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  • Mobile+Communications+An+Introduction+to+New+Media

    Do you have a mobile phone? We thINk you probably do, one way or another. We would also guess that you might use it for many diff erent things in the course of your everyday life—as a telephone certainly, but also as an address book, as a clock or watch, as a camera, or now as a connection to your computer, email and the internet. Th ere will be a range of people you use it to contact (or not), and various strategies you use to take calls—or send texts, or take photos, or receive emails, or search online (or not, in diff erent situations). Th ere are also likely to be a range of social relation- ships in your life that your mobile phone helps to maintain—or disrupts, or inter- venes in, or makes possible, or complicates, or just plain helps to handle.

    标签: Communications Introduction Mobile Media New An to

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • SDN Software Defined Networks

    The first question most readers of an O’Reilly book might ask is about the choice of the cover animal. In this case, “why a duck?” Well, for the record, our first choice was a unicorn decked out in glitter and a rainbow sash. That response always gets a laugh (we are sure you just giggled a little), but it also brings to the surface a common perception of software-defined networks among many expe‐ rienced network professionals. Although we thINk there is some truth to this perception, there is certainly more meat than myth to this unicorn.

    标签: Networks Software Defined SDN

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Receiver Architectures and Design

    The advent of modern wireless devices, such as smart phones and MID 1 terminals, has revolutionized the way people thINk of personal connectivity. Such devices encompass multiple applications ranging from voice and video to high-speed data transfer via wireless networks. The voracious appetite of twenty-first century users for supporting more wireless applications on a single device is ever increasing. These devices employ multiple radios and modems that cover multiple frequency bands and multiple standards with a manifold of wireless applications often running simultaneously. 

    标签: Architectures Wireless Receiver Design and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Industrial Network Security

    I would like to thank you for purchasing the second edition of “Industrial Network Security,” especially if you are one of the many supporters of the first edition. When the second edition was announced, many people asked me, “why a second edition?” and even more followed that up with, “and why a coauthor?” These ques- tions are harder to answer than you would thINk.

    标签: Industrial Security Network

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    With all the recent hype over radio frequency identification (RFID) and the requirements to implement it, you might thINk that RFID can turn water into wine, transform lead into gold, and cure the world’s diseases. You might also be worried that RFID will enable Big Brother to track your move- ments to within a foot of your location from a satellite five hundred miles up in space. The truth is, RFID can do none of these things. In this chapter, you find out the basics of what RFID is, what forces are dri- ving RFID as a replacement for the bar code in the marketplace, and what benefits RFID can offer

    标签: ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+Essentials

    LIKE SO MANY OTHERS , THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN BECAUSE WE COULDN ’ T FIND ONE LIKE IT . We needed something to hand to all of those people who have come to us asking for “a good book to read on RFID.” When we looked for candidates we found some great books, but most were aimed at electrical engineers or top-level managers, with very little for those of us who are in between. This book is for developers, system and software architects, and project managers, as well as students and professionals in all of the industries impacted by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) who want to understand how this technology works. As the title suggests, this book is about RFID in general and not just the most recent developments; however, because so much is going on in the area of RFID for the supply chain and especially the Electronic Product Code (EPC), we have devoted consider- able space to these topics. Regardless of the type of RFID work you may be doing, we thINk you will find something useful here.

    标签: Essentials RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Beginning+C+for+Arduino

    I can remember buying my first electronic calculator. I was teaching a graduate level statistics course and I had to have a calculator with a square root function. Back in the late 1960s, that was a pretty high-end requirement for a calculator. I managed to purchase one at the “educational discount price” of $149.95! Now, I look down at my desk at an ATmega2560 that is half the size for less than a quarter of the cost and thINk of all the possibilities built into that piece of hardware. I am amazed by what has happened to everything from toasters to car engines. Who-da-thunk-it 40 years ago?

    标签: Beginning Arduino for

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Deep Learning---1

    Inventors have long dreamed of creating machines that thINk. This desire dates back to at least the time of ancient Greece. The mythical figures Pygmalion, Daedalus, and Hephaestus may all be interpreted as legendary inventors, and Galatea, Talos, and Pandora may all be regarded as artificial life ( , Ovid and Martin 2004 Sparkes 1996 Tandy 1997 ; , ; , ).

    标签: Learning Deep

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • thINk dsp, 基于python的数字信号处理原版

    Digital Signal Processing in Python基于python的数字信号处理原版,对于dsp算法的快速原型验证非常有帮助。

    标签: python dsp

    上传时间: 2022-04-28
