上传时间: 2015-06-22
If you re like me, you re excited by what people do with template metaprogramming (tmp) but are frustrated at the lack of clear guidance and powerful tools. Well, this is the book we ve been waiting for. With help from the excellent Boost Metaprogramming Library, David and Aleksey take tmp from the laboratory to the workplace with readable prose and practical examples, showing that "compile-time STL" is as able as its runtime counterpart. Serving as a tutorial as well as a handbook for experts, this is the book on C++ template metaprogramming."Chuck Allison, Editor, The C++ Source
标签: metaprogramming you template excited
上传时间: 2016-07-20
Parses UK Profile 1.05/1.06 Object Carousel and saves files to disk (all stored under /tmp/cache at the moment). The files are the scripts and text/image data for MHEG5, the interactive(ish) element of digital TV. At the moment the MHEG scripts are not parsed, so to duplicate that interactive experience, speedy usage of "cat" and "xv" is recommended.
标签: Carousel Profile Parses Object
上传时间: 2014-01-14
FreeWRLduneInputDevice和FreeWRL一起可以让用户用带有6DoF的输入设备检索3D VRML/X3D数据。它基于FreeWRL的"/tmp/inpdev"扩展传感器输入接口和white_dune的输入设备机制。
标签: FreeWRL FreeWRLduneInputDevice inpdev 6DoF
上传时间: 2013-11-29
MPLAB X IDE v5.40-XC8编译器的下载链接包括百度的和tmp.link的
上传时间: 2022-05-02
#include <reg51.h>#include<intrins.h> #define BUSY1 (DQ1==0) sbit DQ1 = P0^4; unsigned char idata tmp; unsigned char idata tmp_d; unsigned char f; void wr_ds18_1(char dat);unsigned char rd_ds18_1(); /***************延时程序,单位us,大于10us*************/void time_delay(unsigned char time){ time=time-10; time=time/6; while(time!=0)time--;} /*****************************************************//* reset ds18b20 *//*****************************************************/void ds_reset_1(void){ unsigned char idata count=0; DQ1=0; time_delay(240); time_delay(240); DQ1=1; return;}
上传时间: 2013-10-29
16 16点阵显示汉字原理及显示程序 #include "config.h" #define DOTLED_LINE_PORT PORTB #define DOTLED_LINE_DDR DDRB #define DOTLED_LINE_PIN PINB #define DOTLED_LINE_SCKT PB1 #define DOTLED_LINE_SCKH PB5 #define DOTLED_LINE_SDA PB3 #define DOTLED_ROW_PORT PORTC #define DOTLED_ROW_DDR DDRC #define DOTLED_ROW_PIN PINC #define DOTLED_ROW_A0 PC0 #define DOTLED_ROW_A1 PC1 #define DOTLED_ROW_A2 PC2 #define DOTLED_ROW_A3 PC3 #define DOTLED_ROW_E PC4 uint8 font[] = { /*-- 调入了一幅图像:这是您新建的图像 --*/ /*-- 宽度x高度=16x16 --*/ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x38,0x18,0x44,0x08,0x44,0x08,0x04,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x10, 0x08,0x20,0x08,0x40,0x08,0x40,0x08,0x40,0x3E,0x7C,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }; static void TransmitByte(uint8 byte); static void SelectRow(uint8 row); static void FlipLatchLine(void); static void TransmitByte(uint8 byte) { uint8 i; for(i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++) { if(byte & (1 << i)) { DOTLED_LINE_PORT |= _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SDA); } else { DOTLED_LINE_PORT &= ~_BV(DOTLED_LINE_SDA); } //__delay_cycles(100); DOTLED_LINE_PORT |= _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKH); //__delay_cycles(100); DOTLED_LINE_PORT &= ~_BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKH); //__delay_cycles(100); } } static void SelectRow(uint8 row) { //row -= 1; row |= DOTLED_ROW_PIN & 0xe0; DOTLED_ROW_PORT = row; } static void FlipLatchLine(void) { DOTLED_LINE_PORT |= _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKT); DOTLED_LINE_PORT &= ~_BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKT); } void InitDotLedPort(void) { DOTLED_LINE_PORT &= ~(_BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKT) | _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKH)); DOTLED_LINE_PORT |= _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SDA); DOTLED_LINE_DDR |= _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKT) | _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SCKH) | _BV(DOTLED_LINE_SDA); DOTLED_ROW_PORT |= 0x1f; DOTLED_ROW_PORT &= 0xf0; DOTLED_ROW_DDR |= 0x1f; } void EnableRow(boolean IsEnable) { if(IsEnable) { DOTLED_ROW_PORT &= ~_BV(DOTLED_ROW_E); } else { DOTLED_ROW_PORT |= _BV(DOTLED_ROW_E); } } void PrintDotLed(uint8 * buffer) { uint8 i , tmp; for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++) { tmp = *buffer ++; TransmitByte(~tmp); tmp = *buffer ++; TransmitByte(~tmp); SelectRow(i); FlipLatchLine(); } } void main(void) { InitDotLedPort(); EnableRow(TRUE); while(1) { PrintDotLed(font); __delay_cycles(5000); } } //---------------------------------------------------- config.h文件 #ifndef _CONFIG_H #define _CONFIG_H //#define GCCAVR #define CPU_CYCLES 7372800L #ifndef GCCAVR #define _BV(bit) (1 << (bit)) #endif #define MSB 0x80 #define LSB 0x01 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned int uint16; typedef unsigned long uint32; typedef unsigned char boolean; #include <ioavr.h> #include <inavr.h> #include "dotled.h" #endif //-----
上传时间: 2013-11-18
C++完美演绎 经典算法 如 /* 头文件:my_Include.h */ #include <stdio.h> /* 展开C语言的内建函数指令 */ #define PI 3.1415926 /* 宏常量,在稍后章节再详解 */ #define circle(radius) (PI*radius*radius) /* 宏函数,圆的面积 */ /* 将比较数值大小的函数写在自编include文件内 */ int show_big_or_small (int a,int b,int c) { int tmp if (a>b) { tmp = a a = b b = tmp } if (b>c) { tmp = b b = c c = tmp } if (a>b) { tmp = a a = b b = tmp } printf("由小至大排序之后的结果:%d %d %d\n", a, b, c) } 程序执行结果: 由小至大排序之后的结果:1 2 3 可将内建函数的include文件展开在自编的include文件中 圆圈的面积是=201.0619264
标签: my_Include include define 3.141
上传时间: 2014-01-17
破解V2手机卡软件 以东V2卡可解了,全国3创解卡技术,移动从05年下半年起采用了V2的卡,现有的解卡软件都不能解出KI,经过专家人士2年多的研究,终于可以解移动V2卡了,首先用Cnmk.Net_V2卡信息收集器.exe信息分析软件,当软件出"恭喜你,此卡可破解,请将该程序同目录下的alg.tmp文件保存好并与作者联系!"的提示时说明此卡有解,你可将alg.tmp文件传给我,我通过专用的软件分析提供的文件,得到一对KI提供给你,你就可以用woron scan 1.09软件获得完整的KI.如果提示"此为V1卡,请用simscan破解!",那你可以用simscan破解,如果提示为V1卡,又不能解也可联系我!本方式解卡不用寄卡,不用担心泄密,由于读卡是由用户自己读卡,而且提供的文件只包含及少信息,仅可算出KI的一对,因此不会因为解卡而泄漏卡的KI信息.
上传时间: 2015-12-29
一个自制的生物信息学程序。 这个程序目的是在基因组文件bsubt168_whole.nuc(部分)中查找设置文件ss.ini所记录的短核苷酸序列CTTAAG(这种短核苷酸一般称寡核苷酸)及其互补序列在该基因组的每10000个碱基中出现的次数。 程序先将碰到的寡核苷酸及其互补序列的位置保存在临时文件ss.tmp中,然后利用这个文件统计每10000个碱基中它们的出现次数并记录在ss.csv中(可用excel打开)。如果某10000个碱基中的出现次数为0,则不被记录。
上传时间: 2014-01-26