this paper is about software of time-limit
标签: time-limit software paper about
上传时间: 2013-12-05
词典 Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:2349 Accepted:603 Description 你旅游到了一个国外的城市。那里的人们说的外国语言你不能理解。不过幸运的是,你有一本词典可以帮助你。 Input 首先输入一个词典,词典中包含不超过100000个词条,每个词条占据一行。每一个词条包括一个英文单词和一个外语单词,两个单词之间用一个空格隔开。而且在词典中不会有某个外语单词出现超过两次。词典之后是一个空行,然后给出一个由外语单词组成的文档,文档不超过100000行,而且每行只包括一个外语单词。输入中出现单词只包括小写字母,而且长度不会超过10。 Output 在输出中,你需要把输入文档翻译成英文,每行输出一个英文单词。如果某个外语单词不在词典中,就把这个单词翻译成“eh”。 Sample Input dog ogday cat atcay pig igpay froot ootfray loops oopslay atcay ittenkay oopslay Sample Output cat eh loops Hint 输入比较大,推荐使用C语言的I / O函数。
标签: Limit Description Accepted 65536K
上传时间: 2016-02-22
Problem D:合唱队形 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1237 Accepted:437 Language: not limited Description N位同学站成一排,音乐老师要请其中的(N-K)位同学出列,使得剩下的K位同学排成合唱队形。 合唱队形是指这样的一种队形:设K位同学从左到右依次编号为1,2…,K,他们的身高分别为T1,T2,…,TK, 则他们的身高满足T1 < T2 < ...< Ti > Ti+1 > … >TK(1<=i<=K)。 你的任务是,已知所有N位同学的身高,计算最少需要几位同学出列,可以使得剩下的同学排成合唱队形。 Input 输入包含若干个测试用例。 对于每个测试用例,输入第一行是一个整数N(2<=N<=100),表示同学的总数。第二行有N个整数,用空格分隔,第i个整数Ti(130<=Ti<=230)是第i位同学的身高(厘米)。当输入同学总数N为0时表示输入结束。 Output 对于每个测试案例,输出包括一行,这一行只包含一个整数,就是最少需要几位同学出列。 Sample Input 8 186 186 150 200 160 130 197 220 3 150 130 140 0 Sample Output 4 1
标签: Limit Accepted Language Problem
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Problem F:汽车加油 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1400 Accepted:404 Language: not limited Description 一辆汽车加满油后可行驶n公里。旅途中有若干个加油站。设计一个有效算法,指出应在哪些加油站停靠加油,使沿途加油次数最少。 编程任务: 对于给定的n和k(k <= 10000)个加油站位置,编程计算最少加油次数。 Input 第一行有2 个正整数n和k,表示汽车加满油后可行驶n公里,且旅途中有k个加油站。接下来的1 行中,有k+1 个整数,表示第k个加油站与第 k-1 个加油站之间的距离。第0 个加油站表示出发地,汽车已加满油。第k+1 个加油站表示目的地。 Output 输出最少加油次数。如果无法到达目的地,则输出”No Solution”。 Sample Input 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 6 Sample Output 4
标签: Limit Accepted Language Problem
上传时间: 2016-04-12
For solving the following problem: "There is No Free Lunch" Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB One day, CYJJ found an interesting piece of commercial from newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of "Lunch Special" which was said that one could "buy one get two for free". That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by di with price pi , you may get the two neighboring dishes di-1 and di+1 for free! If you pick up d1, then you may get d2 and the last one dn for free, and if you choose the last one dn, you may get dn-1 and d1 for free. However, after investigation CYJJ realized that there was no free lunch at all. The price pi of the i-th dish was actually calculated by adding up twice the cost ci of the dish and half of the costs of the two "free" dishes. Now given all the prices on the menu, you are asked to help CYJJ find the cost of each of the dishes.
标签: Limit following solving problem
上传时间: 2014-01-12
Problem A:放苹果 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1094 Accepted:441 Language: not limited Description 把M个同样的苹果放在N个同样的盘子里,允许有的盘子空着不放,问共有多少种不同的分法?(用K表示)5,1,1和1,5,1 是同一种分法。 Input 第一行是测试数据的数目t(0 <= t <= 20)。以下每行均包含二个整数M和N,以空格分开。1<=M,N<=10。 Output 对输入的每组数据M和N,用一行输出相应的K。 Sample Input 1 7 3 Sample Output 8
标签: Limit Accepted Language Problem
上传时间: 2016-11-30
Tic Tac Toe程序。可以供一到两个玩家使用。程序中使用了visual basic 计时器,所以每一个步骤都有时间限制。此外,计算机可是一个有简单智能的对手,他不但不会随便出手,反而还要竭力赢了你才罢休。 Tic Tac Toe program. One or two players. It uses the visual basic timer, so each move has time limit. Simple artificial intelligence: computer does not play randomly, but "tries" to win and stop you from winning.
上传时间: 2015-04-11
These codes require an ASCII input file called input.dat of the following form: Lower Limit on x Upper Limit on x Final Time Pressure for x<0 when t=0 Density for x<0 when t=0 Speed for x<0 when t=0 Pressure for x>0 when t=0 Density for x>0 when t=0 Speed for x>0 when t=0 These codes produce 8 ASCII output files: density.out. Density vs. x entropy.out. Entropy vs. x mach.out. Mach number vs. x massflux.out. Mass flux vs. x pressure.out. Pressure vs. x sound.out. Speed-of-sound vs. x velocity.out. Velocity vs. x waves.out. A description of the solution in terms of the three waves defined in the book (+,-,0).
标签: input following require called
上传时间: 2017-09-21
从时域分析比较了ofdm和stbc与ofdm结合的性能差别-from time-domain analysis and comparison of OFDM stbc OFDM combined wi
上传时间: 2013-06-05
高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-noise sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.
上传时间: 2013-10-24