31 January 2018NB-IoT transceiver• Compliant with 3GPP R13/R14 NB-IoT standard• Supports DL 200kHz bandwidth/UL single tone and multi-tone• Supported RF bands: B1/B2/B3/B5/B8/B11/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B21/B25/B26/B28/B31/B66/B70/B71• Supports PSM and eDRX modeMicrocontroller subsystem• ARM® Cortex®-M4 with FPU and MPU• 14 DMA channels• One RTC timer, one 64-bit and five 32-bit general purpose timers• Development support: SWD, JTAG• Crypto engineo AES 128, 192, 256 bitso DES, 3DESo MD5, SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512• True random number generator• JTAG password protection

    标签: MT2625

    上传时间: 2022-07-04
