PTypes (C++ Portable Types Library) is a simple alternative to the STL that includes multithreading and networking. It defines dynamic strings, variants, character sets, lists and other basic data types along with threads, synchronization objects, IP sockets and named pipes. PTypes also offers message queues as an alternative method of thread synchronization. Its main `target audience is developers of complex network daemons, robots or non-visual client/server applications of any kind
标签: multithreading alternative Portable includes
上传时间: 2016-03-25
上传时间: 2013-12-10
GNU Common C++ is a very portable and highly optimized class framework for writing C++ applications that need to use threads and support concurrent sychronization, and that use sockets, XML parsing, object serialization, thread-optimized String and data structure classes, etc. This framework offers a class foundation that hides platform differences from your C++ application so that you need not write platform specific code. GNU Common C++ has been ported to compile nativily on most platforms which support either posix threads, or on maybe be used with Debian hosted mingw32 to build native threading applications for Microsoft Windows.
标签: applications framework optimized portable
上传时间: 2014-01-02
这是本人在工作中积累的VC++类库,适用于vs2003及以上开发工具,其中 thread 和 Delegate 是从C#中得到的灵感, 还有一些是在使用开源代码或其它语言时得到的启发和灵感。个人认为部分代码还算好用,所以拿来分享一下。
上传时间: 2016-07-09
sourceforge历史版本完整下载: 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据库模块详见storage/目录下面的 btree.c与pager.c container目录为常用的容器实现,如果rbtree avltree map heap list vector hashtable deque T树 B树, test目录为测试程序代码经过初步测试,比较稳定。 os_api:装一些操作系统相关的接口函数。已完成event mutex sem thread pipe相关的封装 advance_container:提供优先级消息队列,普通消息队列,定时器容器。 frame:目前提供了listerner(linux下版本,模仿ace的反应器)定时器 algorithm:补充了堆排序 与快速排序 所有代码均已在windows linux与uclinux + arm44b0平台下测试 欢迎交流
标签: sourceforge showfiles group_id project
上传时间: 2016-07-16
直线拟合与多项式拟合 涉及:《数值计算》等相关课程的基础内容 共两个例子,分别是直线拟合与多项式拟合。 转载自百思论坛
上传时间: 2016-07-27
上传时间: 2013-12-02
Using JAVA Netbean 6.1 to create ChatRoom GUI. This application can learn how to use Netbean IDE and operate the thread API.
标签: Netbean application ChatRoom create
上传时间: 2016-09-25
用c語言,在linux上create 1000個thread去ping某一台主機。
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Write a multithreaded Java, Pthreads, or WIN32 program that outputs prime numbers. This program should work as follows: The user will run the program and will enter a number on the command line. The program will then create a separate thread that outputs all the prime numbers less than or equal to the number entered by the user.
标签: program multithreaded Pthreads numbers
上传时间: 2013-12-21