iptables is a firewall onlinux operating system iptables has three tables filter mangle NAT and the document describes how to make rules for them
标签: iptables operating firewall onlinux
上传时间: 2014-01-23
We obtained the energy transport velocity distribution for a three dimensional ideal cloak explicitly. Near the operation frequency, the energy transport velocity has rather peculiar distribution. The velocity along a line joining the origin of the cloak is a constant, while the velocity approaches zero at the inner boundary of the cloak. A ray pointing right into the origin of the cloak will experience abrupt changes of velocities when it impinges on the inner surface of the cloak. This peculiar distribution causes long time delays for beams passing through the ideal cloak within a geometric optics description.
标签: distribution dimensional transport obtained
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Robust principal component analysis for non-centered data
标签: non-centered principal component analysis
上传时间: 2017-03-31
This the Firmware code for the ADE7758 for the PIC Micro controller for the computation of three phase parameters.
标签: the for computation controller
上传时间: 2017-04-01
Introduction Sometimes you may collide with the following problem: a third-party binary component or control embedded into your application displays windows (usually message boxes) that hang your code until they are closed. If you do not have the source code of this binary and one does not have a good API to change one’s bad behaviour programmatically, it can be a real headache using the one. A famous example of such a binary is the WebBrowser control in .NET.
标签: Introduction third-party Sometimes following
上传时间: 2013-12-31
this is a matlab code for blind source separation using independent component analysis
标签: independent separation component analysis
上传时间: 2017-04-01
Source code for cnc controlling three dimentioal machine
标签: controlling dimentioal machine Source
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This program reads from an sensor the temperature and display it on three leds-segment. It uses microcontroller pic16876.
标签: leds-segment temperature program display
上传时间: 2017-04-04
very simple nonvisual Delphi component useful for shareware program developing. It uses crypted license files containing information about exe file (size and crc), expired date and any additional information. As TArtLicense uses RSA asymmetric algorithm and TArtLicense knows only decryption key, nobody can change information inside license file.
标签: developing nonvisual component shareware
上传时间: 2017-04-08
ArtFormula package contains two nonvisual Delphi component for symbolic expression parsing and evaluation. Provides runtime scripting engine for automating your programs.
标签: ArtFormula expression component nonvisual
上传时间: 2013-12-08