包含一下内容: * An extensible agent * An SNMP library * tools to request or set information from SNMP agents * tools to generate and handle SNMP traps * a version of the unix netstat command using SNMP * a graphical Perl/Tk/SNMP based mib browser
标签: SNMP information extensible library
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Support is available from MIPS Technologies Inc. - problems should be addressed to support@mips.com。This product may be controlled for export purposes. You may not export, or transfer for the purpose of reexport, any technical data received hereunder or the product produced by use of such technical data, including processes and services (the "product"), in violation of any U.S. or foreign regulation, treaty, Executive Order, law, statute, amendment or supplement thereto. Further, you may not export the product to any prohibited or embargoed country or to any denied, blocked, or designated person or entity as mentioned in any applicable U.S. or foreign regulation, treaty, Executive Order, law, statute, amendment or supplement thereto.
标签: Technologies available addressed problems
上传时间: 2014-01-24
convert.asm: 1.From ASCII resp. BCD to binary 2.From binary to ASCII resp. BCD 3.From binary to Hex-ASCII Bin_Bcd.c: uchar BcdToBin(uchar val) uchar BinToBcd(uchar val)
上传时间: 2015-04-29
标签: Beginning Apress Linux SUSE
上传时间: 2015-05-09
Create a time protocol over Client/Server Environment by sending request about time to server from client and the server will response to give the correct time back to the client.
标签: time Environment protocol sending
上传时间: 2015-05-23
binary_to_bcd is used for translating from binare to bcd.
标签: binary_to_bcd translating binare from
上传时间: 2014-11-17
Frequency Scale Conversion From f To f Scale frq2mel mel2frq mel The mel scale is based on the human perception of sinewave pitch. frq2erb erb2frq erb The erb scale is based on the equivalent rectangular bandwidths of the human ear. frq2midi midi2frq midi The midi standard specifies a numbering of semitones with middle C being 60. They can use the normal equal tempered scale or else the pythagorean scale of just intonation. They will in addition output note names in a character format.
标签: Scale Conversion Frequency mel
上传时间: 2015-06-07
Routine mampres: To obtain amplitude response from h(exp(jw)). input parameters: h :n dimensioned complex array. the frequency response is stored in h(0) to h(n-1). n :the dimension of h and amp. fs :sampling frequency (Hz). iamp:If iamp=0: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=abs(h(k)) If iamp=1: The Amplitude Res. amp(k)=20.*alog10(abs(h(k))). output parameters: amp :n dimensioned real array. the amplitude-frequency response is stored in amp(0) to amp(n-1). Note: this program will generate a data file "filename.dat" . in chapter 2
标签: dimensione parameters amplitude response
上传时间: 2013-12-19
From Windows to Linux. 指引开发者走向Linux的路线图。
上传时间: 2013-12-21
This program uses a button to load a document from a URL
标签: document program button This
上传时间: 2015-07-03